The Spiders, Part 2, holy
The Spiders, Part 2, holy shit.
originally posted by xowie
The Spiders, Part 2, holy shit.
originally posted by xowie
Our friends at The Nation have put together a nice package on globalized media, centered around a damning chart of conglomerated ownership put into perspective by NYU Prof. Mark Crispin Miller and supported by a bunch of great essays and a call for reform.
originally posted by xowie
via boing boing.
originally posted by xowie
Finally the 'War on Terrorism' is achieving its policy objectives. Osama bin Laden is looking haggard. We may not have caught him or brought him to justice but, at the cost of thousands of innocent Afghan lives, billions of dollars of US citizens' money and the civil liberties of the Free World, we have got him looking haggard.I remain, sir, Haggard of the Hindu Kush, by Terry ("Cardinal Biggles") Jones.
originally posted by xowie
NPR’s Morning Edition 12.31.01
Shazia Mirza is unique among standup comics. Mirza is a practicing Muslim – and a woman – who likes to poke fun at her own culture. “People ask me,” she says. “Why does your mother walk five steps behind your father? I say because he looks better from behind.” Join Morning Edition Monday to hear more of her unique humor.
The American Library Association has announced a third annual list of the Best Free Reference Web Sites.
Alarmed, perhaps, by such patent lunacy--and also by the danger that America's own coalition against terror, in which India and Pakistan have vied for leading roles, will be busted up--the White House, through its spokesman Ari Fleischer, counsels "restraint." India is unimpressed. Counsel of restraint from a nation that has just overthrown the government of one country and now has five or six more in its gunsights can hardly be expected to carry weight with one whose Parliament has been attacked, as it believes, by its enemy of almost half a century.Jonathan Schell's Letter From Ground Zero to "The Nation" serves as a concise and powerful primer on current conflicts which threaten to expand drastically.
When the Bush Administration began its war on terrorism, announcing that if you weren't with us you were against us, did it imagine that from the dizzying heights of its sole superpowerdom it would command the nations, rewarding some, raining bombs on others, and dominating all, according to its sole interest and pleasure? The nations have had other ideas. Preferring American practice to American preaching, they have taken up arms in their own causes, just as previously many built nuclear arsenals whose use again urgently threatens the world. We have not one unified war on terrorism but many clashing wars. It's hard to say which are more dangerous--those that, like Israel's, seek to join the American one or those that, like India's, seem to undercut it. All are burning out of control. For now, the instruments that alone might stop them--negotiation, treaties, a readiness to compromise, measures of disarmament--have been cast aside.
“Literary Traveler is an online magazine dedicated to the exploration of the literary imagination. We hope to bring you inspiring, informative, and unique articles about writers, and creative artists, and the places they traveled.”
What I read on my Blogger vacation: Ginger toonies. War on karaoke. Wynton Center. Al-Qaeda manual. Paul Battaglia. LA Weekly lists. How to subdue. “Strike Hard” campaign. Asteroid belt. The Metamorphosis.
originally posted by xowie
Poor White Racism (a reply to A Question of Privilege)
In order to put and end to poor white racism, you have to understand the situation of poor whites. You do not learn how a gun works by inspecting bullet holes, you inspect the gun. The gun metaphor is very appropriate for poor white racism, because poor white racism is a mindless weapon. Someone else is pulling the trigger. (…)Be sure to read the enlightening discussion that follows the article.
This kind of racism is unique from the garden variety racism that is typical of, say, the middle class or upper classes (i.e. the kind of racism that has at least the potential to be remedied by the kind of therapy group work that people like Chris Crass devote all their time to). Garden variety racism comes from a presumed, mostly unconscious sense of superiority, which is reenforced by the dominant culture, of course. Even certain kinds of “anti-racism” are really just manifestations of this garden variety racism (i.e. “I’m such a big- hearted white boy for ‘helping’ those poor people of color”). (…)
Just as avoiding the issue of racism is a cop out, making semi-mystical claims that racism is an uncurable disease that we may never be rid of, is also a cop out, it allows people to relinquish their responisbility for stoping it, it also allows people in the white left to shirk the hard, ugly, unpleasant, and often unrewarding work of really trying to put an end to racism amongst white people in general. Racism, like rape, is fundamentally about power. Poor white racism is both a conscious and an unconscious false expression of power by a powerless group over an even more powerless group. (…)
Because the white left is largely middle class we end up with the spectacle of white suburban ARA youth fighting white working class skinheads. We have the oddity of having white activists dealing with thier own racism, or insisting that “everyone is oppressed”, but refusing to organize in poor white communities because those communities are racist and sexist.
FYI for those, like us, still dependent on Blogger:
Blogger has had a security breach. It appears no permanent damage has been done, but as a precaution, we advise you change your FTP password if you had it stored on Blogger. U: Also, it wouldn’t hurt to change your Blogger password, as well (go to one of your blogs, select team, and then click on your name).
De preacher was up preaching and he said, 'Every tongue got to confess; everybody got to stand in judgment for thyself; every tub got to stand on its own bottom.'New Book Unveils Hurston's Buried Treasure (
One little tee-ninchy woman in de amen corner said, 'Lordy, make my bottom wider.'
Iceland launches energy revolution (BBC News)
People my age will see the first steps towards the hydrogen economy. My children will watch the whole transformation. My grandchildren, when they are grown, will live in this new economy where Iceland will be totally independent of imported energy, and where all the energy in the country comes from clean renewables.
The various ZNet Watch Sites have been reorganized and collected into this great index page. The page is worth visiting for the A’s alone: activism watch, africa watch, alternative media watch, anarchy watch, animal rights watch.
Stop! It is illegal to spray graffiti here! We have just taken your photograph. We will use this photograph to prosecute you. Leave now!Camera Becomes New Weapon in War on Graffiti
Replica of WTC in Christmas lights.
originally posted by xowie
Saudi Arabia’s Apartheid (
One of the (still) untold stories is the cooperation of U.S. and other Western companies in enforcing sexual apartheid in Saudi Arabia. McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, and other U.S. firms, for instance, maintain strictly segregated eating zones in their restaurants. The men’s sections are typically lavish, comfortable and up to Western standards, whereas the women’s or families' sections are often run-down, neglected and, in the case of Starbucks, have no seats.
Stop American Billions for Israeli Bombs by Alisa Solomon. More here, here and here.
originally posted by xowie
Did you know? Some people enjoy sharing books via binary newsgroups and even p2p!
originally posted by xowie
Far out PYL home game. (No trivia questions, just prizes and whammies.)
originally posted by xowie
The primary goal of, the goal which all other goals serve, is to make the site fully conscious and self-aware by 2051.If anyone can do it, Paul Ford can.
Nathan Crombie -- who plays a creature called an orc in the blockbuster movie trilogy -- claimed he and a group of fellow actors got high EVERY DAY on ultra-strong grass called Thunderweed. They would sneak away between takes in New Zealand to smoke spliffs at the top of a tower on the set.My drugs hobbit. And here's one about porn. Ok?
originally posted by xowie
Mumia lives! Now let him disappear by Dan Kennedy. Harsh, with interesting links.
originally posted by xowie
Your own body is a phantom, one that your brain has temporarily constructed purely for convenience. I know this sounds astonishing, so I will demonstrate to you the malleability of your own body image and how you can alter it profoundly in just a few seconds.If you have a chance to try these Jedi mind tricks, let me know how it turns out.
Rachel’s Compendium of Online Book Discussions, et al. – “Currently there’s a lot of interest in book clubs, and, as far as I know, there’s no place on the Web to find a listing of all of them. Hence, I’ll give it a shot. To be a book club, in my mind, I believe there needs to be some type of time-sensitive element, and, preferably, some type of guided discussion. I’d further classify book clubs in four ways: Web-Based (text and comments on the web); Web-Enhanced (books read off-line and discussed via a web site); E-mail-Oriented (discussion occurring via an e-mail list); and Live Chat (via IRC or some other medium).” This page has a good set of links to mine for active book clubs and other resources.
Lone Wolf and Cub Ogami Action Figure “This is the main character of the classic manga saga. He comes complete with a detailed wheeled cart and Daigoro (Cub) figure, cloth banner with calligraphy, costume accessories (sandals, hat, cloth costume, etc.), and all the swords and other samurai weapons we see in the story, and is highly articulated. This figure stands 12 inches tall."
“like the needle… needle and spoon”
Palestine has finally been published. I wonder if it will sell out quickly given the Current Situation. You can order it from the publisher Fantagraphics which is probably the best option, or from Amazon if like me you don’t care about all those patents and things you pretend to care about when it’s fashionable.
It was a dark and stormy month… (
From his Oakland apartment, they watched in wonder as thousands of total strangers vehemently debated NaNoWriMo protocol and formed writing klatches groups on the official Yahoo site and dozens of unaffiliated ones. On MetaFilter, people posted queries such as “I wonder if it would be cheating to put together an outline before the November 1st start date?” and “Is it within the rules to use Benzedrine to fuel the fury?” There also were dissenters, who called the idea “fantastically horrible” and likely to produce “a stream-of-consciousness crapfest.” “I was avidly following all of these things with my mouth agape,” says Baty.
The full list of 110 films used to make the three-minute montage The Spirit of America. Oh, the patriotic three-minute montage, I should have said.
originally posted by xowie
At the gym and on the BART, San Francisco welcomes you.
originally posted by xowie
Phil Agre’s latest RRE pointers mailing includes links to some year-end “top ten” music lists. I’ve probably spent more time singing about the itsy-bitsy spider this year than I have listening to new music. What did I miss?
It looks like maybe 100,000 people, at least 80,000 people, most of them black, were not permitted to vote who had a legal right to vote in Florida. That story was simply not covered in the U.S. press. And that is how the election was won.Guerrilla News Network interviews Greg Palast.
Here’s how they did it:’s Selected Readings in Social Criticism is a stupendous directory of texts available online for your perusal and edification. Don’t miss the concise list of war on terrorism readings – an excellent primer of dissenting thought in these times of stifling conformity.
Lots of folks have linked to Owen Briggs' Design Rant recently but I just now got around to looking through it, and I see that this is crucial stuff – required reading for anyone involved with web design in any capacity.
I’ve heard a lot about how beautiful they are on Marketplace lately, but I hadn’t seen any Dutch banknotes before now. Wow.
The ritual consists of interested humans arriving at a predetermined Wal-Mart at 12 noon on the first Sunday of every month and proceeding to push empty shopping carts slowly and silently through the aisles. Eventually, all of the participants locate one another and form a single-file chain of anti-shoppers which weaves, wanders, and whirls throughout the different departments of the store for about an hour. Overall, it is a soothing and fun experience for the actors, and perhaps a memorable spectacle for shoppers. It is a collective reclamation of space that is otherwise only used for buying and selling. It is a symbolic display of the will to resist the capitalist ideology. And, it is a living, breathing, moving, evolving sculpture.Whirl-Mart: ritual resistance
Abu-Jamal Death Sentence Thrown Out (AP)
A federal judge on Tuesday threw out the death sentence imposed nearly two decades ago on Mumia Abu-Jamal, revered by supporters worldwide as a crusader against racial injustice but reviled by others as an unrepentant cop-killer.
U.S. District Judge William Yohn cited problems with the jury charge and verdict form in the trial that ended with the former journalist and Black Panther’s first-degree murder conviction in the death of a Philadelphia police officer. The judge denied all of Abu-Jamal’s other claims and refused his request for a new trial.
The judge said Abu-Jamal is entitled to a new sentencing hearing within 180 days. ``Should the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania not have conducted a new sentencing hearing … the Commonwealth shall sentence petitioner to life imprisonment,'' the judge said in his 272-page ruling.
The ruling could be appealed to the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.
We don't manufacture much of anything; just war. We don't concern ourselves with education; just war. We don't attend to the 40 million Americans without health coverage; just war. We don't focus on the 30 million American children living in poverty; just war. We don't support the arts; just war. Even though a a multitude of human needs were in existence prior to September 11, and have only increased since then, we continue to direct our attention and our resources into what we do best: war. Just war.Coming to a mall near you.
originally posted by xowie
Sensi in Hollywood.
originally posted by xowie
Some film-makers in Los Angeles see the current relationship between Hollywood and the White House as a mutual back-scratching function, with President Bush seeking to win over the normally pro-Democratic entertainment community while Hollywood wins brownie points which it may be able to employ later in its relationship with the government.You think? Rousing montage of film clips is just what the president ordered.
originally posted by xowie
Say it ain’t so, the Sorting Hat sent me to Slytherin!
Four thousand one hundred one pages on Abbie (Abbott) Hoffman, courtesy the Federal Bureau of Investigation, via newbreed librarian.
That MetaFilter book club people were talking about starting now lives at Yahoo! Groups : MeFiBooks.
WP: The Coldest Warrior by Ted Gup.
originally posted by xowie
I just got an email with the following headers:
From: xz9Q.559fMh2334@msn.comCan you guess what the body said?
To: <Undisclosed.Recipients>
Subject: Anything other than white is unacceptible 191943
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 15:55:57 -0800
xrefer: “The web’s reference engine … contains encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri & books of quotations.” Is it any good? (racism quotes, gormless definition)
Saudi clans working with U.S. oil firms may be tied to bin Laden
Two billionaire Saudi families scrutinized by authorities for possible financial ties to Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network continue to engage in major oil deals with leading U.S. corporations.file under: why-doesn’t-this-surprise-me?
We are targeting these groups that do it all the time. If you are at your house one night and you want to get a free copy of some software, that's not what we are talking about.Well, that's a relief! Although, the ZDNet headline promises "Warez Crackdown's Just Begun"...
The new Google Catalog Search is dope.
In my late teens, I saw "Wild Style." I went to a music store and told the man there I wanted two turntables. And he laughed at me, said "You don't need two, you just need one!"DJ Krush: Putting His Spin on Hip-Hop (
From Follow Me Here:
Michael Moore’s publisher tells him his forthcoming book Stupid White Men and Other Excuses for the State of the Nation will not be distributed, and the print run will be destroyed, because the content is offensive and he is intellectually dishonest for not saying that the President has done a “good job” in recent months.
“There is only one way to read, which is to browse in libraries and bookshops, picking up books that attract you, reading only those, dropping them when they bore you, skipping the parts that drag and never, never reading anything because you feel you ought, or because it is part of a trend or a movement. Remember that the book which bores you when you are twenty or thirty will open doors for you when you are forty or fifty and vice versa. Don’t read a book out of its right time for you."Doris Lessing
Hello, Switzerland.
originally posted by xowie
What do you get when you mix the best book ever written with the most prolific games designer of the last fifteen years? Lord of the Rings by Reiner Knizia. (...)The Lord of the Rings board game sounds like a winner.
I can see the game becoming as popular as Settlers of Catan.
In wartime, people want a cocksure leader, the kind of guy who enjoys sparring with reporters, grins when things appear to go badly and shows occasional glimpses of our national craziness — you never know, he really might just decide to flatten Baghdad. Like Osama bin Laden, Rummy clearly digs the war, and while most of the Bush team walks around wearing permanent expressions of hemorrhoidal despair, he looks like he’s having fun.Wyatt Earp and the Witchfinder General by John Powers.
originally posted by xowie
Adbusters: America vs. The World
Assignment: List direct American military intervention on other nations' soil from World War II to the present day. Do not include: indirect military involvement such as arms sales, however significant (e.g. Israel); nuclear threats or nuclear testing (e.g. Marshall Islands); establishment of controversial bases or defense systems (e.g. Western Europe, Saudi Arabia); humanitarian missions that did not involve combat; or the geopolitical impacts of military treaty development, acceptance or rejection. Discuss.
TidBITS Mac newsletter on Digital Photo Goodies.
Infographic: clearing out the caves (CNN).
White-Out: The Outing of Whiteness - The experimental movie is an intriguing mix of extensive one-on-one interviews with whites and Blacks from Africa and the U.S., compelling scenery, and an innovative and unflinching historical perspective. Ms. Bradford has produced an incisive examination of how whites automatically assume their race and culture to be “normal”, all others “abnormal” to varying degrees, and how the absence of whites' examination of their own identity helps keep racism locked into place. She says, “Stepping out of our conditioning as whites and taking an honest look at our whiteness is one of the most important things we can do to end racism."
Although that description suggests that this movie uses Black people to represent all “Others” – excluding Asians, Latinos, and native peoples, as is too often the case when race is discussed – it still sounds like it could be useful for introducing a white audience to their own racism. I’d love to see it.
From “An Exchange on White Guilt” (part of Gregory Jay’s Whiteness Studies site):
Antiracism is not about guilt or blame. You don’t have to be guilty or blameful to receive privileged treatment at the bank, at the store, in the courts, in legislative policy, etc. just because you are “white.” This is not about individuals; this is about structures of privilege.
For two centuries laws and customs in the United States gave “white” people (a word that appeared in countless legal decisions and legislative acts) an unfair advantage over others. “Hard working immigrants” of European descent faced a hard lot, but their relative lot was made easier by the fact that they did not have to compete on a level playing field with nonwhites. The job market and access to education were thus skewed in their favor, just as men did not have to face much competition since women were denied the right to compete for most jobs or for admission to the best schools and colleges.
Again, these are structures of privilege, and they benefit people no matter whether those individuals want this to be the case or not. It doesn’t matter how fair and antiracist you may be, you are not the one they follow in the department store, but you are the one that gets her loan approved at the bank. It’s this structure and legacy of white privilege that’s appalling.
I welcome any conscious effort by European Americans to celebrate their heritage as long as this includes loudly denouncing white supremacy and the myth of the existence of “white” people.
In sum, with this decision, she broke the commercial press's legal monopoly on First Amendment protection, and extended that protection to an online periodical. This is a huge precedent. It applies to Indymedia. It applies to the website of Washington-based independent journalist Jeremy Bigwood, he wrote to me yesterday, because he's been reporting on Bolivia and the Andean drug war, too. It applies to any independent online journalist or website who makes a fair and responsible attempt to publish the facts and opinions on important public issues.Like weblogs, I guess. Indymedia Q & A with NarcoNews' Al Giordano.
originally posted by xowie
Google has brought a huge usenet archive online, dating back to 1981 – check out the original rec.mag, alt.zines, and alt.etext Kyosaku announcement from November seven, 1994! (Kyosaku?)
Links to free culture (Marcel Mauss, the Free Store, the Situationists, the Internet gift economy, GNU,, mail art, free music, free publishing, etc.) courtesy the Free Words project, via jessamyn.
The Utterly Surreal Test - Result
I am a Collection of Elvis Impersonators.
I refine elastic nightmares with habitable abstract umbrellas. My perspective oranges enter forgotten densities of responsible soap. Evil lids of atomic paper eat my incomplete golf balls.
Who spices folded robots? The Utterly Surreal Test
Although the world’s best Chinese food is served in Monterey Park, I am not brave enough to eat here. (Vegans read at own risk.)
originally posted by xowie
The most unusual (and visible) aspect of betel chewing is its effect on the salivary glands. You don't just salivate, you pour; and the saliva emerges from your mouth tinted a deep brick red. (...)Betel nut, a.k.a. pan masala -- anybody tried this stuff?
Perverse as it may sound, betel-drooling is quite pleasurable indeed. There is an almost orgasmic satisfaction to be found in the experience of saliva-ducts open to full throttle. Delicious above all is the aftermath: when the chew is finished, your mouth is left astonishingly fresh and sweet. You feel uniquely cleansed, drained, and purified.
On the one hand, I would have liked to have gone to DC’s “2nd annual” Zine Fair,“a celebration of diy publishing and radical thought” – which sounds a lot like the old indy rock yard sale, this time with an anarchist bent. I suppose it was a nice way for the city to celebrate my son’s first birthday, in any case.
In this fight for our cherished freedoms, those cherished freedoms should definitely be the first thing to go. Sieg heil, y'all.Molly Ivins thinks Ashcroft's gone nuts.
Don't count me among those who quake that Mr. Ashcroft is shredding the Constitution. He does respect some rights, after all, like that of illegal immigrants and terrorists to buy guns in the U.S. without fear of government intrusion. And he just doesn't seem clever enough to undo the Bill of Rights, even with the president's backing. You have to have more command of the law than he does to subvert it.Frank Rich, Confessions of a Traitor.
originally posted by xowie
When they moved from a 65% cool computer ad format to an 89% luxury crap ad format, I let my subscription lapse. This means I have to wait a few extra weeks to read things like Wired’s October The Fellowship of the Ring cover story online.
Huge bonuses were paid to Enron insiders two days before the bankruptcy filing. Also, a great response to Bill Lockyer’s tasteless comment about Ken Lay.
originally posted by xowie Villagers Dying Under U.S. Bombs, Anti-Taliban Forces Say
From Ethel:
What really caused the prisoners to revolt, and what really killed them? Also: It takes money, unimaginable power, and greed unchecked by moral or ethical considerations to make money, as the saying goes. (Featuring your favorite group and mine, the Carlyle Group.)
Font of the Week? Font of a lifetime! Learn about Albertus, create your own sample, and download a truetype version for Windows.
Sen. Thurmond Celebrates 99th Birthday (yahoo/news) looking healthier than ever!
Q: Given the trend just after the attacks to revise popular culture and pull images of the World Trade Center or terrorism out of any entertainment, were you concerned about the content?Frank Miller interview.FM: [Laughs.] Well, it's on the press.
originally posted by xowie
“A joint initiative of six organizations with exceptional expertise in computer and Internet training in the [global] South,” itrain online is a multi-lingual directory of training materials and tutorials on all aspects of computer, network, and internet technologies.
Danza (jish, boingboing, 0sil8) hasn’t hit Daypop yet. This ought to be interesting.
From Follow Me Here:
From this weblog community vantage point, the outrage about the Dictatorship’s mad, ongoing powergrab under Ashcroft’s influence seems so palpable, but where’s the organized opposition behind the spleen? It may turn out to be one of the greatest, most enduring humiliations in American history – certainly on a par with McCarthyism, if that phrase still makes anyone blush – that reasonable Americans are allowing this to happen with no more than ineffectual spluttering like this. Is it time to write your Congressional representatives? Ha! Time to march on Washington? blockade the Justice Dept? Do the words mass protest, or nonviolent civil disobedience, resonate with anyone anymore?Eliot believes that those who oppose Ashcroft must get organized.
The Weblog Review has given us a once-over and compared us favorably to MetaFilter, which is pretty cool, though not as cool as it would have been back when… Nevermind. I’m a little surprised that a weblogger reviewing weblogs isn’t familiar with the convention of hooking a perma-link to each post’s date/time info, but I have chosen to suppress the link color and hide the underline, so the point is taken that I will miss out on some direct links as a result. I suppose I could also put a link to the archives higher up, with those nav links at the top of the sidebar. In any case our official rating is a 4 and our reader rating is a 2.75, so you know what to do (scratch your butt, close this window, and go get something to eat)! unveils a new look (I was going to make some joke involving gloves but what’s the use) which does a great job showcasing some of the very best original content on the Web. My favorite recent piece goes a little like this:
I am homophobic.
I am homophobic (literally, “afraid of non-heterosexuals”) to the extent that I accept the exclusive validity of “traditional” notions of gender, of masculinity or femininity. I assume, as most people do, that everyone around me is heterosexual, unless they make it clear that they aren’t. By making this assumption, I expect a uniform range of behaviors from everyone I encounter. This expectation has everything to do with why life is extremely difficult for those who are homosexual and for those who’s sexual identity lies somewhere in between. Because it takes a considerable amount of work to break out of these expectations, only a very small number of people who feel overwhelmingly that they are homosexual, and simply cannot live normally otherwise, actually “come out of the closet.” The same closet that’s built and maintained by me and by everyone else who assumes and expects heterosexuality of everyone.
Most people of color (and therefore most of the world) are lactose intolerant. White poison from Colorlines and The Food Pyramid Scheme are two interesting articles about racism and the dairy industry. Additionally, NoMilk and NotMilk are informative sites about the untold horrors of milk consumption. It’s time to go vegan again!
originally posted by beXn
“How Gyroscopes Work” from, courtesy The Segway Blog (see flux).
Diary of the first Segway owner. (c/o boing boing)
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
Know your rights. (via Emil Guillermo.)
originally posted by xowie
Q: I feel an overwhelming need to kill this man in the cave, but the location of the cave is unknown to me, and so it's impossible to find him. He's been allowed to stay in the cave, however, by the fanatical rulers of the country where the cave is, Afghanistan, so I feel an overwhelming need to kill those rulers. As they've moved from place to place, though, I haven't found them, but I've succeeded in finding and killing many young soldiers who guarded them and shepherds who lived near them. Nonetheless, I do not feel any of the expected "closure," and in fact I'm becoming increasingly depressed and am obsessed with nameless fears. Can you help me?
A: Your real problem is simply the way that millions and millions of people around the world feel about you. Who are these people? They share the world with you -- one single world, which works as a unified mechanism. These people are the ones for whom the mechanism's current way of working -- call it the status quo -- offers a life of anguish and servitude. They're well aware that this status quo, which for them is a prison, is for you (or for the privileged among you), on the contrary, so close to a paradise that you will never allow their life to change. These millions of people are in many cases uneducated--to you they seem unsophisticated--and yet they still somehow know that you have played an enormous role in keeping this status quo in place.Wallace Shawn, The Foreign Policy Therapist.
Times Cries Eke! Buries Al Gore by Gore Vidal.
originally posted by xowie
Ten Do’s and Don’ts to Raising Healthy Multiracial/Multiethnic Children:
Children are concrete learners - they learn about themselves and the world through real experiences, not words and lectures. In a society so polarized by race and ethnicity, our children must have lots of direct contact with both sides of their family. The easiest way for this to occur is through experiences with both parents.
When two adults cross the racial divide to have a child, they can never go back. Your child represents an in-your-face challenge to racism and the belief of every racial, ethnic and national group that ingroup marriage is somehow normal and better. (…)
It’s difficult for a child to develop prejudicial beliefs or inaccurate information about one side of their heritage if they have positive contacts with both sides all the time. Its easy to develop prejudices when the child is around people from only one of his/her backgrounds. (…)
When you hold and talk to your infant, talk about her pretty skin, beautiful eyes, and curly hair. Tell her how much she looks like her father and mother. Sing songs about a beautiful, brown, curly headed baby. Read books about multiracial children, families of the world, and all aspects of her heritage. Give her mirrors to see herself; when you talk to others affirm her positive multiracial identity. (…)
Don’t teach children that color does not matter. It does! - in this country, and most countries in the world. And color matters not only in the greater society, but within every single racial and ethnic group (Blacks, Hispanics, Natives Americans and Asians). People’s initial reactions to other people are based on physical characteristics - what that person looks like (skin color, hair color and texture, facial features).
Children respond to people who care about them - regardless of their background. It certainly helps if these adults know about multiracial children and how to support their healthy identity development.
Do not entrust your child to adults who do not respect their need for a full identity. And, do not assume minority adults support multiracial identity; many do not.
I constantly hear from young biracial and multiracial adults who do not feel good about themselves, because their parents did not support their mixed identity. The rest of the world does not ignore it!
Children need classmates, neighbors, playmates, etc, who represent both racial groups (or more). If this does not occur, children develop an unrealistic - and overly romantic - view of the part of their heritage that is missing, and then want to discover ‘being black’, ‘being Native American’, ‘being Hispanic’, etc. The problem is they truly don’t know what it means to be one of these minorities, so they become attracted to the stereotypes of the group - music, behaviors, clothes, language, etc. Do not raise a child in a single-race environment - especially if its white.
Our children are minorities, have direct personal connections with the dominant group, and are something new - what many are calling third culture children.
Ninety five percent of our children’s experiences - good and bad - have nothing to do with race and ethnicity. Our children progress through the same developmental stages, learn the same school-related tasks, and have all the same challenges as single-race children.
They just have one more experience: being multiracial or multiethnic.
Mr. Kamen plans to demonstrate today a two-wheeled battery-powered device designed for a single standing rider. Its chief novelty lies in the uncanny effect, produced by a finely tuned gyroscopic balancing mechanism, of intuiting where its rider wants to go -- and going there.George calls it a "'Gwe lo rider" and I think they should team with Apple for a special iPod edition. What is it? A.k.a. "Ginger," now known as Dean Kamen's Segway, it's IT.
“It is Bobby Fischer without a shadow of a doubt.”
originally posted by xowie
CD buyers beware – record companies are distributing discs which are broken in a number of ways: they won’t play on many CD players including most computers and DVD players and they won’t allow songs to be converted to mp3 format. As usual, if you buy one from a store, you’re stuck with it (exchanges only, no returns). So bookmark Fat Chuck’s corrupt CDs list and print it out before you go shopping. Considering that the only music worth listening to since 1991’s Nevermind has come out first on vinyl, this shouldn’t really be a problem.
"In India, there are three to four people sharing beds in hospitals, and two or three more on the floor, waiting for their shift. This is not an old epidemic. It is just starting. In 20 years, we could be talking about a billion cases of AIDS.''AIDS at 20: The Epidemic is Just Starting.
originally posted by xowie
David Furnish, Johnny Bergius and Janet Street-Porter are planning to summit Kilimanjaro today to benefit The Elton John AIDS Foundation.
originally posted by xowie
MetaFilter will be a definitive spot today. If you miss what it was or wonder what it could be, stop by. Which other weblogs are doing a good job with today’s Link and Think observance of World AIDS Day? Yours?
“Almost 10,000 people will die today from AIDS," says Eric Sawyer, founding member of ACT UP NY. (AIDs Coalition to Unleash Power is "a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals united in anger and committed to direct action to end the AIDS crisis.")
Five cases of plagiarism involving George Harrison (but not all of them his fault).
originally posted by xowie
The great trouble with the Negro in the South is that all presumptions are against him. A white man has but to blacken his face and commit a crime to have some Negro lynched in his stead.
An abandoned woman has only to start a cry, true or false, that she has been insulted by a black man, to have him arrested and summarily murdered by the mob.Words courtesy Frederick Douglass, images courtesy white racism.
originally posted by xowie
Bonghit sanctuary.
originally posted by xowie
CounterPunch: We Are the War Criminals Now by Robt. Fisk, and Suffer Palestine’s Children by Sunil K. Sharma.
originally posted by xowie
Industry 2, Free Speech 0.
originally posted by xowie
Over all, more than 1,200 people have been detained as part of the sweeping investigation, including men traveling the country with large amounts of cash and box cutters, and those who sought information on crop-dusters and flying lessons on large jets. But a senior law enforcement official said for the first time last week that just 10 to 15 of the detainees are suspected as Al Qaeda sympathizers, and that the government has yet to find evidence indicating that any of them had knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks or acted as accomplices.How do you spell internment? (How quickly one forgets.)
originally posted by xowie
It has come to be assumed in much of the Muslim world that to be a proponent of women's rights is to be pro-Western. This enmeshing of gender and geopolitics has robbed Muslim women of their ability to develop a discourse on their rights independent of a cultural debate between the Western and Muslim worlds.Muslim Women as Symbols — and Pawns ( via Follow Me Here.
Baptists urged to pray for Muslim conversions during Ramadan.
“It’s a free country,” said Ibrahim Hooper, communications director of the Council on Islamic-American Relations. “If he wants to have Christians fast and pray, we’re hardly in a position to tell people not to."
originally posted by xowie
An Alternate Reality (
Most political reporting about the stimulus debate describes it as a conflict of ideologies. But ideology has nothing to do with it. No economic doctrine I’m aware of, right or left, says that an $800 million lump-sum transfer to General Motors will lead to more investment when the company is already sitting on $8 billion in cash.
Okay, so let's have that national ID card. Or, better, a national ID tattoo. Or, better yet, how about an identifying microchip embedded into every American's ear? I'm sure Oracle's Larry Ellison could devise a tiny chip for that purpose, one that could easily be read by an electronic scanner.Harley Sorensen, Lend me your ears.
originally posted by xowie
Eliminate terrorism? All you need is love.
originally posted by xowie
Naughty children to be registered as potential criminals ( - “[UK] police are to set up a secret database of children as young as three who they fear might grow up to become criminals.”
Remember the little rush of pleasure the first time your brain was forced to question itself by the tessellations, optical deceptions and serene beauty of M.C. Escher? Relive that sense of wonder with a few of his artistic heirs: Kelly Houle and István Orosz specialize in "catoptric anamorphosis" (the art of distorting an image such that you need a mirror to correct it). Their visions include the unexpected, poetic, and flat-out impossible.Originally seen on memepool and used without permission. That's probably rude.
to Art by cricket
Should I set up a randomWalks mailing list?
Let our position be absolutely clear: An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.Carter's 1980 State of the Union Address.
The Secret Service in Durham, NC are investigating a poster (critical of Bush’s Texas executions) on a teenager’s wall, according to the Independent Weekly.
Wild WP joint on Freemasonry.
originally posted by xowie
At her best, which was often, Kael was so brilliantly persuasive on her own terms that she could seem right — right for Pauline Kael — even when wrong by your own standards or, indeed, nearly everyone else's.Remembering Pauline Kael.
originally posted by xowie
Father Mychal Judge, The Firemen’s Friar.
originally posted by xowie
Stamp Backlash Worries Muslims ( - Xenophobic philatelists eschew the recently introduced Eid Mubarak postal stamp.
Except for the diesel fuel that drips down his chin, the jug of fuel he totes around and the wand of fire he brandishes, Sanchez acts much of the day like a friendly traffic officer, waving pedestrians across his corner of Insurgentes Avenue and Thomas Edison. Although a few passersby hesitate before stepping into the crosswalk where Sanchez is preparing his act, most walk right by without a second glance. He’s far from the only fire-eater in town.
sprawling over four acres north of Cincinnati, Jungle Jim’s is the endpoint of a global network of farmers, suppliers, producers and distributors. Each day, the gates of its loading docks roll open to take in a universe far beyond La Choy and Old El Paso – 110,000 products, fresh and canned, boxed and frozen, shipped in from all over.
“What are we having for dinner?”Also in today's Post:
“I don’t have anything for you on that at this point in time."
“Well, didn’t you go to the store?"
“I’m not going to discuss tactics, techniques or procedures."
“Well, did you, like, go to the store or not?"
“We have achieved our objectives."
“Did you get the frozen pizza?"
“I’m not going to tell you what those objectives are.”
When Laura Bush delivers her terse radio address on Saturday, November 17, she says nothing of deposed kings or the place of women among Afghanistan’s new government. She does not mention the resolution submitted to Congress by New York Democrat Louise Slaughter and Florida Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen urging that women be leaders in any new government. She does not mention RAWA, and she does not promise the women of Afghanistan that the Northern Alliance will not be permitted to oppress them. She speaks as though women’s liberation is a fait accompli.Out of the frying pan by Judith Lewis.
originally posted by xowie
America’s hyperreal war on terrorism by Anis Shivani
The best way to understand “America’s new war” is as a convenient legitimizing rubric to extend American economic and military power abroad, and to complete the repressive domestic agenda already set in motion during the post-cold war years in the guise of the “war on drugs.”
In both instances, corporate globalization’s increasingly intolerant attitude toward dissent of any kind is implicated. This is not so much a war against “terrorism,” but a pre-emptive strike against domestic and international opposition to the hegemony of transnational capital in the early years of the twenty-first century. (…)
This is the postmodern form of repression, where terror-originating from the state is completely unlocalized, and it penetrates to the very core of the potential dissenter’s heart and mind, and allows no possible refuge from the panoptical sights of the police state. (…)
In effect, the anti-terrorism legislation of 2001 is analogous to Hitler’s 1933 Enabling Act, converting the hithertofore soft American totalitarian state into a hard one, making explicit by writ of law what was already occurring in terms of supression of free speech, dissent against the corporate global order, and massive inequalities in access to power and justice. The usurpation of the voters' will in the 2000 election was a test-run: since this judicial coup engendered no noticeable dissent among the intelligentsia, press, and common people, the stage was set for an all-out assault on the remaining liberties of the people. (…)
Racial profiling of Arab and Muslim Americans has been endorsed by even liberal Senators. Anti-globalization activists wonder if their shop has been closed for good. The distinctive element of this wave of repression is that it is accompanied by soft talk. The president and his surrogates will continue to make the correct multicultural noises about acceptance of difference, even advocacy of a Palestinian state should that be necessary to buy the short-term allegiance of recalcitrant Muslim states, but the words will be as hollow as the administration’s “compassionate conservative” ideology. As more than $2 trillion was handed out to the richest Americans in a “tax cut” designed to starve the federal government of resources for public spending, the compassionate part of this policy relied on the armies of compassion to rally ordinary people to public service and on so-called faith-based initiatives to handle the welfare discards. (…)
The war on terrorism signifies not a return to multilateralism, as some have suggested, but an escalation of the unilateralist position already taken by conservatives during the first eight months of this administration. “You’re either with us or against us.” Is that multilateralism? The US is only seeking a thin cover for its avowed military and economic goals (including assertion of hegemony in the key, oil-rich Central Asian region), but it is not multilateralism by any means.
The recount report from the national media consortium, using data painstakingly gathered by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC), at a cost of almost a million dollars, was finally released. The data provide strong support for reform, as the data demonstrate (among many other things) that:Steve Cobble, Are We Really Going to Abandon Election Reform?
- our current voting system has class, racial, and disability biases;
- punch card balloting must be eliminated;
- ’second-chance’ technology, which cuts down on overvotes, needs to be available at the precinct level, everywhere;
- provisional voting should be a universal right;
- ballot design should be taken out of the hands of local officials, who may be partisan, incompetent, or just bad designers;
- hand recounts are justified, to ascertain the will of the people;
- voting rights should be restored to felons who have served their time;
- poll workers need (and deserve!) more training; and
- voter education should be a serious and well-funded public obligation.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
The trouble with Harry.
originally posted by xowie
Epic Macy Gray interview.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
Leonid viewing info
From the AP:
Astronomers expect this year's Leonid meteor shower to peak during a half-hour period around 5 a.m. EST on Sunday, when as many as 70 meteors a minute could streak across the sky. If the weather is clear, the shower should be visible from all North American locations.Earthgrazers and Fireballs: The Strange Side of the Leonid Meteor Shower
To best view the shower, head to a dark location far from city lights. The meteors should be visible across the sky, appearing to radiate from the east, in the direction of the constellation Leo that gives the shower its name.
Only a lawn chair, warm clothes and the naked eye are required. Binoculars or telescopes are not necessary.
Many astronomy clubs and observatories plan to hold meteor shower-gazing parties.
During the three hours of its continuance, the day of judgment was believed to be only waiting for sunrise, and, long after the shower had ceased, the morbid and superstitious still were impressed with the idea that the final day was at least only a week ahead. Impromptu meetings for prayer were held in many places, and many other scenes of religious devotion, or terror, or abandonment of worldly affairs, transpired, under the influence of fear occasioned by so sudden and awful a display.daypop: leonids
Over the centuries, the Leonids have been unpredictable. Even though the Earth passes through the comet's orbit every year, the intensity of the shower depends on the density of the dust stream at that point.Will you be watching?
Decades can pass and the Leonids can be anemic, scientists say. Some years, though, most recently in 1966, the shower can be extraordinary, Chester said. Tomorrow's should be, too.
"This is the best shot you're going to have," he said. "If you don't do it now, you're never going to get the opportunity in your lifetime again."
It isn't enough for your heart to break, because everybody's heart is broken now.Allen Ginsberg in The Sun's collection of literary quotes for September 11.
Judith’s hotlist for the week.
originally posted by xowie
‘Your job is to say, ‘Fuck you, God! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!’ Because nobody else is going to say it. Our politicians aren’t going to say it. Nobody but the writer is going to say it. There’s time in history when it’s time to praise God, but now is not the time. Now is the time for us to say, ‘Fuck you! I don’t care who your daddy was. Fuck you!’ And get back to our job of writing.’Ken Kesey’s advice to writers by Paul Krassner.
originally posted by xowie
It says here they are going to bury me in private. Babbs says there's been thousands of e-mails and he wants me to thank you all for writing. Meanwhile, I've still lots of forms to fill out and they're looking for a bigger halo but durned if I'm going to play that harp. I'm holding out for the thunder machine. See you around. — KeseyKesey obits: (memorial),,,, (Eugene, OR),
I’m feeling an incredible affinity for this job lately -- three day work week, ambling around the city, looking at people in shop windows, dogs, trees, going into everyone’s apartments and seeing how they live, handling thick piles of cash, feeling like a general bad ass.Jody spent last summer delivering pot to customers in uptown Manhattan. Read her story and then check out the rest of this great Marketplace series on the underground economy.
The kids over at MetaFilter are agitating to start a book club. I’ll be surprised if it happens on mefi proper, as that doesn’t seem to be the way creator Matt Haughey wants to go with mefi, but I’ll be equally surprised if it doesn’t happen somewhere. Mefi has already spun off several projects and communities, and I think there are many more waiting to be born.
If you’re coming from MetaFilter, welcome and make yourself at home. If you want to join in the discussion just email us.
Niem has constructed an ACME Novelty Toy Gallery, assembling the intricate paper designs included in Chris Ware’s ACME books and taking copious loving pictures. This is wonderful.
I’m going to buy some TextAd impressions at MetaFilter, and I need help coming up with a short (50 characters or less) description of randomWalks. Any ideas?
Krazy Kat Archive – “George Herriman’s Krazy Kat (1911), a comic drama of love and rejection in the manner of a surreal commedia dell’arte, proved a hit with intellectuals because of its wit and advanced style.” Via The Blacklist.
A visit to the Brautigan Library by Jessamyn West.
The Working Writer by Susan Wiggs
When I was in graduate school I took a course from B.F. Skinner, the famous behavior scientist, who taught us the importance of PRDs in self-motivation. He suggested rewarding increments of work with single kernels of popcorn. The true artist substitutes M&Ms for popcorn because really, how motivating is dry popcorn, anyway?Indeed.
A visit to the Brautigan Library by Jessamyn West.
A recent GeekLog post leads to some informative comparisons of slash-style website systems.
On the public radio tip, two from The New York Times: NPR’s Story Project Proves Truth Is Stranger, Public Radio’s Private Guru.
Tom leaves three days later, drained from lack of sleep and fried from staring at his monitor. With his jacket empty of weed, another workday stares him in the face. It's been a weekend muffled in sensory white noise, a visit to a cocoon of headphones, pixels and dope, and he'll do it again next Friday.High Score (
Move over nedlog – German schoolgirl Annika Irmler has the world’s longest tongue, as verified by the Guinness Book people. Anagrams are left as an exercise for the reader.
Adding and Subtracting – this has got to be a hoax.
A plane has crashed in Queens, NY. From what I can gather, it crashed shortly after taking off from JFK. No one knows why it happened so don’t freak out too badly. is crushed but you can read the news at The relevant story is here, and (as usual) Metafilter has scooped the media and you can best follow the developing story in this thread. Also if you’re stuck in an office and away from a TV like myself, you might want to download Apple’s Quicktime 5 and watch the BBC World News Quicktime stream.
Yahoo full coverage
I worked last night, all night. The immense devastation, smoking and steaming in the cool air, illuminated by artificial light against the black sky appeared more eerie than it had been the in the light of day. From most vantage points, beams of light shining up into the sky, from huge self contained light plants, illuminated the rubble piles from behind making the already surreal mountains of destruction appear more imposing while at the same time strangely beautiful. The beauty that quickly vanishes as you get closer and watch the awesome and dangerous work going on.(the flow) Insider's report: Bechtel Engineer's Chronicle of Ground Zero Excavation. Thanks to Electrolite.
French Reporter Tells of Days Held in Jail by the Taliban (nytimes)
Mr. Peyrard, who speaks some Pashto but was detained with two Pakistani journalists who translated for him, said that the younger guards liked to practice their English with him, repeating: “This is a jail. This is a cell. This is a mouse.” When the American planes came over, they would shout: “This is Mister Bush.” At one point, when the bombardments slowed they shouted “This is Mister Bush droopy."
DC’s own Politics and Prose Bookstore and Coffeehouse presents an annotated reading list titled Books For Understanding Old and New Worlds.
Ken Kesey is in critical condition recovering from surgery for a tumor on his liver. (Who’s Ken Kesey?) U: He has passed away.
In honor of the heroes at “ground zero," let’s roll!
Let’s roll!
Let’s roll!
Let’s roll!
Let’s roll!
Let’s roll!
Let’s roll!
"Parties in Brooklyn are a bit more chill and laid-back, less thumb-up-their-ass than Manhattan," says Ingram, whose Sessions party is only two months old. "People are less concerned about what you're wearing and more concerned about having a good time. And people dance in Brooklyn!"Push Push in the Flatbush.
originally posted by xowie
Another great hotlist from silver surfer Judith Lewis.
originally posted by xowie
DC’s own Politics and Prose Bookstore and Coffeehouse presents an annotated reading list titled Books For Understanding Old and New Worlds.
Daypop: body bags
The new L.A. novel is supposed to be rough, tough and gritty. Rachel Resnick’s Go West Young F*cked-Up Chick is all of that, and I enjoyed it immensely, although maybe that’s because half the book is about one of my favorite ex-girlfriends.
Anastasia curls her rubber-flex vavoom body up on a restaurant booth seat, her black bra poking through a stained and tattered black vest that’s missing a button, babbling lovely as a backwoods brook released from the fetters of a makeshift dam, boldly racing from Kant to cryogenics to Lorena Bobbit’s trial, all the images sparkling like skybound drops of water shining with exuberant randomness and rapture, and as she rambles she doodles on a tablecloth, a balloon-bursting head, tiny dot eyes and mouth. She then fills in the frame of the skull with a million stars. “This is my head,” she says.Two great L.A. non-novels are Sanyika Shakur’s Monster and Wallbangin' by Susan A. Phillips.
originally posted by xowie
There are major disputes - about agricultural subsidies and dumping, about tariffs and the patenting of life forms. The most contentious issue is drug patents. India, Brazil, Thailand and a coalition of African countries want clear language stating that patents can be overridden to protect public health. The US and Canada are not just resisting - they are resisting even as their own delegates head for Qatar popping discount Cipros, muscled out of Bayer using exactly the kind of pressure tactics they are calling unfair trade practices.Doha, the economic frontline by Naomi Klein.
originally posted by xowie
I was googling “emergence” (see the first chapter of Emergence by Steven Johnson) but before I could get anywhere I got stuck watching the glider gun. I love the glider gun!
From wood s lot:
Waking Up In Time by Peter Russell
A Speech Without the Speaker by Jaggi Singh
Anarchism and the Anti-Globalization Movement by Barbara Epstein
From Follow Me Here:
Torture Seeps Into Discussion by News Media (The New York Times)
A peek at Al-Qaeda’s Encyclopedia of Jihad from The Sunday Times
FDA approves Ecstasy therapy tests
While firemen and police were racing into the fires of hell in downtown New York, and now, while our soldiers and airmen and Marines are putting their lives on the line in Afghanistan, the Administration and its Congressional allies are allowing multinational companies to make their most concerted effort in twenty years to roll back clean-air measures, exploit public lands and stuff the pockets of their executives and shareholders with undeserved cash. Against such crass exploitation, unequaled since the Teapot Dome scandal, it is every patriot's duty to join the loyal opposition. Even in war, politics is about who gets what and who doesn't. If the mercenaries and the politicians-for-rent in Washington try to exploit the emergency and America's good faith to grab what they wouldn't get through open debate in peacetime, the disloyalty will not be in our dissent but in our subservience. The greatest sedition would be our silence.Which America Will We Be Now? by Bill Moyers
Islam β The Power of Women (The Globalist)
One key cause for the inability of Islamic countries to compete economically is that from Morocco to Iran, women do not go to work. The most extreme case is of course Afghanistan. There, we see the tragedy of highly trained women β if they haven’t already fled the Taliban’s harsh regime β being forced to sit at home, even when the country desperately needs their skills.
Women doctors cannot heal sick patients, women engineers cannot design repairs on buildings or roads, and women managers cannot help bring order from the country’s chaos β all because of their gender.
I'm the boss?George W. Bush discussing lunch plans with French President Jacques Chirac.
New Observations Online issue 125: Comics via Media Backlog.
When of tired of playing with Diamonds, Spades, Hearts and Clubs try Joints, Leafs, Bongs and Buds.
originally posted by xowie
There is more than one way to respond to the horror of Sept. 11. And there is more than one kind of patriotism. We forget this. You do not have to rally around Bush and tolerate Cheney's chthonic creepiness and wave a frantic flag and believe every scripted half-truth that drizzles out of the Pentagon, applaud the nonstop attacks on an already demolished nation. Pro-America does not mean pro-war.Evil Evildoers Of Evil (SF Gate). Somebody (Mark Morford) has been reading mnftiu.
"The mission was laid on like General Motors coming to the Afghan war, like we did in Vietnam," Mr Hersh said. At the same time, a company of rangers parachuted onto a Kandahar airfield in an operation portrayed the next day in dramatic TV footage. But in his article, Mr Hersh said that before the drop, an army pathfinder team had checked that the airfield was free of Taliban forces. The raid was for the benefit of the cameras.The October 20 mission by U.S. special forces was a bungled disaster.
originally posted by xowie
"We felt horrible when we learned that the Red Cross … warehouse had been struck," White House chief of staff Andrew Card told Meet the Press. So horrible that at 8 o'clock on the evening of Oct. 25, two more Hornets dropped two 2,000 lb. guided weapons on the warehouses. The next morning a B-52 bomber delivered three more 2,000 lb. smart bombs. A third Hornet dropped another bomb that missed the warehouses and hit a residential area 700 feet to the south.William Arkin, Bombing the Red Cross.
originally posted by xowie
We should be putting the current international developments in context rather than just having wrestling matches between colourful characters. I've already started writing X-Men as a pacifist comic.Scot plans to make Batman hang up cape (The Sunday Times) Apparently the world's greatest comic book characters, entrusted to the care of a radical, decidedly non-mainstream writer, are set to grow up all over again. Also thanks to kindall.
Jerry Kindall says:
According to the latest Ansible, when Isaac Asimov’s Foundation was published in Arabic, the title was translated as… “Al-Qaeda.” Apparently Asimov’s future history is as popular among Arabs as it is among English speakers, and one “Middle East expert” thinks it might well be where bin Laden’s terrorist organization got its name. China MiΓ©ville notes that the term has “no political precedent” in the Arabic world and says: “Unlikely as it sounds, this is the only theory anyone can come up with."</blockquote
The Almost Complete Codes List (AVS TiVo Forum) features new codes and easter eggs for the latest TiVo software update.
Am I a Terrorist or a Member of Al-Qaeda or a Taliban Fighter or Not?
If you like explodingdog, you will probably like the book. Please buy one so I can make some of my money back.I like explodingdog.
So you want to build your own MacQuarium?
originally posted by xowie
NYTM: How ‘The Simpsons’ survives.
originally posted by xowie - Formerly known as shares this list of domains.
Random dotcoms using whois off of networksolutions
I am sure I missed a whole bunch of them.
via MeFi: A picture of weblogs. Cool! randomWalks is represented.
originally posted by xowie
In words unusual for a defense lawyer, Wixted said the case was not about whether the rabbi was a "miserable little piece of dung as a human being" but whether there was sufficient evidence to convict him of soliciting his wife's killing.Dramatic summations send rabbi case to jury.
originally posted by xowie
Pentagon: Afghan village a ‘legitimate target’ ( Following up on an earlier story, I guess the US position on bombing innocent people is crystal clear now, if it hadn’t been before:
We hit what we wanted to hit… The people there are dead because we wanted them dead.
B-52s, the crude weapon of the frustrated bully, should be banished to the scrapyard. This campaign, as ministers and their defence advisers are finally admitting, has shown up the poverty not only of military thinking but of the very utility of weapons of war.The Guardian: Return of the B-52s.
The bombing is sending a powerful unintended message to Muslims everywhere that bin Laden is telling the truth when he says that America is at war with Islam. If the bombing campaign carries on into Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month, Al Qaeda's hand will be strengthened even more.CSM: Stop bombing and start thinking 'hearts and minds'.
originally posted by xowie
The Terrorist Attack on America: an astrological perspective, by Liz Greene.
NYC wants to build a giant dome (last 2 paragraphs) over the WTC site so work can continue through the winter.
You can now watch all of Pixar’s (Steve Jobs' other company) short films at the Pixar website via Apple’s Quicktime. The server seems to be slashdotted so be sure to check back if you can’t get through – this is some witty and beautiful computer animation.
Sisters and brothers should deliver their cash holdings, especially the coin collections in socks, pots and bottles, as well as amounts in secret funds, to the bookkeeper.Euro will leave monks the poorer ( A notice in the Franciscans' magazine urges monks and nuns to forsake their hoarded currency and renew their vows of poverty.
"There were no Taliban in the village," said Ahmed, a mechanic who said he is about 20 years old. "There were no tanks or Taliban cars. They just killed innocent people. . . . The plane saw us, and they opened fire. We don't understand why they did that."Villagers describe deadly airstrike.
originally posted by xowie
A year ago I posted about joining a CSA (community supported agriculture) program. If I were as ambitious and meticulous as Rebecca Blood, I’d give you a careful analysis of whether joining such a program was worthwhile economically, with some consideration of the organic and local nature of the produce thrown in.
Being neither, I’m happy to report that we had a lot of fun getting fresh vegetables every week. We were unfamiliar with cooking (if not eating) some of the vegetables, which inspired us to try a bunch of new recipes – exactly as I’d hoped when we signed up. I especially enjoyed the salad mix we got in early spring and summer and again in the last couple of weeks of the program in fall. Who knew arugula was the most delicious green on earth, and why didn’t anyone tell me?
In the middle of the season they hooked up with a nearby orchard to offer a fruit share – literally the day after I had been thinking of inquiring whether they had considered such a thing(!) – and the locally grown apples were abundant (~dozen/week), crisp, and sweet.
I was a bit surprised we didn’t get more tomatoes and corn, though I understand (thanks to the rad newsletter) that predatory herbivores were a problem this year. We also split a two-person share among my wife, father, and brother, so there you go. In any case we will surely participate again next year.
Skyscrapers are no longer being designed; no one wants to live in them... Buildings will now be more sober, serving the people who live in them. Donald Trump made a big thing of inaugurating his Trump Tower but now he keeps a parachute in his office.Buildings may never be the same, says Guggenheim architect (Independent News)
Ha’aretz: U.S. papers: FBI hunting suspected terrorists with Israeli passports. I saw a wire story in which US authorities were officially denying these reports yesterday, but today I wonder: could this be related to the “heightened state of alert” the FBI requested on Monday?
SFBG: Goth is dead. Long live Goth.
originally posted by xowie
"It’s not like I had this un-ambiguous thing of ‘Oh my god, we must stop bombing and turn it over to the World Court.’ So these were more just personal comics about how I’d been feeling about the whole situation. And I was drinking heavily when I made them, frankly. I’ve gone through a lot of Jim Beam in the evenings, because I’ve been working whole days in a midtown Manhattan office, listening to sirens and re-booting, which is like the worst thing you can do to yourself psychologically."LAW: an interview with David Rees, Judith spins with DJ Irene and Robert Fink, and a list of techno guides.
originally posted by xowie
Don't worry, at first glance these things might look baffling and complex, but they'll quickly become second nature to you once you actually start cleaning up after your disgusting messy self you utter, utter filthy bastard.fridgemagnet presents: Cleaning the Fucking Kitchen for Dummies. Thanks, Boing Boing.
Hello kiddies...welcome to randomCorpses. The Cryptkeeper, a splendid animatronic device (and member of the extended Xowie family), invites you to check out these fabulous Tales from the Crypt internet "radio" shows, based on the original EC comics. Happy Halloween, creeps!
originally posted by xowie
I'm not justifying what happened on Sept. 11, but it's clear that when Bush said if you're not with us, you're with the terrorist -- when he said he wanted the man dead or alive -- he was calling out the posse, and black people know the posse. They come by and get you in the middle of the night and kill you without due process.Deep Distrust of Government Still Simmers (
Beetle Bailey? At The World Trade Center? How weird is this?
There are 11 President Bushes, three Mayor Rudolph W. Giulianis and one National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.The Topps Company has already created a line of "Enduring Freedom" trading cards.
originally posted by xowie
Apparently, someone asked Raymond Chandler once what he thought of Hollywood ruining all of his books. And he took them into his study and pointed up to the shelf where they all were, and he said, "Look, they're there. They're fine. They're okay."The Onion's A.V. Club interviews Alan Moore! Thanks, lia.
Realtime Javascript Editor: “Type your code on the left and see the output immediately on the right.” Cool!
My wife wants to read some ghost stories, so here is the Shadowlands true ghost stories site (recommended on MetaFilter) and many more sites at open directory: ghost stories.
From World New York:
US broadcasts to Afghanistan available at 8700 kHz, shortwave. Or, listen on the Internet by tuning a web-controlled shortwave radio to that frequency.
In Jalalabad, the Sultanpur Mosque was hit by a bomb during prayers, with 17 people caught inside. Neighbors rushed into the rubble to help pull out the injured, but as the rescue effort got under way, another bomb fell, killing at least 120 people. In the village of Darunta near Jalalabad, a US bomb fell on another mosque. Two people were killed and dozens--perhaps as many as 150 people--were injured. Many of those injured are languishing without medical care in the Sehat-e-Ama hospital in Jalalabad, which lacks resources to treat the wounded.Precision, My Ass by Maria Tomchick (c/o Ethel the Blog).
originally posted by xowie
"They don't want you to hear these other voices out there," McKinney said at a public forum in Clarkston. "Help me come up with a strategy to get through this white noise that's been put out 24 hours a day."McKinney lambastes media.
originally posted by xowie
There are no mobile phone transcripts of Afghan civilians bidding farewell to their loved ones as the cluster bombs rain down around them, no immediate images of the impact of the wayward missiles on unlucky suburbs. Unlike those who perished in the World Trade Centre, the dead in Afghanistan do not have names, only numbers. And, given the limited access to the area, even those are questionable.Gary Younge, Peace by precision. Also at the "G": an interview with grumpy Simon Wiesenthal.
originally posted by xowie
My new weblog has already been hacked! (Thanks adam.)
originally posted by xowie
retroCRUSH presents the worst pre-fab Halloween costumes ever.
A Smarter Web (MIT Technology Review) in which Mark Frauenfelder (BoingBoing) explains the semantic web – I’m looking forward to reading this.
Pilgrimage to a Holy Place (
On the northern perimeter of the site, at Chambers and West streets, an elevated walkway over West offers the most panoramic view. From here, the huge wasteland looks like the handiwork of a stupendous - Recovery: Toxic chemicals detected around WTC ruins - October 27, 2001
If only it had been. People could call it an act of God. There would be no one to blame.
Toxic chemicals have been detected at levels exceeding federal safety standards in the soil and air around the still-burning rubble of the World Trade Center, according to documents compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency.
In addition to the dioxins, PCBs, benzene, lead and chromium found at the site, the EPA data released Friday showing low levels of contaminants had been found in the water and sediment of the Hudson River.
The Bomb With A Loaded Message (
“Is taking the picture down the right response?” asks Cathy Renna, GLAAD’s New York spokeswoman. “I actually want the picture to run, but with context. It gets to something we need to discuss, which is that it’s okay to be in the Navy and to write ‘fag’ on a bomb and drop it on a terrorist. That word is still okay with some people, and these are the kinds of things you might see if you happened to be gay and were serving in the military. It exemplifies every single reason why our work is as relevant as it was on September 10."Despite the headline, this article doesn’t limit itself to the chalk scrawl and looks broadly at the impact the 9-11 attack had on gays. Unfortunately the Post didn’t bother to put the controversial AP photo online; you can see a photo of the HIGH JACK THIS FAGS bomb at the glaad website.
Of Microbes and Mock Attacks: Years Ago, The Military Sprayed Germs on U.S. Cities
Between Sept. 20 and Sept. 27 of 1950, a Navy mine-laying vessel cruised the San Francisco coast, spraying an aerosol cocktail of Serratia and Bacillus microbes – all believed to be safe – over the famously foggy city from giant hoses on deck, according to declassified Army reports. According to lawyers who have reviewed the reports, researchers added fluorescent particles of zinc-cadmium-sulfide to better measure the impact. Based on results from monitoring equipment at 43 locations around the city, the Army determined that San Francisco had received enough of a dose for nearly all of the city’s 800,000 residents to inhale at least 5,000 of the particles.Apart from even anthrax and the Current Situation, this has to make you wonder what types of tests the US government has conducted on you.
Two weeks after the spraying, on Oct. 11, 1950, Mr. Nevin checked in to the Stanford Hospital in San Francisco with fever and other symptoms. Ten other men and women checked in to the same hospital – which has since been relocated to Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. – with similar complaints. Doctors noticed that all 11 had the same malady: a pneumonia caused by exposure to bacteria believed to be Serratia marcescens. Mr. Nevin died three weeks later. The others recovered. Doctors were so surprised by the outbreak that they reported it in a medical journal, oblivious at the time to the secret germ test.
Thoughts in the Presence of Fear by Wendell Berry.
originally posted by xowie
Frank Rich, How to lose a war.
originally posted by xowie
"He's one of the greatest architects in the world, and you'd expect him to be more enlightened. But then you expected more from Leni Riefenstahl."To discourage architect Frank Gehry's involvement in the development/rape of L.A.'s Ballona wetlands, artist Robbie Conal plastered psychedelic fucking-frog posters at Gehry's home and office. (The Finger.)
originally posted by xowie
Eight white men discuss the future of technology.
Eye witness accounts of the US strikes on Kabul courtesy RAWA.
In fact there was a previous terrorist attack on Congress, in 1954, and it was led by a woman. Puerto Rican nationalist Lolita LebrΓ³n organized a machine gun ambush from the House gallery which wounded five members of Congress. (A few months ago, at age 81, LebrΓ³n was sentenced to 60 days in jail for trespassing at Vieques.) The story is, sadly, familiar:
Because of a desperation which was superhuman, three or four island patriots led by Lolita Lebrón took the road from New York to Washington. They made the trip by bus, because it was cheaper. The U.N. officials who failed to read Lolita Lebrón's poster [This reference by Jose de Vasconcelos is of a picture that appeared of Lolita Lebrón in the N.Y. Times with a picket sign reading "We demand the complete independence of Puerto Rico." (1953)] travel high above in jet planes; they could not discern the humble caravan headed by Lolita Lebrón. The island girl, like her comrades, bought only a one way ticket partly for the economy, no doubt, but also because they realized that they were on a trip from which there was no return.
originally posted by xowie
The Greatest has become our mute, iconic, bloated Buddha. The man with the fastest hands and legs in sports now moves as slowly as though he were under water. The wittiest athlete now whispers inaudibly. His body is ravaged by Parkinson's, a disease that is degenerative and will never get better. Watching Ali on a dais being lovingly fed by his wife, Lonnie, hurts my heart and makes me question my own fandom, my own complicity in his debilitation. Seeing a tape of his epic fight with Joe Frazier in Manila has become a bittersweet experience for me. While it was happening in 1975, I was drenched with sweat, hoarse from screaming and emotionally spent from the ebb-and-flow drama. But today, seeing the aftereffects on both men has made the greatest fight I ever saw no longer such a powerful argument for the sport it once exalted.Jack Newfield, The Shame of Boxing.
originally posted by xowie
I toy with the notion of brandishing my tiny sword in the aisle long enough to make a quick statement against our squandering of natural resources in guzzling SUVs, or the disruption of whale habitats with naval sonar exercises. I fantasize about shouting ‘STOP THE BOMBING!’ at the top of my lungs against a backdrop that would secure me a spot on the nightly news. I wonder if I’d do jail time, or whether the other passengers would kill me first.Next time, they might be women by Judith Lewis.
originally posted by xowie
First check out the Signage then check out the rest of this artist’s great site – perhaps starting with the about page. Thanks, riley dog.
Owen Briggs' marvelous Box Lessons are helping me fix a cross-platform layout problem that has been bothering me for months. The exact bug was identified and solved with help from glish’s CSS hacks and, ultimately, Tantek Celik’s box model hack. (Add a link to CSS resources at the Web Standards Project and you now have access to the sum of all human knowledge on the CSS box model.) So I think I’ve finally solved the issue with the sidebar taking on various widths between IE5/Mac and the IEs on Windows, causing that gutter over there to grow and shrink. Unfortunately, there’s been this stupid horizontal scroll bar appearing under IE5/Mac lately – and come to think of it, I’m afraid I might be introducing it to Windows with this latest solution. In any case, if you are seeing something unusual (or … usual) and want to comment on the layout, please [reply].
“Face it. They’re the team we all wish we had in Boston.” (The Globe’s most popular story of the week.)
originally posted by xowie
Nuclear Power & Terrorism at The Nation. (Now that you have your Cipro, don’t you think it’s time to pick up some potassium iodide?)
originally posted by xowie
Larry (‘Superfly’) Ellison getting his wings clipped, hopefully.
originally posted by xowie
So there's a serious attempt to stifle debate. But, of course, God bless the Net. I keep getting more articles of various dissenting opinions e-mailed to me; naturally, some of them are crazy and some I don't agree with at all. But you can't shut everyone up. The big media have been very intimidated, but not the Web.Susan Sontag interview, wherein this "confident, orotund piece" by Stanley Hoffmann is cited.
originally posted by xowie
Now try to see yourself leaping to your feet and commanding the rest of the passengers, "I am taking control of this plane! Defy me and you will regret it!" First, you will feel like an idiot. Second, you are unarmed, and the most vulnerable parts of your anatomy have never been more inviting, or accessible, targets.Safety first! Fly Air Naked. (c/o Unknown News.)
originally posted by xowie
UK potheads celebrate reclassification.
originally posted by xowie
Check out Realwar model figures and then browse the rest of the inflammatory propaganda tucked away here.
Howard Kurtz, How to botch a crisis.
originally posted by xowie
Apple release iPod – updated live
To have your whole music library with you at all times is a quantum leap when it comes to music. And iPod fits in your pocket. Never before possible.β 3 breakthroughs in iPod: Ultra-portable. Ultra-thin hard drive: 1.8 inch hard drive is .2 inches thick. 5 Gigabytes: 1000 songs at 160K bit rate[!]That’s cute how the controls are arranged to look like a speaker. I’m surprised they’ve used the old System 7 font βChicagoβ for the interface. Next thing you know they’ll be striping that logo.
Displaying Photographs on the Web
My purpose here is to give examples of and make suggestions for various presentation options we have when displaying our photographs on web pages. Why bother? Because we don’t mount plain photographs directly to our walls, so why place plain photographs alone on our web pages? A gallery or museum will take care in their choice of framing and placement of photographs within a space, don’t our online exhibits deserve the same attention? The careful choice of a frame and background color serves to visually seperate the image from the surroundings, drawing the eye toward the photograph without distracting the viewer.Some food for thought for when I eventually get around to designing a photo site.
One last rumor to drive you mad with desire before you even know what exactly you lust for: (nope, never heard of them either) predicts the βiWalk,β a combo PDA and MP3 player with handwriting recognition and Airport network access.
Pravda: “Old women sell venereal diseases”.
originally posted by xowie
Best A List Apart ever: βDouble Typographic Issue For Your Pleasure.β
The Mac Observer Interview With Online Comics Pioneer Scott McCloud On Comics, His Mac, & Windows
originally posted by xowie
The Ultimate Guide to Shooting Rubber Bands is illustrated and quite comprehensive. Also, Cards as Weapons.
While I’m looking for info on its origin, you might want to read an article called the “real” deal about nuclear, bio, and chem attacks.
Before BSE surfaced, no one had ever accurately assessed just how many uses there are for a dead cow. There had been some guesses. According to the authors of the British inquiry, "it has been said, and not altogether facetiously, that the only industry in which some part of the cow is not used is concrete production." But if the concrete is loaded onto a truck with rubber tires and driven down a paved road, or if the production company's annual report is printed on glossy paper, or if the company office uses plywood in its construction, then cow parts are involved. The paper is probably coated with a gelatinous chemical ultimately derived from tallow. The tires and the pavement are manufactured, in part, with bovine fatty acids, and the plywood is bound together with adhesive made partly of cow blood.Discover Magazine: Cow Parts via Donkeymon. Meat is murder, rubber is murder, film is murder, soap is murder, medicine is murder, sugar is murder, chewing gum is murder ... "every last scrap gets used somewhere."
Proud to be an American? Pledge allegiance to this:
Among the alternative strategies under discussion are using drugs or pressure tactics, such as those employed occasionally by Israeli interrogators, to extract information. Another idea is extraditing the suspects to allied countries where security services sometimes employ threats to family members or resort to torture.Now see if this don’t make you put your hand on your heart.
"What was most noticeable is your inability to work," she said. "I was trying to read a speech. I could hardly see. The mesh part in front of your eyes is like having 15 screen doors in front of you. You start seeing double."NY rep Carolyn Maloney gave a speech on the House floor wearing a burqa.
originally posted by xowie
Nothing seems to track: Gov. George Pataki said he was taking Cipro but wouldn't get tested. Senator John Breaux said he got tested but might not take Cipro. Dan Rather said he hadn't been tested or taken Cipro. Tom Brokaw ended the NBC news with "In Cipro we trust."Intense anxiety from Maureen Dowd.
originally posted by xowie
Ralph Nader to Tommy Thompson: nationalize Cipro.
originally posted by xowie
Attention! People of Afghanistan, United States forces will be moving through your area. We are not here to harm you! We are here for Usama bin Laden, Al Quaeda, and those who protect them! Please, for you own safety, stay off bridges and roadways, and do not interfere with our troops or military operations. If you do this, you will not be harmed. Do not approach United States forces. Stay in your homes! We are not here to occupy you, or to overrun your country. If you see United States forces, you need to find shelter and not leave it until we have left the area. This is for your protection. Roadways and bridges will be unsafe for travel. Your home will be the safest place. Do not listen to the Taliban or Al Quaeda. We will not harm you if you comply with these instructions.Flyers at CNN.
originally posted by xowie
October 22 actions against police brutality and murder. (via
originally posted by xowie
I reminded the audience that ABC correspondent Cokie Roberts had been asked if there was any opposition to the war. ‘None that matters,’ she replied. ‘Well,’ I continued, ‘would you all care to join me in saying, ‘Fuck you, Cokie Roberts’ when I count three? Okay, one . . . two . . . three . . . ’ And it came at me like an audio tidal wave — thousands of voices shouting in unison: ‘FUCK YOU, COKIE ROBERTS!!!’Paul Krassner, Take that, Cokie.
originally posted by xowie
L.A. porn stars strike back against terrorism. Also, a day in the life of an adult video store.
originally posted by xowie
"I always have men come up to me afterwards and ask me questions and say: 'Is it true that (Muslim) women have to walk steps behind their husband, is that true?' I say 'Yes, they look better from behind'."Muslim comic Shazia Mirza.
originally posted by xowie
The effects of drugs and prostitution over time. “This is a series of arrest photographs of the same individual taken over the course of 10 years.” Disturbing and fascinating.
"People are reading," Henry said hopefully. When I asked what they were reading, he said, "Nostradamus, and books about germs." Myself, I wanted to buy every book in the store and stack them into a windowless castle for myself, I wanted to stroke their papery bodies, I wanted, a little, to burn the store down. Language is metaphysics, and I hate metaphysics today. I hate the religious and philosophical lies which estrange me from the immediate life in favor of lost or imaginary kingdoms and gardens, in favor of paradisiacal or hellish afterlives, all lies. Today I want to eat and fuck.Stop Making Sense, Jonathan Lethem in Rolling Stone's 9.11.01 special report via metascene.
The Gap wanted us to be in a commercial and we said 'no' and everyone said, 'why not'? It's almost as if, if people are willing to give you that much money, you are insulting everyone you know by turning it down. People's opinions about selling out seem to have changed over the years.New Music Express: Stripe Knows Onions(?) Somewhere in America, Dave Eggers is rocking out to De Stijl, totally oblivious to this delicious news.
In my own English Department at George Mason University, when the radicals wanted to create a program to push Marxist propaganda under the heading "Cultural Studies," the internal memo describing this new offering had this wonderful defining paragraph:In "Empowering or Cowering", David R. Williams would seem to be grinding several axes at once. Let's hope he doesn't slip.Cultural Studies can be understood as the working title for an assemblage of theoretical approaches that are often interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary but also anti-disciplinary. Such work focuses on the analysis and critique of culturally constituted cultural forms and practices and on historically constituted social identities and agencies in the context of their imbrication with the asymmetrical relations of power that permeate the production and reproduction of the economic, political, and ideological dimensions of specific societies.I love that opening: "can be understood." By whom? will stop working at some point today or this weekend. You will still be able to reach randomWalks at Things should be back to normal early next week.
Do some good at change the world with urban gardening.
AT&T has a text-to-speech software demo that blows away anything I’ve ever heard. You can type in up to 30 words and download a small audio sample of either a male or female voice speaking the text. If you’re at a loss for what to type, try some favorite song lyrics or cut and paste the following:
God, if only that War on Drugs hadn’t been so effective! I could really use some fucking marijuana right now!
Iron your letters. This problem can be solved.DIY anti-anthrax solution: I don't make this stuff up.
City of Berkeley says stop the bombing.
originally posted by xowie
"We are in the process of putting a proposal together and analyzing what it would take to get to get something running in a matter of a small number of months, like three months, 90 days. We think we could put up this technology very, very quickly."Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and John Ashcroft have been meeting recently about a "voluntary" national ID card. Everything's about to get real nice for us motherfuckers.
"I made this offer not because the government can't afford to pay for the software, but [to] shut up the critics who were saying, `Gee, Larry Ellison wants to build a national database because he wants to sell more databases,' which is pretty cynical and bizarre."
Ellison said that if he does donate the software, maintenance and upgrades won't be free.
Check MacSurfer for links to lots of speculation on just what Apple might announce next Tuesday. The widespread assumption is that it will be a digital music device, but even that seems to be a guess. All Apple has said in their press event invite is that the “breakthrough digital device” is “not a Mac.” All I can say is, whatever it is, I want one. (Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin.)
From the watch-what-you-say-watch-what-you-do department comes an admonition from extremist and patriot John Ashcroft that government agencies must use caution in complying with Freedom of Information Act requests.
As if you need another reason to visit BoingBoing regularly, they’ve added a sideblog edited by a rotating guest. This week’s editor is science fiction author and school teacher Pat York. Not this Pat York, mind you. A different one.
Read the list of ingredients. If you want something that simply looks like a hamburger and has no taste of its own, then a list headed by soy is right for you. But if you want something that actually looks like the vegetables with which it is made, that has texture, taste and appeal, look for an ingredients list that has lots of vegetables and maybe a little rice or cheese as a binder.The Washington Post considers ten veggie burgers and is pleasantly surprised to find most palatable. Also in this week's Food section, recipes featuring that quintessential fruit of fall, the pumpkin.
Steven Baum’s Ethel the Blog has an interesting take on the “powdery substance” sent to dozens of abortion clinics across the country.
On this cool, autumn-hazy day in the waning year 2001, the richest country in the world is dropping bombs on the poorest -- America has invoked the right of "self-defense" against Afghanistan. But in that poorest country in the world, winter approaches, and six million people are now living on the razor-edge of starvation. How many will die as a result of America's bombing campaign?America: The Unconscious Empire at G a r g o y l e via george.
7,000? That would be miraculously few.
When will Americans wake up to the dirty secret that they are even now suffering and hurting other people for the sake of an imperium?
More excellent news for Californians: emergency contraception just became lawful here.
originally posted by xowie
Brutal repression of Muslims in Uzbekistan.
originally posted by xowie
Anyone who complains to me about their job will be forced by me to read this incendiary tract about the nature of work and power structures and false consciousness. This was the first thing I have ever read in the bathtub and worth every soggy page.From Jessamyn's 1998 book list by way of a google by way of an customer review by way of a metafilter thread on Afghanistan in 1971 ("just another destination for hippie trekkers and backpackers").
BloggerBot is supposed to let you post to a Blogger-managed weblog via AOL Instant Messenger. Right now it looks like it’s been bloggered – overloaded due to traffic from the Blogger home page.
It was the loveliest landscape I have ever seen: the hypnotic precipices beside us, falling 5,000 ft to jade rivers or lakes of lapis lazuli; the magnificent mountain ranges with the first snow of the autumn lying thinly on them; the gorgeous valleys with their green fields, and willows turning gold and red; the full-bearded men in turbans and green-striped chappans balanced on tiny, out-of-scale donkeys; the village women scurrying like formless ghosts in burkas of blue or white.John Simpson of BBC is traveling through Northern Alliance territory towards Kabul. The wreck of land that I love.
originally posted by xowie
Editorial balance:
- Iron Chef Morimoto goes to Philly.
- More hype for Salute to America’s Heroes week.
originally posted by xowie
Eddie Haskell goes to war by James Higdon, and The Utter Failure of Weblogs as Journalism at kuro5hin (both c/o wood s lot)
originally posted by xowie
Cluster bombs are used to cover a broad area rather than a single specific target. The bomblets, or "sub-munitions", contain higher explosive than landmines and their normally brightly-coloured casings make them attractive to children... On average, between 5% and 12% of the bomblets fail to explode, according to UN estimates.Masters of war deploy horrible weapon.
originally posted by xowie
L33t chicks are everywhere, it seems.
originally posted by xowie
Hey feds! We could really use some fucking information right now!
originally posted by xowie
Bite Me at Chin Chin.
originally posted by xowie
I decided that what I had embarked on was an intensive meditation retreat. It had all the elements, I told myself: the long hours of silent sitting; the walking back and forth, going nowhere; the grueling schedule and sleep deprivation; the hypnotic, enigmatic chants ("…and if that looking glass gets broke/Mama’s gonna buy you a billy goat..."); the slowly dawning realization that there is nothing to look forward to but more of the same. And at the center of it, of course, was the crazy wisdom teacher in diapers, who assigned more demanding practices than I had encountered in all my travels in India—like "Tonight you will circumambulate the living room for two hours with the master in your arms, doing a deep-knee bend at every other step, and chanting, ‘Dooty-dooty-doot-doot-doo, dooty-dooty-doot-doot-doo.’" Or "At midnight you will carry the sleeping master with you to the bathroom and answer this koan: How do you lower your pajama bottoms without using your hands?"Tricycle: Mothering as Meditation Practice.
Honoring 9-11, three asteroids were named Compassion, Solidarity and Magnanimity.
originally posted by xowie
FBI: “the sky is falling”. U: The press release has moved. The original file was named “skyfall.htm”… what the hell?
The once-humble unlucky tourist page has become epic. TouristGuy appears with Bert on page 5.
originally posted by xowie
September 11 Resources is a directory of several hundred sites pertaining to the Current Situation.
It's as though it's 1937 and I'm a bandleader named Freddie Hitler. Maybe we should change the name now. A friend suggested 'Basket of Puppies.'Scott Ian of Anthrax on stocking up on Cipro: "I will not die an ironic death."
originally posted by xowie
Sure, The Emmys got cancelled again, and, as a nominee this year, I already found out that I wasn't getting one of those little gold people so who cares if I can't walk down the red carpet in my Bob Mackie gown? I don't even wear a gown -- I wear pants, ill-fitting pants at that! Yesiree, I say, BOMBS AWAY! Rockets red glare! We are all WHITE WITH FOAM!All Mike is saying is give war a chance.
originally posted by xowie
Wartime Lies: A Consumer’s Guide to the Bombing, Alternet via booknotes.
I mentioned to Joseph Atick of Visionics that the City of London was thinking about using his technology to establish a database that would include not only terrorists but also all British citizens whose faces were registered with the national driver's license bureau. If that occurs, every citizen who walks the streets of the City could be instantly identified by the police and evaluated in light of his past misdeeds, no matter how trivial.Great NYTM thing on biometric cameras in Britain.
originally posted by xowie
Taxonomy of anti-war chants.
originally posted by xowie
MΓ©decins Sans FrontiΓ¨res today rejected U.S. ‘humanitarian’ airdrops as useless and dangerous. MSF-USA has photos taken by Afghan refugees at a camp near Peshawar.
originally posted by xowie
Wired has done a great job of collecting links about Afghanistan.
originally posted by xowie
MeFi war thread.
originally posted by xowie
Updated info about chemical and biological terrorism at the Stimson Center.
originally posted by xowie
Gerson, 37, is an owlish man who fills yellow pads with doodles when you ask him a question. He says he believes that social justice must be central in Republican thought. ''The great stories of our time,'' he told me, ''are moral stories and moral commitments: the civil rights movement, the War on Poverty.'' He and the president get along well. The president calls Gerson ''the scribe.'' They share an intensely felt Christianity.How they wrote Bush's big speech. Also Two Towers by Katherine Rose Hawkins. p.s. I did not post "what Bush should have said".
originally posted by xowie
The Media Cover-Up of the Gore Victory by David Podvin.
“Wired is collecting Web sites whose content is posted either by people living in Afghanistan, or by recent expatriates. I’ve started with these,” says senior editor Paul Boutin.
I love printables:
posters for peace
war resisters league anti-war flyers
hate-free zone posters
unamerican propaganda
maps (afghanistan)
free dmitry
adbusters pdfs
Also printable:
better times sustainable living flyers (“make your own snacks')
2001 calendar
october calendar
musical staff paper
dollhouse accessories
mothers against peeing standing up
And with that I think it’s time to stop.
The Chairman Smiles - Exhibit of posters from the former Soviet Union, Cuba and China.
Vaginal Davis and Margaret Cho.
originally posted by xowie
Pick up a jar. Those tiny ice-like formations on the bud are THC crystals. Now smell it. If you're a marijuana user, you'll say, "Wow!"Welcome to Victoria, B.C.
originally posted by xowie
There is nothing anti-American about opposing the drive to war by Mike Marqusee.
originally posted by xowie
poetry on the subject of virgules and whatever that other thing was.
originally posted by xowie
Two great links from today’s xblog: 5inch custom CDR media (I especially like the bitmap and fuk blanks) and Nooface, a slash-style site “in search of the post-PC interface”.
How did GRAPE-NUTS cereal get its name?
In making the world safe9/11 Poem,
For US corporations
We have made the world unsafe
For US citizens
One of the very interesting side effects of our Freenet is the almost immediate rise of a parallel Internet. Because our community is diversified and technophile enough, after a few days people already had the first Freenet public web pages out targeting fellow Freenet participants. One guy put up a small web page selling his consulting service for people needing help with configuration and installation issues. A student in the neighborhood is starting a Freenet web site (which eventually might become accessible from the public Internet as well) offering to do the shopping for people, including home delivery. Our internal IRC site is pretty much in demand and there are almost always neighbors to find there for chats or - A Wireless Neighborhood Freenet.
"I'm glad he's dead with the rest of them, and I don't like feeling something like that," Samantha finally said. "But he wasn't just a bad tipper -- he killed people."Agents of terror leave their mark on Sin City lapdancers.
originally posted by xowie
“” is available.
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Nuclear Site Locations: “This site is no longer available.”
Why doesn’t the government want you to see these photos of the WTC site? The photographer was detained and his digital storage media nominally erased, but he managed to recover the 72 photos and they’re now being mirrored globally. There’s nothing especially surprising or shocking in the few I’ve looked at; what’s interesting I suppose is that these photos, like the hundreds posted in the days following the attack, haven’t been filtered through the media apparatus of professional photographers who answer to editors who answer to bankers who answer to the almighty dollar.
"They had nothing. All they had was a vocal group. They didn't have any instruments," says Flea, who graduated in 1980, two years after Proposition 13 was passed and school arts programs began getting the ax. At Fairfax, Flea was a member of the jazz band, orchestra, marching band and choir. If those programs hadn't been there, "for me it would have been completely devastating because that was the only reason I went to school." Performing at Fairfax 20 years later, he says he felt "shaken up about it. There was just no music for kids in public schools."Flea is opening a music conservatory in Silverlake.
originally posted by xowie
LAW: The rush to Auden and Yeats; also Judith Lewis on our new censorship.
originally posted by xowie
“” is available.
I only hate N.Y. because my parents live there. Waiving the flag by Erin Aubry Kaplan.
originally posted by xowie
The official game show of randomWalks just taped a week of shows with rescue workers and firefighters. Take one bong hit every time Bullard says “Tami”.
originally posted by xowie
When the towers went down, so did the sense of control that makes us feel like adults. In such moments of regression, we fall back on patterns that provided safety in childhood...Just as children cannot help but love their parents, regressed adults must rally 'round their leaders, and any critique or mockery threatens this bond.Richard Goldstein, The Price of Unity.
originally posted by xowie
Simulating an Airport Software Base Station in Mac OS X.
In his latest link-filled <a href="">Crypto-Gram Newsletter Bruce Schneier takes a look at airline security, biometrics, intelligence, cryptography and steganography in light of the Current Situation. According to his analysis, the airline industry is, perhaps not surprisingly, taking measures aimed almost exclusively at establishing a sense of security among travelers rather than relying on experienced experts to increase actual security. Biometrics are simply not a viable solution to the problem of identifying one suspected terrorist in on the order of ten million travelers, and steganography, practiced properly, cannot be defeated. So what’s the good news? A remarkably sane and insightful voice is suggesting rational defense measures that stand a chance of working while preserving the freedoms that define America. It may not be much, but I’ll take what I can get these days.
Redesigning the OS X Dock by Brian Ellis. If Steve can get over his not-invented-here complex this will be the Dock circa Mac OS X 10.5.
Hurry up and drop that butter.
originally posted by xowie
Suddenly, this terrorist leader displaced Pamela Anderson as a popular Internet search term, and a new cluster of domain name registrants tried to seize the remaining unregistered cognates of the name. (Unlike the actual person, the now highly desirable was nabbed in 2000, as was the alternate spelling, registered to a possibly fictitious Usama bin Cocksucker in Helltown, Penn.)Salon: Cybersquatting among the ruins.
originally posted by xowie
Interviews about death by Studs Turkel.
Color-print this flag sticker for your car.
A poem by Daniel Berrigan.
Awesome peace action in the Dam Square.
WP peace march photos.
Love love love in Union Square.
WTC steel recycled by Mafia?
Why we shouldn’t bail out the airlines.
originally posted by xowie
People keep saying that the world has changed completely since September 11th, but when I checked the Constitution it hadn't changed at all. Let's fix the real problems, sure. I've said that all along. But extreme measures, whether at home or abroad, are only going to make the problem worse. (...)From Phil Agre's latest Red Rock Eater Digest .
I've heard all the arguments for unquestioned obedience to authority in wartime, for example that only the military really knows what its doing, but those arguments apply to nearly everything. Besides, the military openly admits that it has no idea what it's doing. In a war without boundaries, a democratic people must be fully engaged with the war, contributing appropriately to the war but also regulating the government's conduct of it. That's what civil liberties are for. In fact, protecting civil liberties is a military imperative in an even more straightforward way. When our government violates civil liberties, it abandons its claim to moral and political legitimacy.
i c h e n e y p o k a t i w i e n k c a j i h n t n a t s i n a h g f a a f a s l t t u f g p t l k o i h u w s h n e s i w s r l i b t e i n i b a a o c u n a c l t k a x m r m h i g k i a a n s a r o u s g t f g p a r u e d t s a a o o e p r o t e s t l b r n a e m a h e r e u i p p c r t r b r s s r t m f e i g a l f h n u k e n x
originally posted by xowie
B l o w b a c k blog (“when wartime decisions come to haunt the people that made them”) features comprehensive links and excellent blogging of the Current Situation.
On my way to pick up lunch I caught a few minutes of NPR’s news special Peace Rally featuring Bryan Becker (International Action Center), Michael Albert (Z Magazine), Michael Kelly (Atlantic Monthly), David Dellinger (Chicago Seven), and Judith Zuk (Brooklyn Botanical Garden) talking about this weekend’s anti-war activities in DC.
Rafe Coburn’s Primer on Raising Your International Literacy lists several resources which, taken together, will expand your understanding of the Current Situation as well as other Concurrent Situations, not to mention Situations to come.
The Mac Observer’s List Of Retail Locations That Will Carry The Free Mac OS X 10.1 Upgrade
originally posted by xowie
"I was going to have a sign saying something like 'It would be fine if you stayed at 69,'" McFarlane said.McGwire home run ball going, going down.
originally posted by xowie
World New York has archived its World Trade Center disaster coverage which includes personal stories and valuable links. I hope Grant wins an award for this, though I’m not quite sure who should give him what.
MERIP has a fact sheet on Afghanistan’s refugee crisis.
originally posted by xowie
Here is an updated schedule of events in Washington, DC this weekend.
Dr. Mann, equipped with his hidden "wearcam," went into chain stores and innocently asked why there were domes on the ceiling. He secretly filmed the employees' evasiveness and their defensive responses — "They're here for your own good" — and then reached into his bag and pulled out a video camera of his own. At that point, he was usually kicked out of the store. "Of all places I go, it's the casinos and department stores and police stations that object most strongly to my apparatus," he said. "And yet those are the places where I feel it's most needed to prevent what would be a one-sided totalitarian regime."Real-Life Cyborg Challenges Reality With Technology,
Judith Lewis on the latest rumors.
originally posted by xowie
Women I know in New York and Washington debate whether to order Israeli vs. Marine Corps gas masks, and half-hour lightweight gas masks vs. $400 eight-hour gas masks, baby gas masks and pet gas masks, with the same meticulous attention they gave to ordering no-foam-no-fat-no-whip lattes in more innocent days. They share information on which pharmacies still have Cipro, Zithromax and Doxycycline, all antibiotics that can be used for anthrax, the way they once traded tips on designer shoe bargains.Maureen Dowd's starting to freak me out! From Botox to Botulism. cf.: Overview - Med. guide - CDC - Bio FAQ - Nuke - Fallout.
originally posted by xowie
I tried to put it in the simplest possible terms for you people, so you'd get it straight, because I thought it was pretty important. I guess I figured I'd left no real room for confusion after putting it in a four-word sentence with one-syllable words, on the tablets I gave to Moses. How much more clear can I get?Rebecca reminds us that the Onion is back, and it is in fine form indeed. Laughter is therapy, do something good for yourself and read an article or two.
The DC Independed Media Center welcome team has posted a schedule of S29-related events including workshops and conferences leading up to a weekend of peace rallies and marches taking place in lieu of the IMF/World Bank protests. I’d like to recommend an activity that should be relatively safe, but after Genoa I don’t think it would be responsible to take a guess. March organizers were denied a permit as far as I can tell, and, although I would expect the black blocs to behave, it’s anybody’s guess whether the provocateurs will be out and what police will be prepared to do to protestors (“We’re going to go [to the protest] and take care of business: kill, kill, kill,” said one cop). I am torn up by the fact that I fear my baby boy would not be safe at a peace march, but there you go.
A panel of four Williams College professors urged restraint in the so-called war on terrorism Monday, with one of them calling upon America to bomb Afghanistan not with explosives but with food and medical supplies.Professor: Drop food, not bombs, Berkshire Eagle. What a great headline. The Tower Records near my work is clearing out their books and last week I picked up a book on the history and practice of Food Not Bombs which includes recipes and explains how to start a local chapter. Thanks to Marty of Wordforge for the quote and link. Along similar lines, Dori Smith wrote: "Someone on a mail list I'm on said today that, from his perspective, the best outcome for this whole tragedy would come from dropping several million Real Goods catalogs on Afghanistan, each with a gift certificate attached. Think about it: it's a whole lot cheaper, a whole lot more targeted, and a whole lot more likely to bring about a positive result."
Anthropology professor David Edwards, speaking during a public forum at Chapin Hall, said airlifts similar to those provided to West Berlin by the United States and Britain in 1948 and 1949 could prove a public relations coup and an unexpected blow to terrorist Osama bin Ladin, in a country wracked by starvation, civil war and oppression.
"Bin Laden expects us to strike with military force. It's what he's prepared for. In dealing with terrorism, you have to do the unexpected," said Edwards, an expert on Afghanistan who was joined on the panel by political science professors Marc Lynch, Gary Jacobsohn and James McAllister.
I feel so much pain and anger about the destruction of the twin towers, and then I can't even talk about it in class. I'm too angry about the way everyone's talking about Arabs. I can't share my pain with them. This club has never been so important to me before. It's the only safe place for me where I can mourn what has happened to our city, and not be hurt by those around me at the same time.Peek inside the Arab Club at Hunter College half of whose members (mainly those with darker skin or who wear veils) have stopped showing up at school due to harrassment.
Anti-Starbucks downloads.
originally posted by xowie
Downtown Brooklyn after the crash.
originally posted by xowie
Starbucks apologizes for forcing NYC rescue workers to pay for water. (
originally posted by xowie
Civil libertarians—and there aren't many—have to be careful not to believe that the huge popular support for the Bush war effort will make significant resistance nearly impossible. But opposition to a coup d'état against the Bill of Rights is our only alternative to yielding to the beginnings of a police state for an indefinite period.Net Hentoff in a remarkable edition of the Voice. Also: Slowing Ashcroft and A User’s Guide to Antiwar Activism.
originally posted by xowie
Guardian Unlimited: Now what? - Chewy Q&A goodness. Scroll down for “Who is making money from the terror crisis?”
The Book Forager is a neat interactive tool that I can’t seem to explain right now so just check it out.
ArianaE, an Afghan web portal, has a listing of Afghan restaurants in the US. I’d really like to visit one in the near future. Do you suppose they have many vegetarian options?
The pictured map, uncovered in the files of the Council on Foreign Relations, tells a part of the Afghanistan story that has attracted virtually no attention. Note the proposed pipeline routes and that once the Persian port of Gwendar is reached, the American oil industry is home free.Progressive Review: Give Me a Pipeline or Give Me Death.
slashdot: hackers would be subject to life imprisonment under Ashcroft’s anti-terrorism legislation.
originally posted by xowie
xowie sez: 10 reasons to oppose the proposed national I.D. card.
originally posted by xowie
I’d forgotten to keep an eye on think peace, the collaborative weblog started in response to the New War. Also want to watch:
I've realized that almost no one wants the war the government and media have been trying to sell us on for a week. My own father, a supremely patriotic man and an avowed conservative who joined the Navy back in the early 60s, does not want this war. Every veteran I've talked to does not want this war. No one wants terrorists to be able to kill more people, but no one believes this garbage that our only two options are doing nothing and going to war.David Grenier: A new hope.
Al-Hewar Center has a huge page of links to statements and condolences from Arab-American and Muslim-American organizations and personalities.
originally posted by xowie
Have you heard the good news?
HRW statement on Afghan refugees.
originally posted by xowie
Read 1/10th of this: End of Liberty? Chilling Maureen Dowd. Scroll down for Susan Sontag. Cory D. on that pimp Larry Ellison. Still more Robert Fisk. Jonathan Gold. On the defense of civil liberties. Jim Washburn. Disgraceful pundits. Derrick Z. Jackson.
originally posted by xowie
The real fear now is chemical.A "US government adviser" leaking (sp?) to The Sunday Times in an article on the beginning of our New War.
Can you find Afghanistan on a map?
Christopher Hitchens’s latest. (thanks, J.)
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
This week’s urban legends.
originally posted by xowie
War, being a dramatic departure from the stream of events that went before it, is an especially fertile occasion for the pursuit of private agendas. World War I, for example, institutionalized the public relations industry. Most of the founding figures of public relations first came to prominence by participating in the propaganda campaign that persuaded Americans, against great odds, to join the war on the side of France despite isolationist sentiments and the large number of German immigrants in the country. As they built the government's propaganda machinery, they also built the professional networks and personal reputations that guaranteed their success, and the success of public relations as a concept, in the post-war world.Some Notes on War in a World Without Boundaries from Phil Agre, the source of more unadulterated sense than I've seen in a long time. This man is brilliant; subscribe to his Red Rock Eaters mailing list for more.
What new social structures will be institutionalized in the course of the war that is now getting under way? The answer, I think, can be found in plain sight, in the military doctrine that the Bush people have been articulating. ... One of the great dangers of the coming war is that it will institutionalize this kind of warfare, applying it not simply to dangerous individuals in foreign countries but to the civilian populace of the United States.
Who knows what will happen now? Not me, buster. That's why I live out here in the mountains with a flag on my porch and loud Wagner music blaring out of my speakers. I feel lucky, and I have plenty of ammunition. That is God's will, they say, and that is also why I shoot into the darkness at anything that moves.Hunter Thompson thinks WW3 has already begun.
originally posted by xowie
Three Arab-Americans from Utah have been kicked off a flight from Minneapolis because the other passengers refused to fly with them.Arab-Americans kicked off NWA flight,
"After a few minutes," he recalled later, "the pilot came up to me. . . . He told me that he's not safe with me flying to Dallas."Arab Americans Enduring Hard Stares of Other Fliers,
"What do you have against me?" the incredulous passenger asked.
"He just said, 'I'm not going to take you. Myself and my crew are not safe flying with you. They don't feel safe.' "
It’s a fabulous season for apples – “four times the quantity of last year” according to one grower – and one of the greatest memories I have is of spending a cool, sticky, exhaustingly fun day at a pick-your-own orchard up in the Blue Ridge mountains with family and friends one autumn years ago. In all the, well, everything, I almost missed this Washington Post guide to pick-your-own orchards near DC. Considering my son’s newfound appreciation for the fruit (apples and pears are the only solids he’ll countenance) I really hope we can make it to one before all the apples fall.
I’ve heard lots of talk about the forbidding mountainous terrain of Afghanistan. Trying to get a look for myself, I’ve come across this Time photo essay on famine and photojournalist A. Raffaele Ciriello’s photos of Afghanistan. Thanks to Cursor for both links.
Still available:
In 1998 alone, literally half the top 10 highest-grossing films involved one form of apocalypse or another: Armageddon, Saving Private Ryan, Deep Impact, Godzilla and the most wildly popular disaster movie of all time, Titanic. James Cameron’s epic is so well-known that a favorite haircut for young men in Kabul is something called the "Titanic." Barbers reportedly get jailed for cutting boys’ hair like Leonardo DiCaprio’s, but their teenage customers love it.Not a Movie by Manohla Dargis.
originally posted by xowie
Jonathan is looking for volunteers to help take Life During Wartime to the next level.
Rumsfeld Might Change ‘Infinite Justice’ Name -
Chinese Working Overtime to Sew U.S. Flags -
"This is your receipt for your husband...and this is my receipt for your receipt."Why does Terry Gilliam's Brazil remind me of John Ashcroft? (see this also.)
originally posted by xowie
Pakistan’s nukes.
originally posted by xowie
Judith Lewis interviews Mir Tamim Ansary. Also in the Weekly: To Be Muslim and American in L.A. by Celeste Fremon.
originally posted by xowie
Looking again at last Tuesday's darkness, peering deeper into Krishna's mouth, we see not just ourselves but the entire world staring back. It would be comforting to believe the international outpouring of sympathy in the wake of the attacks was simply that, but it was also a global craning of necks. What will happen? The world looks out its windows and wonders how, if, when, and where the full weight of the structure will fall.Killing the Buddha: Seeing Ourselves.
During the Gulf War of 1991, I gave a talk to a high school assembly in Massachusetts, a private school where the students came from affluent families and were said to be "95 percent in favor of the war." I spoke my mind, and to my surprise got a great round of applause. But in a classroom afterward, a girl who had been staring at me with hostility throughout the discussion, suddenly spoke up, her voice registering her anger: "Why do you live in this country?"From the introduction to You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train by Howard Zinn. This and many more fine articles can be found on ZNet's Emergency Terrorism and War page.
I tried to explain, that my love was for the country, for the people, not for whatever government happened to be in power. To believe in democracy was to believe in the principles of the Declaration of Independence--that government is an artificial creation, established by the people to defend the equal right of everyone to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I interpreted "everyone" to include men, women, children all over the world, who have a right to life, not to be taken away by their own government or by ours. When a government betrays those democratic principles, it is being unpatriotic. Love of democracy would then require opposing your government.
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund has compiled a partial list of the rash of hate crimes and murders committed in the past week.
originally posted by beXn
Patterns of inquiry revealed by the network:
You can create any number of scenarios to prove that nonviolence won't work, but meanwhile we rarely question that the violence is clearly failing. In other words, most in the media become very skeptical when they hear about pacifism. They equate it with just letting people walk all over you, which it clearly is not. When you study Gandhi, King, Merton Day, Muste and all the others, you find that it's direct resistance to authority, a direct resistance to Caesar. But it's a very difficult subject to comprehend. Everybody is always, "What if someone breaks into your house with a gun and wants to shoot your family? What do you do then?" So you can create scenarios where clearly it probably won't work, but meanwhile there are 40,000 a people a month who are dying in wars around the world. The U.S. is selling weapons to 142 nations; we're the world's biggest arms dealer. We spend $800 million a day on Pentagon programs, bankrupting our economy, and rarely is this ethic questioned. So I question it.From an interview with peace activist and educator Colman "please forgive us" McCarthy.
think peace is a collaborative weblog to which everyone is welcome to post.
Suppose bin Laden is the mastermind of the recent horror. Imagine he had gone before the Afghan population a week earlier and told them of the U.S. government's responsibility for so much tragedy and mayhem around the world, particularly to Arab populations as in Iraq and Palestine. Imagine that he further told them that Americans have different values and that they cheered when bombs were rained on people in Libya and Iraq. Suppose bin Laden had proposed the bombing of U.S. civilians to force their government to change its ways. In that hypothetical event, what would we want the Afghan people to have replied?Apparently the ZNet server was hit hard by the recent Microsoft-enabled "Nimda" worm so I'm mirroring the September 11 Q and A right here. As I've come to expect from Michael Albert and ZMag, it's insightful and quite comprehensive. U: ZNet is back.
We would want them to have told bin Laden that he was demented and possessed. We would want them to have pointed out that the fact that the U.S. government has levied massive violence against Iraq's civilians and others does not warrant attacks on U.S. civilians, and the fact of different values doesn't warrant attacks of any sort at all.
So isn't this what we ought to also want the U.S. public to say to George Bush?
originally posted by xowie
It’s Understanding Islam Week over at Dan Hartung’s Lake Effect, and I have faith that Dan will do an outstanding job of gathering and explicating links. Thanks to Follow Me Here for the pointer.
Q:What is the meaning of the suffix ‘-stan,’ found at the end of the names of so many countries?Google's cache of a National Geographic page.
A:The names of seven countries, all of them Asian, have either the ‘-stan’ or ‘-istan’ suffix. They are: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
The use of these suffixes, both of which mean ‘country’ in Persian, illustrates the broad historic influence of Persian culture. These suffixes are similar to the English ‘Land,’ as in ‘Finland,’ ‘Greenland,’ ‘Iceland,’ ‘Ireland,’ ‘Poland,’ and of course, ‘Disneyland.’
This decency and sense of fairness is America's greatest strength, but it has also been a weakness. Americans want to think of themselves as a benign nation that stands for the downtrodden against the strong, and for right against wrong. This has sometimes made it much harder to make people see the distortions that their government's policies have produced over decades in the Middle East and other parts of the world; that the America that they believe in and strive for --the America of decency and freedom -- is not the same America experienced by millions of people whose lives are ruined by US-backed dictators and despots, who see their loved ones incinerated by "smart bombs" and wasted by sanctions. People are sometimes unwilling to see an image in the mirror that they do not like. The America that wrote to reassure me and other Arab Americans that I am safe at home here is not the same America that with unconditional support sentences my cousins to a life of brutality and violence under endless Israeli occupation. But it is the America that can and must act to stop it.Ali Abunimah, Thoughts from New York.
Here in the UK I pray for everyone of you there. I have always loved New York so much. Its energy has always felt to me to be as much about love and ozone-positive fresh air as money and commercial dynamism. Whatever was intended in these acts of terrorism, they have created only more energy and more love. - Pete Townshend
originally posted by xowie
Alternet: alternatives to war; the racism of war fever.
NYT: a nation of checkpoints; the big terrible.
Salon: life will never be the same; rally ‘round the flag.
WP: fears for liberties; a beating and regrets.
originally posted by xowie
I did not see the speech at the Islamic Center, but support what I think Bush said. Someone please tell me what the hell this means though: Both Americans and Muslim friends and citizens, tax-paying citizens, and Muslims in nations were just appalled and could not believe what we saw on our TV screens. My eyes hurt from reading that.
originally posted by xowie
The U.S. has already demanded that Pakistan terminate the food and other supplies that are keeping at least some of the starving and suffering people of Afghanistan alive. If that demand is implemented, unknown numbers of people who have not the remotest connection to terrorism will die, possibly millions. Let me repeat: the U.S. has demanded that Pakistan kill possibly millions of people who are themselves victims of the Taliban. This has nothing to do even with revenge. It is at a far lower moral level even than that.Noam Chomsky interviewed by Radio B92. Incredibly interesting.
originally posted by xowie
Criticism of this most devastating of all intelligence failures has been muted; there seems a widespread assumption that the Arabs who have been rounded up since Tuesday must all be guilty. And there is unity in vengefulness, too. According to a New York Times-CBS poll yesterday, only 6% now oppose military action and a substantial majority would support war "even if many thousands of innocent civilians are killed". That support is especially strong among those too young to remember the second world war, Korea or Vietnam.No room for dissent as spirit of flagwaving sweeps the nation.
originally posted by xowie
"The terrorist attacks will cause the widespread use of Carnivore and at the very least an acknowledgment of the Echelon system... The tragedy may soften our commitment to privacy as a public and allow for these technologies, once they are in place, to stay in place afterward. I can't think of anything that would better expedite the abuse of this technology than what has just happened." - Coralee Whitcomb, CPSR.ZDNet, Attacks silence privacy concerns.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
As Palestinians who suffer daily from acts of Israeli aggression against our innocent people, we cannot find the words to express how shocked we were to see the horrific scenes on TV. We condemn such acts and we do not accept such horrific acts in the 3rd millennium where peace, prosperity, and freedom should cover the whole world. We reiterate our deepest condemnation of this horrible act on these innocent humans. No matter how can we express our sorrow, we can't find enough words to say how sorry we are.City of Beit Sahour, Palestine.
originally posted by xowie
Lynda Barry, with you.
originally posted by xowie
People from every corner of the world have come to our nation to enjoy the freedoms we hold so dear and to escape the hatred and persecution that exists in their homelands. Let us not stoop down to the level of our attackers and also be guilty of senseless acts of hatred against the innocent. We must rise above our circumstances and show the world our resolve and what it really means to be an American.Message to Ithaca, Hon. Alan Cohen.
originally posted by xowie
I have been thinking about the words retaliation and punishment and act of war. I have been thinking about violence, what it feels like to be nothing to someone else. What it feels like to be a consequence of someone else's disassociated rage, disconnected fury. I have been thinking about the cycle of hurt for hurt, nation against nation, tit for tat. I have been thinking about how deeply something else is required. I have been thinking about the courage it requires to think about something other than violence as a response to violence. I am thinking about the complexity of this and the loneliness of this and the helplessness and the sorrow that would be felt in the space where violence once was and the grief. I have been thinking that for those of us who are living on the planet right here, right now, we must live in this dangerous space, allowing the helplessness, the grief, the sorrow to create new wisdom that can and will and must free us from this terrible prison of violence.Eve Ensler.
originally posted by xowie
Tips for planning an anti-war action, from a group calling for student protests Thursday at noon.
originally posted by xowie
The plight of the Palestinians is the single most important issue to most Arabs. Professor Shibley Telhami of the University of Maryland conducted a poll in which citizens of five nations -- Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates -- were asked how important the Palestinian issue was to them personally. In four nations, 60 percent said it was the most important. In Egypt, reviled throughout the Arab world as the state that made peace with Israel, 79 percent said it was.Gary Kamiya, The bloody Jordan river now flows through America. Also at Salon: American pacifists call for restraint.
originally posted by xowie
On a so-called Christian station, I heard a preacher tell his listeners that Islam was a cult that worshipped the moon and preached total destruction of Jews and Christians. Callers seemed baffled about which religion the terrorists might have adhered to—-"Islam or Muslim?"—-or asked which Middle Easterners they'd seen on TV celebrating the bombing: "Is it the Israelis who don't like us, or the Palestinians?"Driving back to L.A. with the radio on.
originally posted by xowie
Our leaders have described the recent atrocity with the customary cliche: mindless cowardice. "Mindless" may be a suitable word for the vandalising of a telephone box. It is not helpful for understanding what hit New York on September 11. Those people were not mindless and they were certainly not cowards. On the contrary, they had sufficiently effective minds braced with an insane courage, and it would pay us mightily to understand where that courage came from.Richard Dawkins, Religion's misguided missiles.
originally posted by xowie
I wish the flag didn't scare me. I wish that every time I saw the flag I could be secure in the assumption that the person who hung it values freedom of religion and the presumption of innocence as much as I do. I wish seeing this flag everywhere didn't make me profoundly uncomfortable whenever I leave the house. I feel like it must show, like you can see in my eyes that I don't want war the way we are being told with pictures and polls that we want war.i am about to go buy a flag to put in front of my parent's house so that you don't think that my family is anti american. we are very american, we love being here in america, we love everything american, it's people, it's land, it's culture (s), it's freedom, it's wide variety of choices for professions, everything about it. we loved it before we came here, and learned to love it more after coming here. but i am getting the flag merely to keep people wanting to hurt my family, from questioning how american they are, because they look different. having the flag does not make me love america more, it just means that i have a flag in front of my house. -- MetaFilter post
"Does anybody think that we can send the USS New Jersey to lob Volkswagon-sized shells into Lebanese villages -- Reagan, 1983 -- or loose 'smart bombs' on civilians seeking shelter in a Baghdad bunker -- Bush, 1991 -- or fire cruise missiles on a Sudanese pharmaceutical factory -- Clinton, 1999 -- and not receive, someday, our share in kind?" History did not begin on September 11.David Corn, Going to Extremes.
originally posted by xowie
The Voice is back. The “wailing wall” at the V.A. Hospital, plus flyers of missing people.
originally posted by xowie
“Responding to Terrorism”: A Compendium of Articles from the Alternative Media collected by Utne Reader Online.
Nineteen years ago today, the greatest act of terrorism — using Israel's own definition of that much misused word — in modern Middle Eastern history began. Does anyone remember the anniversary in the West? How many readers of this article will remember it?Not me. Answer: the massacres at Sabra and Shatila camps began September 16, 1982; 1,800 Palestinians were murdered. Who lit candles for them?
Powerful commentary by Robert Fisk.
originally posted by xowie
"We should be careful when we use those analogies. If I ever used war analogies, I apologize. Football is not war." - Ray Brown.SFGate: Language of sports forever changed. By the way, here's just one incredibly stupid analogy in sports reporting.
originally posted by xowie
Take a peek at photojournalist Raku Loren’s What’s Really Going On.
Statement of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
originally posted by xowie
Our government has a bad record in its ‘wars’ against such ill-defined enemies as poverty or drugs. Terrorism in the modern world is effected across many borders and its remediation requires analogous forms of cooperation. ‘War’ may sanction actions that increase our insecurity and vulnerability. War does not easily coexist with justice despite the best efforts to elaborate just war theory. War seeks the destruction of the other rather than efforts to find the best ways in which to coexist with those who are different.John Buell, Apocalypse Now?
originally posted by xowie
Devastating hi-res photos by Sara K. Schwittek, Brooklyn, N.Y.
originally posted by xowie
Argentina: 2 missing Australia: 9 confirmed dead, 85 missing Bangladesh: 50 confirmed, more missing Belgium: 60 missing Brazil: 5 missing Canada: 2 confirmed, 100 missing (est) Chile: 1 missing China: 4 confirmed, 30 missing Colombia: 6 confirmed, 116 missing Denmark: 5 missing Dominican Republic: 3 missing Egypt: 1 confirmed, 3 missing El Salvador: 1 confirmed, 18 missing Finland: 7 missing France: 81 missing Germany: 4 confirmed, 700 missing India: 250 missing Indonesia: 1 confirmed, 1 missing Ireland: 4 confirmed Israel: 1 confirmed, 150 missing Italy: 8 missing Japan: 2 confirmed, 100 missing Lebanon: 1 confirmed, 2 missing Malaysia: 7 missing Mexico: 150-500 missing (est) Norway: 1 missing Pakistan: 3 confirmed, more missing Paraguay: 2 missing Peru: 5 missing Philippines: 7 missing Portugal: 3 confirmed, 20 missing Puerto Rico: 1 missing South Africa: 1 confirmed, 2 missing South Korea: 1 confirmed, 27 missing Spain: 9 missing Sweden: 1 missing Switzerland: 4 confirmed, 10 missing Taiwan: 9 missing United Kingdom: 100 confirmed, 200 missing (est) Zimbabwe: 6 missingc/o Life During Wartime.
originally posted by xowie
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Scobleizer.What would happen if instead of bombs, we instead bombed them with food and those 45 words?
originally posted by xowie
Noelle: Will this bring peace?KPFA interview with Rear. Adm. (Ret.) Euguene Carroll, USN. (For a detailed overview of the likely U.S. military response, see this article by Stephen J. Baker, another retired USN admiral.)Admiral Carroll: We can inflict grave damage, but it will not bring peace, it will not end terrorism, it may even exacerbate it. We will lose the sympathy shown around the world. We should make Americans safe from terrorism by reducing the motives. Terrorism arises out of abject poverty and hopelessness. If I can't protect my children, if I see my family dying around me, I become a terrorist out of a feeling of sheer helplessness. Without any hope for the future, they give their lives.
originally posted by xowie
If we are to make progress as a civilization—or, more critically, survive as a species—we face the stark choice of either building a new global culture of compassion or continuing to ignore or support our current system's cultivation of inequality, militarism and the degradation of human life where economic and social decisions are guided only by market values. Without fundamental change, the forces who see violence as the only method to address legitimate grievances, symbolized in the carnage of lower Manhattan and along the Potomoc, will inevitably grow and become more destructive in this noxious environment.Respond to Terror with a Revolution of the Heart by Scott Harris, Producer, Between the Lines.
originally posted by xowie
[Friday's Congressional resolution is not] based on a quest for justice. It is an open-ended invitation to attack anyone U.S. leaders decide to target. And those leaders -- Dick Cheney and Colin Powell among them -- are some of the same people who during the Gulf War unleashed attacks not only on military targets but on civilians and the entire civilian infrastructure of Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people during and after the war. This resolution, and the statements from the Bush administration about an ongoing global war, suggest that what is coming will be even more frightening.Robert Jensen, Why I Will Not Rally Around the President.
originally posted by xowie
One target of operation "Infinite Reach" was bin Laden's paramilitary camp in Afghanistan. "The U.S. picked the highly accurate cruise missile for the strikes against the Afghan camp," reported CNN's military correspondent Jamie McIntrye, "because of their ability to fly with pinpoint accuracy." One of the missiles was so inaccurate it hit the wrong country, Pakistan, several hundred miles off-course.Remembering the Last U.S. Retaliation Against Terror, by Jeff Cohen.
originally posted by xowie
War Against the Planet by Vijay Prashad, Fearing strikes, Afghans flee Kabul by Amir Shah, Bush’s Faustian Deal With the Taliban by Robert Scheer.
originally posted by xowie
Any explanation of Middle Eastern violence that relies upon the notion that Islam is an inherently violent or inherently anti-Western religion is false and misleading. First, Islam is one of the world's largest and most diverse religions and like Christianity or Judaism there are thousands of views within Islam about the religion and also about violence and the West. Secondly, there are major differences even among explicitly Muslim militants and activists regarding these issues - some insist upon non-violent struggle and others regard violence as a legitimate tool. There is no way one can generalize about Islam or any religion for that matter.Steve Niva, Addressing the Sources of Middle Eastern Violence Against the United States.
originally posted by xowie
In response to Tuesday’s terrorist attacks, Clear Channel, the world’s largest radio network, has sent out a list of some 150 "lyrically questionable" songs by everyone from the Animals to the Zombies to its radio stations, recommending that the songs not be aired.Among the banned songs: Peace Train, Imagine, and Blowin' in the Wind. Get the picture? Meanwhile, RATM had to shut down its messageboard after repeated complaints by the Secret Service. (thanks, Judy)
originally posted by xowie
Suicide bombers are supposed to be 17-year-old zealots with nothing to live for but the hope of a martyr's welcome by 72 virgins in paradise. These men, the FBI reveals, lived middle-class lives, had degrees and jobs and wives and kids and a willingness to leave them all to kill us. Among the casualties last week was our sweet certainty that anyone lucky enough to be able to live in America, share its vices and freedoms and gifts, surely would not want to destroy it.Time, Mourning in America.
originally posted by xowie
Felt by all the world.
originally posted by xowie
The simplistic stereotyping that goes on - equating Arabs and Muslims - must stop. Two-thirds of Arab Americans are, actually, Christian. And up to three-fourths of the U.S. Muslim population is not Arab.Rethinking Islam's place in American society.
Now what does this word Islam mean? Oh, wow, it comes from the word salaam, which means peace. Suddenly, it was dawning. Hey! Didn't I once write a song called Peace Train? It was fast becoming clear that I was now being confronted with something much greater than I had originally anticipated: possibly - the Truth!Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), My rise from icon to slave.
Truly, our hearts bleed for the attacks that have targeted the World Trade Center (WTC) as well as other institutions in the United States despite our strong opposition to the American-biased policy towards Israel on the military, political and economic fronts. Islam, the religion of tolerance, holds the human soul in high esteem, and considers an attack against innocent human beings a grave sin. This is backed by the Qur’anic verse which reads: "Whosoever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if be had killed all mankind, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had: saved the life of all mankind." (Al-Ma’dah:32)Ask the Scholar (Islam Online).
originally posted by xowie
Altered city. Brief interview with Angus Kress Gillespie. How little kids are handling it. Raw thoughts. No more illusions. We need the rule of law, not the rule of war. Perseverance amid 450,000 tons of debris. Now more than ever. Fallout.
originally posted by xowie
The next thing I remember is that a dark cloud of glass and debris about 50 stories high came tumbling towards us. I turned around and ran as fast as possible. I didn’t realize until yesterday that the reason I’m still feeling so sore was that I fell down trying to get away. I was on my back, facing this massive cloud that was approaching, it must have been 600 feet off, everything was already dark. I normally wear a pendant around my neck, inscribed with an Arabic prayer for safety; similar to the cross. A hesidic Jewish man came up to me and held the pendant in his hand, and looked at it. He read the Arabic out loud for a second. What he said next, I will never forget. With a deep Brooklyn accent he said “Brother, if you don’t mind, there is a cloud of glass coming at us, grab my hand, lets get the hell out of here?” He helped me stand up, and we ran for what seemed like forever without looking back. He was the last person I would ever have thought, who would help me. If it weren’t for him, I probably would have been engulfed in shattered glass and debris.
wtc-filter is a good weblog covering the war. If they had a link to randomWalks, I would make it my home page. If they were to add one more weblog, though, it should be World New York.
Dear reader, two Sundays in the future: you know vastly more than I do about what I mean when I say war. Do you envy me, living in this before, this last shred of relative innocence? I hope not. I hope I ought to envy you, the wild sweet peace you enjoy, the simultaneous epiphany of universal human amity and accord, the melting of all world guns into memorial sculpture which took place on, say, Sept. 16, the miracle that occurred in place of the carnage I’m dreading today. Oh, I hope I ought to envy you; I hope I’m a moron.9 failures of the imagination by B'klyn novelist Jonathan Lethem.
originally posted by xowie
When we cry out for violence, we are indeed asking our leaders to do to other civilians and rescue workers precisely what has happened to us here. Let us use great caution and prudence in our solutions to this horror. We owe that to our counterparts the world over -- people who by no means deserve to suffer the way we are now. I think most people, having seen what I just have, would be hesitant to call for an expansion of this horror.The greatest argument against war.
originally posted by xowie
I woke with the images, the cry for retribution: brutality begetting brutality, blood in my eye. I need to believe that this is somehow un-American. Their whole point is to make us a nation at war. We should resist, resist becoming like those who did this.How can art help us now?- James Taylor, Singer, songwriter
originally posted by xowie’s gallery of front pages.
originally posted by xowie
Not angry - haven't felt that once, strangely, and I am a reasonably irascible old man. Just surges of disbelief at the kinds of things said on tv and radio; the damnable dance of politicians and the professional pundit puke while shattered hearts lie bleeding true blood. Warm and wet. The stirring promise of endless battlefields to satisfy lust for metaphoric blood. Just experiencing, along with a legion of others, the advancing exhaustion of some subtle psychical strata due to encompassing more than the emotional machinery is yet (if ever) evolved to accomodate without something palpable and accessible to touch. Lots of pictures but no picture. Lack of effect leading to lack of affect. Absurdity of trying to comfort a grieving loved one by email. Not that there's anything to say, only the will to feel alongside of. O world of lost children believing in disbelief instead of doubting doubt. History returns to the starting point armed with ever less poignant weapons. Image of a Fireman on the 31st floor of a crumbling tower when the heavens suddenly open and forever rushes in like a leviathan come to reclaim her young.Journal of Robert Hunter.
originally posted by xowie
SiameseQuadraped: I’ve been focusing on thought and compassion and the meaning of love all week, and the incidents in NY/DC/PA came at at a time when we were talking about Holden Caufield in The Catcher in the Rye, and the book, Brave New World. Anyway, next week we are reading “All Quiet on the Western Front,” and I came across this quote, marked as “great” by a student of mine in her journal. “It is very queer that the unhappiness of the world is so often brought on by small men.” And this one: “Our bodies are a thin skin stretched painfully over repressed madness.”
Here is a poem by Randall Jarrell:
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner
From my mother’s sleep I fell into the State,
And I hunched in its belly till my wet fur froze.
Six miles from earth, loosed from its dream of life,
I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.
When I died they washed me out of the turret with a hose.
originally posted by xowie
Shock, rage and grief there has been aplenty. But any glimmer of recognition of why people might have been driven to carry out such atrocities, sacrificing their own lives in the process - or why the United States is hated with such bitterness, not only in Arab and Muslim countries, but across the developing world - seems almost entirely absent. Perhaps it is too much to hope that, as rescue workers struggle to pull firefighters from the rubble, any but a small minority might make the connection between what has been visited upon them and what their government has visited upon large parts of the world. But make that connection they must, if such tragedies are not to be repeated, potentially with even more devastating consequences.Seumas Milne, They can't see why they are hated.
originally posted by xowie
What can you do? Here are some things to consider:Buddhist Peace Fellowship.1) Being peace yourself. Take the time to stop, breathe, and notice your feelings and reactions to all that has happened and is happening. In the face of the immensity of this tragedy, face your own sense of helplessness and powerlessness. And at the same time, consider how your every word, action, and interaction with another right now carries the potential for peace or war. Be gentle with yourself and others; our compassionate presence for each other will be required more than ever.
2) Cultivate an environment of peace and tolerance in your community -- stand up for and speak out for groups that are receiving the brunt of ignorance and hatred. Consider contacting Muslim organizations and mosques in your community and express your concern for their well-being and safety. Ask if there is anything you or your sangha can do in support of them, i.e. organizing a sitting meditation vigil in front of a mosque to express solidarity and offer protection.
3) Political Action: How the U.S. government responds to this situation will have ramifactions for generations to come. Military action right now has the potential to escalate the situation and increase violence across the world, and will not deter terrorists but rather solidify hatred for the U.S. Contact President Bush and your legislators and express your wish to see this national crisis handled in a sane way.
4) Gather Together: Organize gatherings to offer people a chance to share grief, sadness, fear, anger, and other feelings and thoughts about what has happened, and to discuss nonviolent and skillful actions that can be taken together.
originally posted by xowie
Experts have opined that the US has to hit "someone" within 10 days, that cruise missiles targeted somewhere in the Middle East are the only appropriate action. The deputy secretary of state, Paul Wolfowitz, said that "the whole civilised world has been shocked... and even portions of the uncivilised world have started to wonder whether they're on the wrong side". How's that for the official American view of the planet?Ahdaf Soueif, Our poor, our weak, our hungry.
originally posted by xowie
"Our nation must be mindful that there are thousands of Arab-Americans who live in New York City," Bush said, "who love their flag just as much as the three of us do, and we must be mindful that as we seek to win the war that we treat Arab-Americans and Muslims with the respect they deserve." It's a message that 17-year-old Roula Abu Hassan says her teacher at school missed today. She says her health teacher told her class at a high school in Brooklyn that "Palestinian children all want to become terrorists." Both Roula and her mother Saud Abu Hassan, who moved to the United States from the Palestinian territories, are visibly upset by the statement and want the teacher to apologize.Arab-American community 'keeping its head down' - CNN Generally speaking, when a teacher is accused of harrassing a student, aren't we told the name of the adult and not the minor?
The Detroit Free Press is presenting 100 Questions and Answers about Arab Americans, which I would fail were it a test.
The man who occupies the White House cried today. Good. Keep crying, Mr. Bush. The more you cry, the less you will go to that dark side in all humans where anger rages to a point where we want to blindly kill.Michael Moore 9.14
Tell the mayor, a guy most of us have not liked, that he is doing an incredible job, keeping the spirits of everyone up as high as they can be at this moment. Being there for a city I believe he loves, his own cancer still with him, he goes beyond the call of duty.
But do not declare war and massacre more innocents.
originally posted by xowie
Hey terrorist motherfuckuhs! This Bud’s NOT for you.
originally posted by xowie
Pilot Charles "Chic" Burlingame, Oak Hill, VA
b. Orange County, CA, 1949
a "huge Angels fan"
Navy fighter pilot, 350 carrier landings
Contestant, Greed, Tic-Tac-Dough
Captain, American Airlines Flight 77
died the day before his birthday
"Put out my hand, and touched the face of God."
from his friends in Hollywood
originally posted by xowie
If you read nothing else today, read Mir Tamim Ansary on Afghanistan. I will probably throw the whole thing up here when I get a chance, but don’t wait for me. Go now.
I might have linked more photos sooner had I still a DSL connection. All of these links are from World New York:
“I had originally started this photo collection as a tribute to the view out of my bedroom window that I grew up with. Never did I think…”
BBC: Islamic world deplores US losses.
originally posted by xowie
We are at war, they said. And I thought: they have learned nothing, absolutely nothing, from the history of the twentieth century, from a hundred years of retaliation, vengeance, war, a hundred years of terrorism and counter-terrorism, of violence met with violence in an unending cycle of stupidity.Howard Zinn, Violence Doesn't Work.
originally posted by xowie
Ask Bush to show restraint.
originally posted by xowie
Falwell: I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen'.Rev. Falwell's hate and cowardice.
originally posted by xowie
I have dropped my quarters in slots my daughter will never see, in buildings she will never enter, on observation decks that do not exist any longer, except in my mind. And I have listened as the timer counted down the time left before the viewfinder would fade to black. And I can imagine looking thru the viewfinder, and wondering why that plane looks so damned close. I can imagine looking uptown as the plane came closer, and closer, and seeing Harlem, and thinking, damn: I shoulda gone to Sylvia’s Soul Food. ‘Cause Harlem, far from being the bad part of town, was one of the safest places in New York yesterday. Even terrorists know which victims count the most in America. America, if you want safety, you’d best get your ass to the ‘hood. Get your boogie shoes to 123rd street. Move immediately into the Robert Taylor Homes, or Cabrini Green, or the lower 9th Ward in New Orleans. Do not pass go, let alone Wall Street. For there you are like sitting ducks.To My Baby Girl, On the Day After by Tim Wise.
originally posted by xowie
The idea that one could ever be prepared for such inhuman terror is absurd. However, viewed through the U.S. television networks, Tuesday's attack seemed to come less from another country than another planet. The events were reported not so much by journalists as by the new breed of brand-name celebrity anchors who have made countless cameos in TimeWarner movies about apocalyptic terrorist attacks on the United States -- now, incongruously reporting on the real thing. And for a bizarre split second on Tuesday night, CNN's graphic "America Under Attack" disappeared and in its place flashed another one that said "Fighting Fat" -- an eerie ghost graphic that yesterday passed as news. The United States is a country that believed itself not just at peace but war-proof, a self-perception that would come as quite a surprise to most Iraqis, Palestinians and Colombians. Like an amnesiac, the U.S. has woken up in the middle of a war, only to find out it has been going on for years.Awesome Naomi Klein.
originally posted by xowie
If we are provoked into war, it will involve none of the massive military campaigns of World War II. It will more resemble a cold war of antagonism always on the edge of hot war, with similar costs: titanic sums of money spent on security, civil liberties curbed, anxiety and paranoia displacing hope and trust, the life of the mind constricted and contorted, and vast opportunities for human betterment lost.Resisting the blind rush to war by Eugene Leach.
originally posted by xowie
liz: I urge each and every one of you to TURN OFF your television and your radio for JUST ONE DAY. Try it. A media moratorium. A cleansing of your system, if you will. A fast from "the facts." I did it today and I feel so much better, so much more full of love and peace and understanding and hope for myself and all of humanity. Our brains, like our bodies, can only handle so much stress and trauma. After the 10 millionth replay of the plane hitting the tower, I knew I was being manipulated in a most unpleasant way. A migraine ensued that has only now, after several hours of yoga and media fasting, gone away. Right now is the time to sleep, take your B vitamins, meditate, and move your body. Love thy neighbor. MASTURBATE. Do that loving-kindness thing for yourself and try to remember that you're alive, which means there are still opportunities for you to do some good.
originally posted by xowie
Of course, I'm smoking a pipe dream here, offering a strategy straight from LaLaLand. America will "retaliate," Americans will feel pretty darn good about it, and the president's approval ratings will shoot up higher than 110 stories. It all goes without saying, just like the reasons for terrorism go without saying -- meaning literally that the reasons can never be seriously discussed. The agony thousands of American families are going through this morning will be repeated -- first in an Arab nation, and then, soon, in America again. What goes around comes around. Again and again and again.Our friend Helen's now famous 9-11 essay. (left column)
originally posted by xowie
A hole in the world by Jonathan Schell
originally posted by xowie
As one who professes to pray to Jesus every morning in the oval office, I hope our President will heed the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount who said, " hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" ..."but I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."An Eye for An Eye? by Tom Turnipseed.
originally posted by xowie
We who favor peace must create our own national dialogue before we can hope to influence the larger one.Alternet: Waging peace in a terrorist age & not everyone wants bloodshed.
originally posted by xowie
Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
originally posted by xowie
Tuesday was International Peace day.
originally posted by xowie
This log is dedicated to presenting those graphics created to explain the terrorist act against the United States on Sept. 11, 2001.
We are calling on the political and military leadership of the United States and its allies to seek justice rather than revenge, and in doing so, break the horrible cycle of violence and suffering. During these difficult times, we call for tolerance and for people in the U.S. and around the world to stand firm against the persecution of innocent Arab and Muslim peoples. We vow to redouble our collective efforts towards social, racial, economic, and environmental justice, civil liberties for all, and nonviolent conflict resolution. Our hearts and thoughts are with the victims and their families. We join people around the world in praying for peace.Ruckus press release.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
Dan Kennedy: The End of Decadence.
originally posted by xowie
The enthusiasm of many who planned to participate in the protests has suddenly evaporated. The willingness of the American public to even listen to the protesters' message has surely diminished. Impassioned arguments about the depredations of global capitalism sound, for the moment at least, moot.The DC anti-globalization movement is recovering too.
One Metropolitan Police Department detective put it even more bluntly. "Most of us are veterans," he said. "We're going to go [to the protest] and take care of business: kill, kill, kill."
originally posted by xowie
A co-worker said when he went in to wake up his 4-year-old daughter yesterday morning, she asked, "Did any more castles fall down?"Raise a flag, kick a ball - You never know what will help.
originally posted by xowie
Understanding Osama bin Laden - AlterNet:
The State Department has theorized that if the people of a rogue nation experience enough suffering, they will overthrow their rulers, or compel them to adopt more sensible behavior. The terrorist actions in New York and Washington are a clear and ironic implementation of this strategy against the United States. (…)
Above all, Americans need to remember that the rest of the world has an absolute right to self-determination that is as defensible as our own. A despicable act of terror such as that committed in New York and Washington is a measure of the revulsion that others feel at U.S. actions that seemingly limit those rights. If we perpetuate a cycle of hate and revenge, this conflict will escalate into a war that our great-grandchildren will be fighting.
The broadest goal today of progressives is one that transcends any ideology: we, all of us, as individuals, must become aware and participating citizens of the world, not just the U.S. We have to pay attention beyond our flimsy borders, and we must demand that the U.S. treat others as we would have them treat us. Because no matter who was behind the attacks, it’s certain that they felt they were treating us as we have treated others.
And in countless cases, that is correct. The same emotions of shock, terror, grief, rage, and powerlessness that many of us felt yesterday have been felt before by the ordinary people in Belgrade, Dili, Mogadishu, Baghdad, Panama City, Beirut, and many other places where the craters take the form of American footprints. They know the world is a small place. So must we all.
Resources for helping children deal with the 9-11 attacks:
Commentary: A Few Words from Ali Abunimah
originally posted by xowie
Tuesday did not offer a flattering exhibition of America's leaders. President Bush gave a timid and stilted initial reaction in Sarasota, Fla., then disappeared for an hour before resurfacing in at a base in Barksdale, La., where he gave another flaccid address with every appearance of being on tranquilizers.Alex. Cockburn and Harold Myerson.
No American president since FDR after Pearl Harbor had faced quite the kind of rhetorical challenge that W. confronted on Tuesday night; and if it seems a tad unfair to hold W. to the Roosevelt standard, well, nobody made this guy run for president, or forced him to steal the position when he couldn’t win it at the ballot box.
originally posted by xowie
It may seem presumptuous on my part, but I personally believe we need to think seriously whether a violent action is the right thing to do and in the greater interest of the nation and people in the long run. I believe violence will only increase the cycle of violence.The Dalai Lama's letter to the President of the United States of America.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
At 8:59 a.m., before he had heard the news, David Jacobs, a Brooklyn resident and software architect, posted to the Web log randomWalks a New York Times interview with Bill Ayers, the former Weather Underground bomber who recently published a memoir, Fugitive Days. While the Twin Towers were being designed and built in 1972, Ayers was planting bombs in the Pentagon and the Capitol. ‘I don’t regret setting bombs,’ he told reporter Dinitia Smith in the interview, which ran, presciently, Tuesday morning. ‘I feel we didn’t do enough.’ Only a few minutes later, Jacobs did what the Times couldn’t: He explained the strange synchronicity. ‘It’s a complete coincidence that I posted about the weathermen moments before the WTC & Pentagon fires,’ he wrote on the site. ‘More soon.’Change in the Weather by our friend Judith Lewis. There's a lot more 9-11 in today's LAW.
originally posted by xowie
More weblog coverage: booknotes and
Check out this unique and powerful satellite image “processed with the SWIR band which is particularly sensitive to fire spots. Thanks to this SWIR band two red spots are clearly visible through the plume of smoke at the south end of Manhattan island.”
The 9-11 coverage by two hundred weblogs, including randomWalks, has been archived for posterity.
Noam Chomsky: On the Bombings.
originally posted by xowie
When I began crying I thought, ``Bury the dead. Bury the dead and tell each one of their mundane American stories, all with the same ending, and make everyone read all 10,000 or 30,000 or whatever, and see if that makes people thirst for more blood, when it's all told out, when they've heard the stories of all the dead, and when they understand that America will go and put the ending on tens of thousands of other stories, in Afghanistan or wherever we decide, then ask if they want that to happen, or if they want to figure out some way around it.''Paul Ford on
They pay rent-a-cops $5.75 an hour to make sure the bad guys don’t get on my plane. That is what my life is worth - less than the cost of an oil change. Too harsh, you say? Well, chew on this: a first-year pilot on American Eagle (the commuter arm of American Airlines) receives around $15,000 a year in annual pay. That’s right - $15,000 for the person who has your life in his hands. Until recently, Continental Express paid a little over $13,000 a year. There was one guy, an American Eagle pilot, who had four kids so he went down to the welfare office and applied for food stamps - and he was eligible! Someone on welfare is flying my plane? Is this for real? Yes, it is.Latest from Michael Moore.
originally posted by xowie
Deep 9-11 searches free from LexisNexis.
originally posted by xowie
Remy, a student of P.S. 139 in Brooklyn, said that he had been in school all day, and could tell something was wrong early in the morning, because teachers kept leaving the class to talk in the hall. He recalls, "My teacher said, 'I don't have permission to tell you what happened.'"Salon: Brooklyn kids tell the story they were told.
originally posted by xowie
Ray Downey: an essay from Gov. Keating.
originally posted by xowie
A caller asked Howard if he thinks the World Trade Center buildings will be rebuilt. Crazy Cabbie said they should be put right back up to show the world we haven't been defeated. He also said that his radio partner Cane said that when those buildings went down it was like chopping off the country's testicles. We need our manhood back so they should be put back up right away.There's no accounting for taste. He's managed to comfort a lot of people.
originally posted by xowie
Neale of is constructing a detailed timeline of 9-11 World Trade Center attack.
Why the towers collapsed features a helpful graphic.
"We are Arab-Americans, yes, but today we feel American. This happened on our soil here. The people who lost their lives are our people, too."More Arab-American reactions: Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Kansas City, L.A., New Jersey, Philly, Seattle, Vegas.
originally posted by xowie
"I said to the guy next to me, "It's going to crash in. It's going to crash in.' Then it crashed in,'' Lee said.Surreal terror in New York.
originally posted by xowie
Over in Brooklyn, which is even more ethnically diverse than New York, the most unusual thing is the light. That and all the people. In Boreum Hill, about three miles southeast of the massive column of smoke, dust, and ash, you can still see scraps of paper hovering in the sky. The debris refracts the sun, touching everything on the street with a spooky, gray-gold patina. All along Atlantic Avenue, thousands of people walk home from work or school in Manhattan or Brooklyn. Some wear dust masks. Dozens gather on the street corners to gaze up at the sky.Salon interviews NYC Arab-Americans. Also: Flying with phantoms.
originally posted by xowie
Jonathan of has started a special blog on the attack called life during wartime.
Political cartoonists respond to the attack.
If you’re having trouble with the news sites:
Google Current Events. Many online news services are not available because of extremely high demand. Here are links to news sites, including cached copies as they appeared earlier today.
Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. - Matt. 3:34dj/adam that strip is heartbreaking. And I can't stop thinking of the people on those planes. I'm going off to smoke pot until I pass out. And tomorrow will be a new fucking day.
originally posted by xowie
The Objectives And Aims Of Jihaad:From The Islamic Page.
- Raising the Word of Allaah, the Most High
- Helping the Oppressed
- Repelling Aggression and Protecting Islam
originally posted by xowie
Oliver North (gak!) just pointed out on Fox News that the U.S. once went to war with the Barbary Pirates.
In other words, 9-11 could result in a declaration of war.
originally posted by xowie
9-11 links at ResearchBuzz.
originally posted by xowie Covering the Attack - story ideas, ethical guidelines, media analysis.
The corporate media often referred to Pearl Harbor as they covered the attacks. This analogy appears to come from the unexpected nature of the attacks as well as their overwhelming force.Early Analysis of Media Coverage - Indymedia
While there are some parallels between the two attacks, there is also a difference that has disturbing implications for everyone in the United States. The attack on Pearl Harbor was made by another nation. This attack was most likely the work of a small group of people. The United States was able to attack Japan afterward because nations are easy to find. Small groups of people are somewhat more difficult to find. Thus, national defense agencies and industries will undoubtedly see a substantial increase in their operating funds while Americans will see a corresponding decrease in civil liberties.
Lest anyone make this a partisan issues, Clinton laid the ground work for tomorrow's attack on civil liberties with such actions as greatly increasing the FBI's wire-tapping abilities. With CNN interviewing people like Tom Clancy (no joke), there will be no shortage of people calling for Americans to trade in some more freedom in return for a promise of more security. Benjamin Franklin correctly said that the people who would make that trade would neither get nor deserve freedom or security.
WTC/Pentagon attacks meta-coverage:
Everyone from Pat Robertson to assorted elected officials are blaming not only Islamic terrorists, but "Islam" as a shorthand for it--all with, as yet, no evidence of who might have been behind the attacks.Laura Flanders and Geov Parrish at Working for Change.
Tom Brokaw on NBC can't get enough of State Department officials. For hours this morning, NBC "reported" that the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine had "claimed responsibility" for the attack on the World Financial Center. Brokaw's source, it turns out, was an anonymous caller to Abu Dhabi television.
originally posted by xowie
Good reminder from an activist mailing list:
Be vigilant against the anti Muslim hysteria that could hit. We already ran into a guy who was spray painting ‘Fuck Islam’. After a few stern words, and a talk about the Muslims who surely were in the World Trade Center when the planes hit, he helped us spray paint over his racist tag. White people in particular have a real responsibility here to protect our middle eastern brothers and sisters from the mindless, racist, reasonless attacks and finger pointing that are sure to follow this attack.
Check in here if you’re alive in New York or any other affected city (DC).
dead @ 32 is hosting lots of photos and video of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.
Huge smoke cloud visible on NYC radar. (MeFi)
originally posted by xowie
What good is spilling blood?
It will not grow a thing
the sword sings Blues for ALLAH
They lie where they fall
There’s nothing more to say
look at water and fire
earth and wind
enemies and friends all at once
the wolf and the lamb
the lion and the deer
far away yet together
look at the unity of this
spring and winter
manifested in the equinox
you too must mingle my friends
since the earth and the sky
are mingled just for you and me
- Rumi
‘An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.'
originally posted by xowie
If you're in Manhattan, think about something seriously for me -- there was already a major blood shortage, and there will be an immense need for blood. Most hospitals have set up ways for you to walk in and donate blood today; please, if you're OK, and your family is OK, and you are just glued to your television, think about ungluing yourself, walking to your nearest hospital, and donating blood.Jason at Q Daily News is a doctor living and working in New York.
I cannot stress how important this is right now.
PFLP denying responsibility. DFLP too.
originally posted by xowie
CIA fact sheet and Muslim student database on Osama bin Laden.
originally posted by xowie
Sec. 101: Prohibition of Certain Devices.As an attorney, I have to say this is one of the most grotesque and frightening articles I have ever read. If it is not a hoax. If enacted, the SSSCA would be grounds for civil war. (Thanks Boing Boing.)
(a) In General -- It is unlawful to manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide or otherwise traffic in any interactive digital device that does not include and utilize certified security technologies that adhere to the security system standards adopted under section 104.
originally posted by xowie
Buddy Holly’s 65th birthday. Rave on!
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
My unseen opponent began with some highly irregular, if not totally absurd, opening moves - shifting all his pawns forward by one square. These were moves that no Grandmaster would ever play. From this deliberately unpromising position emerged moves of extraordinary power. In the first game I was totally crushed.Chess legend 'plays the web' - BBC News. Grandmaster and speed chess expert Nigel Short suspects his anonymous Internet opponent is none other than Bobby Fischer.
I am Seymour Skinner. Who are you?
Of course if you're Einstein, you want everything that you want your way and then you want to be left alone. So you want love, and you want affection, you want a good meal, but then you don't want any interference outside of that, so you don't want any obligations interfering with your life, with your work. Which is a difficult stance to maintain in an adult relationship; it doesn't work. Everything has to be a give and take. Einstein always felt Paradise was just around the corner, but as soon as he got there, it started looking a little shabby and something better appeared.Dennis Overbye talks about Einstein in love. thanks, wordforge.
SF Gate: Sketches of the Game of Ultimate.
originally posted by xowie
"John and George had already had a dose, but then called me and asked if I wanted to come over, and I thought 'yeah, cool, why not -- it's the Beatles after all','' he recalled, describing how they had gone on to get high.Peter Fonda Recalls Acid Trip with the Beatles.
originally posted by xowie
Fortunately the world didn't split in two as one of the children surveyed before the event believed would happen, nor did the Earth leave the Sun's orbit as feared by another.UK Children Cause Earthquake in Giant Jump.
The Adult Industry Medical (AIM) HealthCare Foundation was started by porn legend Sharon Mitchell to provide HIV testing and health care for performers in the adult entertainment industry. They are providing a vital service to exploited workers and are terribly under-funded. If you watch porn, you should support this organization.
originally posted by xowie
George Washington University, located in the DC neighborhood expected to see some state violence at the end of this month, is closing its dorms for five days surrounding the IMF/World Bank meetings. An interesting aspect of the shutdown which somehow didn’t make it into the Washington Post article is that the DC police will be using GWU as a base of operations.
The U.S. runs but can’t hide.
originally posted by xowie
Who’s got the beats in hip-hop these days? Where is the song that gets you snapping your neck before you even realize the stereo’s on, and then keeps you nodding after it ends, like the next day?
When I first did the Lawrence story, the biggest problem was for the very small papers in the United States. The editors may have agreed with it, but they couldn't run it. One editor told me someone broke windows at his paper, and another said his kids got beaten up at school and someone spray-painted his dog.Lynn Johnston on introducing a gay character into her comic strip, For Better or For Worse, in 1993. What a country! Lawrence returned today. Let's hope it's to a warmer welcome.
The Jiffy Lube sex art hurt no one and bothered only bigots. Its censorship bodes ill for the future of Black Rock City, which is rapidly deteriorating into an RV park/fun fair with really lousy weather. My favorite sign on the entrance road read, ‘If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.’ Maybe it’s time for someone to move over.Judith Lewis says the right thing about this year's Burning Man.
originally posted by xowie
That kind of stuff, familiar to us all, kept piling up in my mind and got me started trying to figure out how white supremacy had come about in the u.s. working class. So for years after this I read labor history and asked older trade union radicals questions whenever I could.Finally, an anarchist veteran of the autoworkers' historic 1937 Flint Sit-Down strike told me that the strike had been Jim Crow, that one of the unpublicized demands had been to keep Black workers down as only janitors....or out of the plants altogether. This blew my mind. That's when it hit me that the wonderful working class history that the movement had taught us was a lie.From an interview with J. Sakai, author of Settlers. Wow.
It was hard research work, but no conceptual leap at all to see that in general in u.s. history the colonized peoples have been the proletariat, while the white working class has been a labor aristocracy. This has been camouflaged in capitalist history by retroactively assigning white racial membership to various european immigrant peoples who weren't "white" at the time. For instance, when leading u.s. capitalists started the "Interracial Council" to promote patriotic nationalist integration during World War I, the "races" they wanted to bring together were the Irish race, the Welsh race, the Polish race, the Lithuanian race, the Hungarian race, the Sicilian race, the Rumanian race, and other Europeans that we now think of as only nationalities within the white race. Shows you how race is another capitalist manufactured product.
Racism as we experience it today didn't exist before capitalism, which is why many revolutionaries see rooting out the one as requiring rooting out the other. To Europeans before modern capitalism the most important "races" were what we would call nations. Indeed, until well into the 20th century it was widely assumed by Europeans that even different European nationalities were biologically different, and had different mental abilities and propensities. Slavs were thought to be biologically different from Nordics, and Jews were thought to be an exotic race all by themselves.
There's a certain trend of fashionable white thought that claims that race is nothing more than a trick, an imaginary construct that folks are fooled into believing in. So we even find some middle-class white men claiming that they've "given up being white" (i can hear my grandmother saying, "More white foolishness!" with a dismissing headshake). Needless to say, they haven't given up anything.
Race as a form of class is very tangible, solid, material, as real as a tank division running over you ... tank divisions, after all, are also socially constructed! About another form of this same white racist game -- white New Age women deciding to play at "becoming Indian" -- Women of All Red Nations activist Andy Smith used to wearily suggest that if they really really wanted to "become Indian" they should live on the rez -- the u.s. colony -- without running water or jobs, without heat in the winter or education for their children, with real poverty, alcoholism, and violent oppression.
Secret neo-Nazi dances have been held for two years at the Shack, a rock club near Disneyland.
originally posted by xowie
There is a belief among some black comics that audiences find it funny when they launch extended insults against white people (see also Chris Rock's embarrassing outburst in the forthcoming "Jay and Silent Bob"). My feeling is that audiences of any race find such scenes awkward and unwelcome; I've never heard laughter during them, but have sensed an uncomfortable alertness in the theater. Accusing complete strangers of being racist is aggressive, hostile, and not funny, something Tucker demonstrates to a painful degree in this movie--where the filmmakers apparently lacked the nerve to request him to dial down.Presumably Roger Ebert thinks black comics should stick to insulting black people. Perhaps he would agree with After the Rain's suggestion that if Tucker learns to "behave better," he could be a "really cool black guy, like Will Smith." Personally, I would expect Roger Ebert to behave a little better than criticising actors for the script they're given, not to mention "accusing complete strangers of being racist."
New book by Douglas Coupland, new show by (“Freaks and Geeks” creator) Judd Apatow. thanks, alt-log.
Though not remarkable in any way, this PBS NewsHour “Fighting Racism” site should be listed in the open directory’s Race and Racism category, as should this NPR World Conference Against Racism special report. It’s too bad I can’t figure out what happened to my editorship.
Blood meal, bone meal and fish emulsion are just what they say they are: the remains of blood, bones and fish. The first two products come from cattle slaughterhouses, where bones and blood are dried, crushed and packaged for gardeners. Fish emulsion and other fish-based products are made from carcasses left over at fish-processing plants, though sometimes fish are caught specifically to be used as fertilizer.Is Your Garden Vegetarian? / Alternatives to Blood Meal, Bone Meal and Fish Emulsion.
Police ordered the removal of gay artwork from Burning Man.
originally posted by xowie
The Original Unofficial Joint Smoking Rules will surely be amusing to thumb through at the bookstore.
Werewolf is a simple game for a large group of people (seven or more.)
“Here are recent commissions and experimental paintings by John Pound, done in the style of his Garbage Pail Kids artwork.”
Excerpts from the Kurt Cobain bio.
originally posted by xowie
One big story out of Durban is last week’s general strike.
originally posted by xowie
"Allo? Allo? Allo? Allo? Allo? Allo? Allo? Uvaldo? Uvaldo? Uvaldo? Uvaldo?" shouts one man. He is using a phone card but might as well be trying to shout all the way to his home country.Pay phones of the Ballston Metro.
originally posted by xowie
Two from Westchester Weekly: The Zen of Being Poor and an interview with John Stauber.
originally posted by xowie
The last delivery by Mr. McFeely -- Rogers's middle name is McFeely -- was a videotape of artists at work, which Mister Rogers showed as part of the day's art theme. Then McFeely shook Rogers's hand, the first handshake between the two characters in 33 years. It was the only clue that this was the end of something, Newell explained yesterday.Last day in the neighborhood.
originally posted by xowie
The documents indicate that the Pentagon sees the film business as an important part of public relations. "Military depictions have become more of a 'commercial' for us," said one memo quoted in an investigation by David Robb in the current issue of the media magazine Brill's Content... The film companies are often shown in the documents to be more than anxious to help. "We firmly believe that with the support of the US military, Armageddon will be the biggest film of 1998, while illustrating the expertise, leadership and heroism of the US military," wrote Disney executive Philip Nemy to the Pentagon.Filmmakers re-write scripts to please the military. (c/o Unknown News)
originally posted by xowie
Maggie Krzywicka on reading Gravity’s Rainbow: Thomas Pynchon is a deeply disturbed man. Good luck.
Did you know Apple sells at a discount for homeschools? Cool.
Consumers will be able to electronically send TV shows to others with ReplayTV boxes, sources say, though the company plans to use software that limits the number of times a program can be played or sent.ReplayTV to re-enter DVR box business - For two thousand dollars, a box that stores three hundred twenty hours of TV -- and runs Napster!
Over and over again, articles about Burning Man claim Black Rock City as the writer's "community," a "home." In fact, the writers seem almost proud of themselves for being able to survive a week in the desert. That's great. I'm glad the writers feel like a part of something. But when was the last time you read an article about so many people putting all of their creative energy into San Francisco or Oakland? Maybe we should do something for the place in which we live the other 51 weeks of the year. Maybe we should, as the old blues singers say, "Make this goddamned house a home."Fuck Burning Man.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
The World Conference Against Racism is officially underway in Durban, South Africa today. Good coverage:
Where else?I had a wonderful sneeze once, from someone sitting behind me in a concert. It was a really lovely turquoise that came across my shoulder in a triangular sheet.BBC News - 'I can see sounds'.
originally posted by xowie
"What a fence is doing 90 percent of the time is telling someone not to go here," says Mark Davis, president of the American Fence Association. "A fence will stop a pretty honest person. But anybody with a tool or ability to get in will get in."Global Economy's New Guardian ( There are (at least) two sides of every fence, especially 2 1/2 mile, $2 million, 9-foot-tall one.
"It's something designed to get you angry," says Jamie Loughner, a protester from Washington who joined the Medieval Bloc in Quebec City. "People become more outraged because they are so offended by the fence. . . . It's easy to shake your focus from what you're truly protesting."
"It gives you a very clear boundary, that people have in fact breached the law," says Thomas Seamon, a law enforcement consultant. "People are going to actively either climb over it or attempt to rip it down. Then there's no question you've broken the law."
"If you can make the fence a target so police aren't the target, or private property is not the target, or individuals are not the target, then this fence would have served its purpose," says Hubert Williams, president of the Police Foundation, a District-based outfit that provides research and technical support.
Let's catalog how copyright owners have used the DMCA so far: to silence a magazine publisher (2600 case); to threaten computer science professors (Prof. Ed Felten); and to jail programmers (Dmitry). And as for the public's first sale and archiving rights, copyright owners are poised to debut a host of DRM [digital rights management] technologies that will dramatically curtail these rights... The writing's on the wall -- how much worse does it have to get before the Copyright Office recognizes that the DMCA has fundamentally, and unwisely, unbalanced the Copyright Act?The U.S. Copyright Office just issued a disgraceful endorsement of the DMCA.
originally posted by xowie
"Why are you starting with that gay stuff?" Lewis asked Rahman. "I'm 100 percent a woman's man. If he has worries about that bring your sister, bring anyone."Lewis, Rahman get physical during taping.
originally posted by xowie
According to studies by communications professor George Gerbner, people who watch more TV are more likely to believe that their neighborhoods are unsafe, to state that fear of crime is a very serious personal problem and to go out and buy new locks, watchdogs and guns for protection.AlterNet - Prison Policy in a Media-driven America. via the inestimable wood s lot.
Paul Klite, the late Director of Rocky Mountain Media Watch, pointed out that "Murder, one of the least common crimes, is the number one topic on newscasts." According to the group Children Now, while the homicide rate dropped 33% during the period between 1990 and 1998, news coverage of homicides actually increased by 473%.
Children Now recommends that parents speak with their kids about the levels of violent crime reported in the news and explain to them that crime reporting is not accurate representation of reality. Perhaps parents should speak with their adult friends, neighbors, co-workers and relatives as well.
Outrageously overpriced, esthetically questionable, and taller than most bookshelves, this will be one of the first things you throw away the next time you move.Acme Novelty Library #15, that is.
The first municipal police forces in this country were formed to catch runaway slaves. Northern cities found them useful for breaking strikes and suppressing demonstrations. All this so-called ‘protect and serve’ stuff is just public relations. I’ve never known a cop to catch a rapist, but I’ve known several of them to beat and gas protesters or shoot folks for the crime of Driving While Black. The cops exist to make sure that those in control stay in control, and that the masses don’t get out of hand. (...)From David Grenier's account of last Saturday's Reclaim the Streets party in Seattle. You may not agree with the protestors' tactics or even with their goals, but you should understand that every time a cop swings a baton at a peaceful protestor, your legal, civil, and human rights are smashed as surely as her bones.
To me Reclaim the Streets is an entirely symbolic action. Yes it’s great to have a party and to get people to think about public space belonging to the public instead of to commercial interests, but having a dance party for a few hours isn’t high on my agenda. If we’re going to try to create a temporary autonomous zone why not take a section of the city and hold it for as long as we can — days, weeks, months, even years. To do that would require getting an overwhelming majority of the people in that section to want autonomy, otherwise we’re not a people’s movement but an occupying force. Even other short-term actions like work strikes have a concrete goal worth fighting for. I’m just not sure I’m completely behind a tactic that is so costly to us in terms of police brutality with so little possible payoff. Perhaps I just don’t understand Reclaim the Streets as well as I should, but I wasn’t inspired to take a beating from the cops over the right to listen to techno outdoors for a few hours. (...)
... you know what the real fun thing is? The real shits and giggles part of all this is that there were two groups on the street that day. One group carried guns and clubs, used chemical agents on unarmed civilians, made up laws as they went along (you can’t share food in the park, for example), and used violence to advance their boss' political career and try to intimidate folks from exercising their freedoms if those freedoms conflict with commercial interests. The other group gave food out freely, tried to avoid conflict by staying on the sidewalk, and was armed only with puppets and costumes. Yet the cops are praised in the media by the politicians, while the FBI has labeled Reclaim the Streets a terrorist organization.
It's important for children to wear their backpacks correctly -- on both shoulders, not just one (those trendy one-shouldered backpacks are definitely not a good idea) -- according to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.Backpack Fitness: Rx for Heavy Class Loads ( Of course, I've been saying this for years....
Oh that wacky New York Times: Kevin Smith’s 1st kiss fall fashion comic. p.s. - Kevin Smith has also put out an anti-Kevin Smith website.
originally posted by xowie
London vacations are cheaper if you pretend to be homeless.
originally posted by xowie
Nice cartoon with a happy ending.
originally posted by xowie
On John Stuart Mill and Eccentrics, Women, Minorities, and the Concept of ‘Othering’
There is an increasing backlash against the movement to diversify American society. Some people feel that to keep us all in our own separate spaces is perfectly acceptable; as it was, it shall be. There is no need to modify a system that works for the majority, because, after all, that is the notion on which our bountiful nation was founded. There is no need for us to look outside ourselves and gain perspective from the experiences and opinions of persons different from us. “Mankind speedily become unable to conceive diversity, when they have been for some time unaccustomed to see it.” (13) If the majority (or, whoever is perceived as the majority) has already placed itself in its comfortable, conformist, white suburban environment, and it has every intention of remaining there, then what is the use of learning about conditions elsewhere? When that majority speaks, we are obligated to listen. However, the majority does not always know what is right. A majority of Americans wanted to maintain slavery, deny women the right to vote, and, yes, dismiss the charges against President Clinton, all because they did not want to face the difficult questions these issues would force them to acknowledge. We are resistant to change because we fear it. If women and minorities were to be on equal footing with white men, that would force us to realign our priorities, power structures, and value systems. We would have to completely change the way we educate and socialize our children. In order to embrace eccentricity, we would also have to accept that there is no correct definition of what “normal” is.
The Left Opposition have released Mandate?, their response to the G8 leaders' claims to represent the ordinary people of their countries, and a rebuff to the contention that they have a "mandate" to pursue neo-liberal globalisation policies.This is dangerous music - Socialist dance anthems (one with a nice sample of Gil Scott-Heron).
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
NYTM: Barbeque sauce, racists and Piggly Wiggly.
originally posted by xowie
Thinking Differently About Africa: Why isn’t Apple a larger force in Africa’s computer industry?
I grew up in a small Massachusetts town. This town had a clear river that flowed under a paper mill. The mill used to dump dyes into the river. The river coursed by my elementary school; every day it was a different color. Some days the river would be bright green, other days it would be bright yellow, and sometimes it would be magenta. I never knew what color it would be. I liked not knowing. I would stand on the bridge and throw rocks into the water and watch the multicolored scum explode to the surface. It was horrible and it was beautiful.See Cathryn Griffin's photos of Western Carolina in DoubleTake magazine.
I think it had to be represented to the court that they were, in fact, gypsies. The implication is that their roots to the community are tenuous. I think it has to be said, for whatever it's worth, so that the judge might understand that these ladies . . . are more than just amateurs at what they - 'Gypsy' Crime Warning Stirs Anger. A Fairfax County, Virginia, prosecutor argued that, as gypsies, two alleged thieves presented an unusual flight risk. The judge, in apparent agreement, denied bail.
AlterNet – D.C. Protests resource page.
"I used to use the cover of ‘Stagger Lee’ [by Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds] as a sound check until Hal had a serious meltdown one day," says Jones. "He broke a Budweiser bottle on the bar and told me he would gut me if I ever played the song again. He had cut his finger and stuck it in his mouth. I still remember his cold blue eyes and the little speck of blood on his bottom lip and the moment toward the end of the song when Blixa of the Bad Seeds begins shrieking. It was very surreal. This song is sort of a soundtrack to Hal for me, God rest his angry soul."Signal Hill is an oil town which I have been careful to avoid in the twenty years since its police department beat Long Beach State football player Ron Settles to death and hung him in a jail cell. Here's a terrific story about the town's meanest bartender.
originally posted by xowie
Today's Serious Writers fail even on their own postmodern terms. They urge us to move beyond our old-fashioned preoccupation with content and plot, to focus on form instead -- and then they subject us to the least-expressive form, the least-expressive sentences, in the history of the American novel. Time wasted on these books is time that could be spent reading something fun. When DeLillo describes a man's walk as a "sort of explanatory shuffle ... a comment on the literature of shuffles" (Underworld), I feel nothing; the wordplay is just too insincere, too patently meaningless. But when Vladimir Nabokov talks of midges "continuously darning the air in one spot," or the "square echo" of a car door slamming, I feel what Philip Larkin wanted readers of his poetry to feel: "Yes, I've never thought of it that way, but that's how it is."The Atlantic - A Reader's Manifesto by B.R. Myers.
Protrude, Flow is an interactive magnetic fluid art installation, or something. Crazy.
"Sometimes he tries to talk to me but I don't like him. I turn my head,'' Simentov said.There are only two Jews in Afghanistan. They hate each other.
originally posted by xowie
Seattle Weekly’s stoner edition.
originally posted by xowie
The "war on drugs" is rooted in racial bias. It is racially unequal in its implementation. And it is racist in its disproportionate impact.Taking it to the U.N.
originally posted by xowie
Even after the reality of genocide in Rwanda had become irrefutable, when bodies were shown choking the Kagera River on the nightly news, the brute fact of the slaughter failed to influence U.S. policy except in a negative way. American officials, for a variety of reasons, shunned the use of what became known as "the g-word." They felt that using it would have obliged the United States to act, under the terms of the 1948 Genocide Convention. They also believed, understandably, that it would harm U.S. credibility to name the crime and then do nothing to stop it.Bystanders to Genocide, "a chilling narrative of self-serving caution and flaccid will" from Atlantic Monthly. Also, a just-released set of declassified Rwanda documents is here.
originally posted by xowie
Draft resistance grows in Israel.
Gaza’s economic catastrophe worsens.
Yearning for the joys of normal life.
originally posted by xowie
Look at it. It's disgusting. It looks like somebody gutted a muskrat.It looks like somebody really doesn't like the new "hot dog" style cut at Subway, and has started a petition to bring back the "v-shaped canyon" cut.
Cameroonian architect Edouard Din’s KmtSpace.
originally posted by xowie
Richly textured backgrounds, constant visual surprises, a thrilling music score--this 'toon gives you your cable bill's worth... Creator Genndy Tartakovsky (Dexter's Laboratory) raids the history of illustration, art and cinema with the gusto of a kid playing in an attic. He gleefully cobbles past, present and future into a supercool fantasy of classical Japanese art, Hanna-Barbera, expressionism, anime, '60s film and '50s modernism, just for starters... Best of all, in an era of chatty, hyper 'toons, this action show knows when to stand still and shut up. Tartakovsky uses generous pauses for drama and laughs, and has no problem going 10 minutes at a stretch without dialogue...Everyone digs Jack.
originally posted by xowie
There have already been 78 migrant deaths this year along the U.S. - Mexico border.
originally posted by xowie
8 Goths and 22 Norwegians on exploration journeyDid Vikings visit Minnesota in 1362?
from Vinland over the West We had camp by 2 skerries
one days journey north from this stone We were and
fished on day After we came home found 10 men red
with blood and dead Ave Maria Save from evil
originally posted by xowie
Read the Washington Post article, In N. Va. Drug Ring, Good Kids Went Bad, and the entire Tim Wise commentary, A New Round of White Denial: Drugs and Race in the 'Burbs.On Sunday, August 12, the front page of the Washington Post brought us yet another story about white suburban youth, who, to the amazement of their parents, friends, and the media, turn out to be stone cold criminals. This time the headlines emanate from "nice neighborhoods," in Northern Virginia: places where sinister crimes aren't supposed to happen.
But, as authorities have discovered, one of the most significant drug operations in the region's history was being run from this "nice, safe" place. And not by dark-skinned street-hustlers preying on vulnerable teens and getting them hooked; but rather, by the former soccer-playing little leaguers who this nation grooms to run major corporations, hold political office, or merely typifies as normal, all-American boys.
In the instant case, the accused, from the Prince William County hamlets of Chantilly and Centreville are youths who reporter Josh White describes as "good kids," who "went bad." When was the last time a black or Latino drug dealer or gang-banger was described this way? To those who study media, implicit in most news coverage when they do it is the suggestion that it's because they were congenital criminals; it was their IQ or pathological underclass families. They don't "go" bad, they just "are" bad.
But when stories are written about pale-faced killers or dealers, or in this case both, sympathetic adjectives fill the pages. Crime becomes human interest -- a cautionary tale. We are encouraged to identify with the instigators of the mayhem in ways we never would be were they dark or poor.
Listen to those quoted in White's story. First there is Prince William Detective Greg Pass who explains, "None of this happened in bad neighborhoods... It bothers everyone involved that in many ways these kids are mirror images of the detectives working the case, except they have chosen to go the wrong way." Sympathy, recognition, identification, and all of it, by the officer's admission, due to the fact that these kids are "mirror images" of the detectives themselves. And what does one see in the mirror after all? One's face: one's white, middle class suburban face, to be precise.
Just as the media generally "deracializes" incidents of white deviance, portraying them as the aberrant, inexplicable acts of aberrant, inexplicable individuals, (unlike the same from the dark and poor which are often portrayed as group tendencies), so too did Josh White in his piece on Wolfe, Barber and Petrole. Instead of pointing out the fallacies of white suburban denial and the blindness that besets so many of the residents in these "nice," places, White and the Post offered up a quixotic melodrama: good kids gone wrong; sympathetic, misguided youths posing as hardened criminals and coming to a tragic end.
Planet of the Dubyas and other great Tom Tomorrow toonies.
originally posted by xowie
"I'm working on lots of issues," he said.President George W. Bush on his extended vacation, according to Harper's Weekly Review.
>nudge metafilter awake
I hope to participate in the expansion of, which has already become a great resource on the eponymous subject, so keep your eye on it. I’ll stick a link in flux where you can be sure to find it.
Did you hear about the Trash Bloc? Some anti-authoritarians are planning a bloc for the weekend of the protests that would go around Washington neighborhoods and pick up trash. I think we can all get down with that.
Key Anti-Capitalist Convergence (Sep 29 and 30, Washington, DC) links:Great Buildings Online “documents a thousand buildings and hundreds of leading architects, with 3D models, photographic images and architectural drawings, commentaries, bibliographies, web links, and more, for famous designers and structures of all kinds.”
Variety editor Peter Bart is out of work. Here’s why.
originally posted by xowie
Lesbian fans invisible to WNBA, except in Girl Bar.
originally posted by xowie
The epic at Milk Hill, and other great circles of 2001.
originally posted by xowie
I knew that Bob Crane of "Hogan's Heroes" was murdered in 1978, and I knew that it had later come out that he was very involved with pornography, and liked to film himself and friends. (It's likely the murder weapon was the tripod from his video camera.) But now Crane's son has set up a Web site where people can pay to see Crane's nude photos and sex videos. Dude, this is just wrong. He was your dad. Have some respect.Visit Alt-log for the link (scroll to July 21). Disclaimer: I haven't followed it myself. details over 400 natural swimming spots in twenty states in the Eastern U.S. and a few in the West.
It's a great film but bloody, a body is shredded and suchlike, and not quite what he wanted to see, poor fellow.Guardian - Vidal praises Oklahoma bomber for heroic aims. Apparently the last thing McVeigh did before he was martyred/murdered was watch Fargo. In any case, Vidal has a brave and provocative perspective on McVeigh's story.
Lesbian Girl Scouts. Cookies. Uniforms.
originally posted by xowie
I thought I was the quickest the quickest the quickest mind alive and the quickest with words but words cannot catch up with these changes, these changes are beyond words, beyond words, beyond words. While I repeated these words I felt the waves of pleasure like those of the most acute pleasure of lovemaking . . . I felt the impossibility to tell the secret of life because the secret of life was metamorphosis, transmutation, and it happened too quickly, too subtly.Anaïs Nin, on the acid she got from local hero Oscar Janiger, who just died at age 83.
originally posted by xowie
One acre of cannabis hemp produces as much paper as 4.1 acres of cut-down trees.
originally posted by xowie
"I thought to myself: What am I going to do that's going to make a difference?" That night, O'Keefe dreamed he was surrounded by singing birds. They were hidden by leaves, but their songs swirled through his head, a glorious dawn chorus. Then, in his dream, he awoke to eerie quiet.The sustainable-coffee movement is born. Make mine shade and fair-trade.
originally posted by xowie
Pop-Quiz Question: If it were a military spy plane being held hostage in Genoa, instead of four young pacifists, would the US government then feel the need get involved? The question, of course, is rhetorical; we all know the answer. Home of the brave, indeed.19 members of the PublixTheatreCaravan, plus American Susanna Thomas, have finally been released.
originally posted by xowie
The ACME Mapper puts a snappy interface onto Microsoft’s Terraserver database of satellite images of the surface of the Earth.
The purpose of the terror, economic strangulation and daily humiliation is not obscure. It was articulated in the early years of the occupation by Moshe Dayan, one of the Israeli leaders most sympathetic to the Palestinian plight, who advised his Labor Party associates to tell the Palestinians that "you shall continue to live like dogs, and whoever wishes may leave." - Neocolonial Invitation to a Tribal War by Noam Chomsky.
Ecstasy, science and politics.
originally posted by xowie
Has it been 30 days already? I would buy their cheap-ass camera if it would make the ads go away. This seems to be helping a bit.
originally posted by xowie
Q: "Mr. Allen, you met wife Soon-Yi when she was so young. After all these years, what keeps you two going?"Someone nasty's at City of Angles. (Spotted by LAX.)
originally posted by xowie
P&G is targeting people who have already tried some sort of makeshift wet toilet paper, mostly women from families with young children. Data shows that 60 percent of U.S. consumers have at some point made their own form of the product, moistening a sheet of regular toilet paper or putting together some combination of toilet paper and wet wipe. Twenty-five percent are regular users.Reuters - P&G Rolls Out New Ad for Wet Toilet Paper. Makeshift wet toilet paper can be tricky business I would imagine.
originally posted by xowie
If Metafilter wasn’t on vacation, there would be a huge thread about this voicemail for the homeless story. (c/o guess who).
originally posted by xowie
Toker Aaron Sorkin punks out, Bartlett-style. Perhaps he can begin to redeem himself by writing activist Woody Harrelson into an episode or two of “The West Wing” this season.
Va-voom poet Liz Belile headlines Gynomite, a reading series featuring “hard-core slut/dyke/whore/hussy/het/vamp PORN with an occasional political edge”.
originally posted by xowie
This Blackness may be used for making jokes about black people and/or laughing at black humor comfortably. This Blackness may be used for instilling fear. This Blackness may be used to augment the blackness of those already black, especially for purposes of playing 'blacker-than-thou'. The Seller does not recommend that this Blackness be used while seeking employment, shopping, or writing a personal check. The Seller does not recommend that this Blackness be used while voting in the United States or Florida. The Seller does not recommend that this Blackness be used in the process of making or selling 'serious' art.At last check, Keith Obadike's Blackness was worth about $150 on eBay. I wonder how much I could get for my white privilege? - One man’s trash is another’s gold. Dumpster diving: “like Christmas every day.”
Perseids tonight.
originally posted by xowie
"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe -- I believe what I believe is right."There are times that I love this man. He just fractured the pro-life movement, he still talks like Yogi Berra, and, well, Jenna.
originally posted by xowie
The World Bank and the IMF said in a statement late yesterday that their annual meetings would be "consolidated" to two days -- the weekend of Sept. 29 and 30. That is a drastic reduction from the original schedule, under which the meetings would have begun a couple of days before that weekend and run through Oct. 3. Protesters had planned actions from Sept. 28 through Oct. - IMF Trims D.C. Session to 2 Days.
Welcome to allmylifeforsale. Over the last six months I have gone through the process of listing everything I own on Ebay. Feel free to look around and sort through where all of my stuff has gone. The last item that I will list will be the domain name for allmylifeforsale on August 1st, 2001. When that is finally sold feel free to join me on my road-trip to visit all of my stuff.
The more cuttings you accumulate, the more you will be tempted to offload them on your readers, like the celebrated Scottish leader writer who, returning late from a liquid lunch with a deadline to meet, clipeed the main leader from the Times, scrawled "What does the Times mean by this?" above it and sent it down to the printer. Packing the column with other people's quotes is the columnar equivalent of watering the milk. Assimilate the material and then discard shares Keith Waterhouse on writing columns.
Having something to write about is not the same as having something to say.
In Thin Blue Lies: Police and the Art of Propaganda, Tim Wise drops a lesson on how the public is persuaded to accept racist policing. What are you afraid of?
Mind-blowing restored photos of the 1964/65 World’s Fair.
originally posted by xowie
A field guide to the L.A. River.
originally posted by xowie
I think I have said this before, but [ b r o o k l y n k i d ] is what New York looks like. Am I right?
Dangerous - No laughing matter. Fantagraphics owner Gary Groth on Scott McCloud's Reinventing Comics in Salon's look at online comics.
The game becomes a wild goose chase across the Net as you receive phone calls, faxes, e-mails and instant messages from a variety of Anim-X staffers and mysterious informers, directing you to research any number of strange alien conspiracies and nefarious government - Paranoia for fun and profit.
People who don't live here can't understand our realities. You take a couple in Europe or in the United States. They have one or two children, and they can't understand why people traffic in children. But when you live here, you understand right - The Bondage of Poverty That Produces Chocolate.
But White House spokesman Ari Fleischer was adamant today when asked whether the president would ask Americans to stop using so much energy. "That's a big 'no,'" Fleischer said. "The president believes that it's an American way of life, that it should be the goal of policy-makers to protect the American way of life. The American way of life is a blessed one." The president, he said, considers Americans' heavy use of energy a "reflection of the strength of our economy, of the way of life that the American people have come to enjoy."
Huge numbers of same-sex couples were counted in Census 2000.
originally posted by xowie
Controversial Black Panther t-shirts.
originally posted by xowie
The lower leaves of the treesFrom the favorite poem project. (The Tanka form is interesting; I like reading this Yahoo group.)
Tangle the sunset in dusk.
Awe spreads with
The summer twilight.
originally posted by xowie
Jack, or "Ti Jean" ("Little John"), as he was known, was born on March 12, 1922, at 9 Lupine Road, in the upstairs apartment of a shabby duplex building in a Lowell slum called Centralville. He was delivered at home by Dr. Victor Rochette, whom Kerouac later described as a lonely, desolate man, unwanted and unloved. According to a neighbor, Reginald Ouellette, Dr. Rochette's wife had died in childbirth and he'd never remarried, which struck Jack, who grew up in a close-knit family that spoiled him, as tragic. In a December 28, 1950, letter to Cassady, Kerouac disclosed that his birth occurred at 5 P.M. and that Gabrielle later gave him a blow-by-blow account of his delivery. As Jack was born, his mother could hear Pawtucket Falls a mile away, crashing into the Merrimack River, heavy with spring-thaw snow and ice. Her lurid description of the way he was forcibly dragged from her body, and then yelled at and spanked into life, led to his belief that birth was the beginning of the tragedy of consciousness, the dance of life that ends in death. The processes of nature, which most writers extol as symbols of renewal and eternal life, were always seen darkly by Kerouac.Read from chapter one of the recent biography Subterranean Kerouac: The Hidden Life of Jack Kerouac by Eliis Amburn.
The Washington Monthly - Canada’s Burning: Media myths about universal health coverage
I don’t fully understand the ‘design anarchy’ issue of Adbusters, but the stories are awful nice to look at.
originally posted by xowie
Lots of good reads in the Washington Post lately:
I've been careful to teach my daughter critical thinking in my one-woman "mind over media" campaign. It started with fairytales: "What's make-believe?" and "How would you like to stay home and cook for all those dwarves?" Later we moved on to the news: "Why was it presented in this way?" and "What's a stereotype?" But if you think I was reading "Winnie the Pooh" to my toddler when I thought up these questions, think again. I was relaxing with a cup of coffee and a book on feminist theory while Maia was riveted to PBS.hipMama: In Defense of Television
Coming out of a sixth reading, several months distant from my first encounter, I still shake my head in sadness, knowing that one of the best-crafted comics of the last twenty years - maybe of the history of the medium - can’t be placed in the hands of those who need so badly to know what comics can do.Ninth Art’s review of Dylan Horrocks' HICKSVILLE accurately appraises the palpability of the author’s love for the medium, but gives short shrift to his ability to convey that love to those unfamiliar with comics.
It could be shipping right now.Is Bob Cringely talking about viruses, or about the parasite becoming the host?
I've had some exciting and promising ideas on a new project. The good news is that what I see in my mind's eye is incredible, and I'm extremely confident about my instincts. The new ideas are out-of-the-box in the way G-Force was when it first appeared. The not-so-good news is that the algorithms require a system at least a hundred times faster than what's in existence today to get decent frame rates.So says G-Force (a.k.a. iTunes visualization) creator Andy O'Meara. This guy sees sound the way some people taste colors. Get him an honorable discharge and his MacArthur 'genius' grant, already!
Virginia Commission for the Arts Artist Fellowships exists “to encourage significant development in the work of individual artists and in the medium in which they work, to support the realization of specific artistic ideas, and to recognize the central contribution professional artists make to the creative environment of Virginia.” Grants are available to organizations, and Fellowships to individual artists in the literary or visual arts. What, no digital?
I’ve been using Google in Esperanto for a while now but I can’t figure out how to link to it. I’d have to delete my cookies to be sure, but try this Google preferences link.
The purpose of global poverty is to create a vast pool of cheap labor that the transnational corporations can exploit. Many Asian and African countries, along with those of East and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union, compete with one another as to who can provide the cheapest labor. Corporations shut down their plants in the U.S. and Europe and set up shop in some part of the world where they can pay their workers 50 cents an hour. Workers here and in Europe, terrified of being thrown out of work, respond by settling for low pay.Just in case you weren't quite sure what role the International Monetary Fund plays in keeping us fat and happy.
This state of affairs did not come about by accident. Following the end of the Cold War, governments of the West pursued a ruthless campaign to facilitate the work of the corporations. Countries would borrow money from the Western banks. Inevitably, they would get into trouble with repayment whether because of the collapse of prices of primary commodities or the sharp rise in the value of the dollar or the devastation of their currencies following a speculative attack. Then the IMF -- effectively a U.S. government agency representing the interests of the West's bankers and creditors -- would offer to lend money, but with "conditionalities." Countries would have to pledge to follow the courses set by the IMF: cuts in public spending, currency devaluation, free trade, price liberalization, deregulation and privatization. Such programs implied wholesale political transformation. What the people themselves wanted was of no importance.
Of the little more than 1% of clones that make it to term, most have severe abnormalities: malfunctioning livers, abnormal blood vessels and heart problems, underdeveloped lungs, diabetes, immune system deficiencies and possibly hidden genetic defects. Several cow clones had head deformities - none survived very long. It would be fair to say that experts are amazed in the few instances that cloning has worked.BBC News - Cloning humans: Can it really be done? I do not understand the other arguments against cloning humans, but I understand this one.
Once in the studio, we had to wait around for almost two hours before the show began. Throughout that time everybody was talking about what dead relative of theirs might pop up. Remember that all this occurred under microphones and with cameras already set up.Is he playing hot or cold with the bereaved or does Crossing Over's John Edward really see dead people?
originally posted by xowie
When you finish reading this paragraph, do not move your head, and just let your eyes wander around and count how many logos or ads you can see without moving a muscle. Notice the logo that's no doubt stuck on your computer monitor. Look at your mouse, your mousepad, your modem, any pens that may be around, books, yo-yos, the odd do-dads you may have on top of your monitor.Free your mind with the pwan's Personal Unbranding Resources.
If you haven't started trying to cut down on your advertising memes, I wouldn't be surprised if you found around 15 logos trying to sell themselves to you. I suggest you try this experiement in a couple rooms in your home, perhaps while you're taking a shower, or first thing in the morning when you've woken up, but not gotten out of bed yet. If you're a run-of-the-mill American, I think you'll be shocked to see how many logos are creeping their way into your subconscious as you lounge around the house.
Tim Robbins on voting for Nader.
originally posted by xowie
Motherjones reconsiders anarchy in a brief column loaded with links including:
Put your faith in the two inches of humusFrom Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front by Wendell Berry.
that will build under the trees
every thousand years.
The Internet Sacred Text Archive is a non-profit archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics.
I ran into nedlog at Burrito Brothers last night and he urged me to look for this The Philadelphia Experiment story that aired on NPR over the weekend.
"When I get down on all fours and go up to dogs and go 'hhuhahhuhahhuh,' they get very solicitous."The lengths to which researchers go in determining whether dogs laugh.
“That’s racist!" is a record of angry asian man’s observations and experiences with racism. It’s got a lot of sharp insight mixed with a fair amount of humor, but if you disagree with more than about 10% of his accusations, that’s racist!
Then, one by one the prisoners were asked, in broken English: 'Who is your government?' Norman thought they meant what nationality he was, but then he noticed the replies of the others. Taking his cue from his neighbour, he answered in Italian: 'Polizia'. Anything else would almost certainly have meant another beating.Don't read these stories about the Genoa detentions on a full stomach. Bastardi!
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
Fabulous little essays on art history, from painter Robin Urton.
originally posted by xowie
Challenging White Supremacy resources for workshops.
Simply watch your breath whenever possible.The Meditation Tip of the Day, daily wisdom from different sources.
After few breaths your mind will wander.
Catch this.
No matter how long or short a time you have been away simply come back to the breath.
Don't dwell on what is past.
Be ever present with the breath.
If no other object arises return to the breath.Vipassana
I used to be editor of the Open Directory Project’s Race and Racism category. Lately, my login has not been working. I need to look in to that. The ODP is neat; some of you may be interested in looking at a proposed reorganization of the Society: Issues: Race-Ethnic-Religious Relations category. I have had a year to think about it, and am still not quite sure why it doesn’t satisfy me, but it doesn’t. What do you think?
John Kass has emitted some intense columns lately about the Chicago Mob. Curiosity led me to a cop site full of wild stories. There’s tons more about Midwest organized crime at the site of CJ prof. Gary Potter.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.Undernews, the daily news service of the Progressive Review, attributes this quote to Katharine Graham.
Slice of life in a leather bar.
originally posted by xowie
State terrorism in Genoa International action appeal
List of solidarity demonstrations
WP photos 7/20 - 7/21
IMC print 7.22.01
The wild boy who became a martyr
Police seek Black Bloc who brought mayhem to city
Leaders Start to Rethink the Big-Summit Format
G8: Still tension after the violences that have upset Genoa
G8 halts ‘super summits’
Aftermath in Genoa
Prodi defends demonstrators
"Truncheons rained down on me…"
originally posted by xowie
I’ve got to stop now. We should be safe if we can make our way back to where we’re stayiing. Call the Italian Embassy. Go there, shame them! We may not be able to mount another demonstration tomorrow here if the situation stays this dangerous. Please, do something!Agents of the Italian government beat a bunch of sleeping dissidents bloody yesterday in the defense of my access to cheap consumer goods. I believe that if they could simply beat a few dozen people bloody to prevent this firsthand account of the Genoa IMC raid from reaching my eyes, they would not hesitate to do so.
See also an account of the day before in Genoa:
A whole lot of people have been badly hurt, people who clearly and unmistakably are not rock throwing, streetfighting youth, people who believed they were going to be in a peaceful and reasonably safe place. Lisa and I had done a training for the women, trying to give them some sense of what they might face on the streets from our experience in other actions. But there’s no real way to prepare for a cop beating a peaceful, non-aggressive, midde-aged woman on the head.
We are currently negotiating with Springer's producers over a proposed "brand" showdown in which a young female representing the WTO "brand" would face-off against a young male representing "Anti."....In focus groups, 59% of teens reported that they would consider purchasing WTO product if associated with friendly talking frog.Leaked Memo Reveals WTO Plan to "Sell" Itself to American Youth.
originally posted by xowie
This one goes out to Mimi FariΓ±a.
originally posted by xowie takes your zip code and shows you places nearby where you can connect to the Internet for free.
Why Boycott Adobe? Because Adobe Systems (creator of Photoshop) has leveraged the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to sic the Federal Bureau of Investigation on a Russian graduate student presenting a research paper in Las Vegas this week. You, too, can violate the DMCA (and risk Adobe’s wrath) if you just decode the following cipher: enaqbzJnyxf ybirf lbh. Am I an accessory if I give you a hint?
Part of the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, Dr. David Pilgrim’s The Tragic Mulatto Myth is a marvelous survey of American film and literature. See also The Meaning of Mulatto by Erin Bannister:
By the end of twelfth grade, I had adopted the word mulatto, a term that originated from the Spanish word for mule, the ungainly, stubborn, and sterile offspring of a donkey and a horse. Which one of my parents, I wonder, is the donkey?
If you can’t watch the MacWorld New York keynote currenty in progress, check out this MacNN text feed or this pbzone text feed.
Bottle Village, Cadillac Ranch, Carhenge, Chandigarh, Dickeyville Grotto, Heidelberg Project, House Sculptee, Las Pozas, Milkovisch House, Owl House, Palais IdΓ©al, Pasaquan, Rainbow House, Roden Crater, Salvation Mountain, Tarot Garden, Villa d’Este, Watts Towers.
originally posted by xowie
Effects were present in twenty minutes, and I took my portable radio into the garden at forty minutes just to pull weeds. Each weed had special significance, and my cat Ms. joined me and agreed with me. This is excessively strange.Sasha Shulgin's 5-MeO-DiPT (aka foxy).
originally posted by xowie
Mac OS Rumors is hiding, but the rumors are sweet like candy.
NYTM: (1) hilarious portrait of a 15-year-old intern attorney expert. (2) advertising infiltrations.
originally posted by xowie
I've begun collecting mushrooms, and they're mighty good on pizza. I haven't grown my own wheat yet, but I have ground whole organic wheat into flour. I've done it on a stone mortar and pestle, but I prefer to use a metal grinder. I don't grow my own olives yet, but when I do I'll press them for oil. And now I can bake them in an oven made completely by hand from raw materials.It's been too long since I've read Kestrel's Nest. Look at him go! If the Earth were doomed and I could choose 3 people to put on a rocket and send into outer space, Eric Wagoner would be on there for sure.
Phase 2 Sim continues.
originally posted by xowie
The Detroit page.
originally posted by xowie
It's one thing to send thousands of soldiers to attack another army on a battlefield. But an engineering project requires everything to be put precisely into place.I prefer to think of the technology as simple, with relatively few people involved.Caltech professor Mory Gharib plans to demonstrate that simple machines and kites built the Egyptian pyramids. So far he's got four tons and fifteen feet of vertical concrete that says he's right. thanks, q daily news.
Diagnose disorders of tomato fruit, leaves, and stems with these photos.
Exiled poster artist Julio Eloy Mesa.
originally posted by xowie
Q: How many pennies are there? A: There are this many.
Salon is now publishing weekly comeeks by the superlative Lynda Barry. Dig it and dig it well. Thanks to boing boing for the heads up.
Global City Transit Navigation Design. “These maps capture our imagination by the way in which each solves a similar problem in a unique and culturally appropriate manner.”
The incredible Springfield Interchange Improvement Project is underway not far from here. I should go take some more photos. posters for S30: DC. Read more about September’s World Bank/IMF convergence at
Friday, July 13, 1951: Kansas City, Kan.
originally posted by xowie
No time for love, Dr. Jones:
This article argues that wealth is a zero-sum game in more, or more important, ways than it is not. It sounds right, but I need to learn me some economics to be sure.
The 34-year-old former gymnast says China's athletes and public deserve the glory of hosting the world's premier sporting event. But ask Feng, muscular and 6 feet tall, how he became a wheelchair athlete, and what emerges is a disturbing tale of state-sponsored violence, discrimination, and suppression.Chinese outcast wonders if Games would help or hurt.
originally posted by xowie
Alex Grey’s Chapel of Sacred MIrrors.
originally posted by xowie
Dean Chamberlain’s color-saturated photos of LSD heroes.
originally posted by xowie
When I want to get up to speed on what’s happening around the world and why, I turn to the following current events primers:
There is the overwhelming sense among most whites that things can't possibly be as bad as black Americans say they Misperceptions Cloud Whites' View of Blacks. I own a mansion and a yacht.
Chemistry opens you to receive another being; you grow to enlarge yourself beyond what you would otherwise be, know and Couples With Right Chemistry Have Love Down to a Science. I've always been a fan of chemistry.
I bet riding a broom is a lot like riding a motorcycle – you really gotta lean through those curves.
Insane precautions for the G-8 summit include snipers, 200 body bags and “little” missiles.
originally posted by xowie
Dr. Menlo is now hosting abuddha’s memes! I should have offered to host that great site when it first occurred to me.
One evening when she was two, lying in bed waiting for her story, Greta started singing the words, "My tushy feel good, my vagina feel good." The tune was quite pleasant, and she sang it for about ten minutes, the same words, the same tune, over and over. Then, with one last "My tushy feel good, my vagina feel good," rising to a kind of crescendo of pure well-being, she looked up at me and said, "Know that song?"From An Open Letter to Superintendent Grimmel, which I have taken the liberty of retitling Please Excuse My Daughter From School Today: A Homeschool Manifesto.
The Poynter Institute’s excellent Diversity Digest, linking to rare and important journalism that covers underserved communities in non-formulaic ways, finally has a permanent URL.
Career women ‘rent’ wombs to beat hassle of pregnancy.
originally posted by xowie
World’s largest cave system discovered in China. (People like caves in China.) originally posted by xowie Update Here’s a bit of news from November 2006 about Soaring Dragon Cave, mentioned above.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all energy is freely and democratically provided by Nature, that utilities both public and private have no monopoly on the production and distribution of energy, that this century's monopolization of energy by utilities threatens the health of our environment and the very life of our planet.signed Solar Guerrillas of Planet Earth
- We, the Solar Guerrillas of this planet, therefore resolve to place energy made from sunshine, wind, and falling water on this planet's utility grids with or without permission from utilities or governments.
- We resolve to share this energy with our neighbors without regard for financial compensation.
- We further resolve that our renewable energy systems will be safe and will not harm utility workers, our neighbors, or our environment.
"Hot Tuna" (Houttuynia cameleon). tricolor ground cover. All parts are edible. The gingery taste and herbal scent are good in oriental cooking and good for medicinal purposes too!Tasty.
originally posted by xowie
Concrete ghost town.
originally posted by xowie
Beautiful essay on human consciousness.
originally posted by xowie
We bought a tea kettle today and the whistle turned out to be shrill and unpleasant. Should we learn to live with it, or endeavor to listen to 18 tea kettle whistles in hopes of finding a fun (or at least pleasant) one we’ll look forward to hearing?
"The good thing is, it's solid," he said, rapping the shed's metal walls. "It doesn't leak at all."Zephania Nyabanga speaks four languages, earned a bachelor's degree in Kenya and a master's in Indiana, and lives in an abandoned shed in the woods of Northern Virginia.
By any measure, Prince George's County Maryland police have shot and killed people at rates that exceed those of nearly any other large police force in the Police Shootings. This same-old story ought to earn the Post a Pulitzer.
In 1995, police shot and wounded a man who allegedly tried to run over an officer with a Chevy Blazer. A jury acquitted the man of assault after he and other witnesses testified that the vehicle was not moving and that he had raised his hands to surrender when he was shot.
In 1997, police said they shot and killed a distraught college student because he attacked them with a knife. When his family sued years later, the officers admitted under oath that the dead man never touched the alleged weapon — which turned out to be a butter knife sitting on a kitchen counter.
In 1998, two officers said they fatally shot a Landover teenager in self-defense after he tried to grab their guns. In fact, records indicate he was shot 13 times in the back while he was unconscious and lying facedown on the floor.
Looking around my kitchen, I see that I can make tarragon pills, salt pills, heavy cream pills and breadcrumb pills. You can pipe frosting into the capsules, or fill them with caramel sauce or melted chocolate, for a dessert you don't even have to taste.Flak Magazine: Review of "empty vegetarian capsules"
If you’ve never been to Disinformation, it’s worth a visit.
Did I mean: let’s wig out at danko’s? No.
Driving Meditation by Tich Nhat HanhWhen we see a red light or a stop sign, we can smile at it and thank it, because it is a bodhisattva helping us return to the present moment. The red light is a bell of mindfulness. We may have thought of it as an enemy, preventing us from achieving our goal. But now we know the red light is our friend, helping us resist rushing and calling us to return to the present moment where we can meet with life, joy and peace. Even if you are not the driver, you can help everyone in the car if you breathe and smile.
Gothic gardens, corpse compost, naturist naturalists, world wide weeding? The New York Times Magazine: Extreme Gardening
The dreaded summer newsletter.
originally posted by xowie
World New York: Most people who claim they live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, don’t.
Smoking pot and tripping your brains out.
originally posted by xowie
Fillmore West (once called Carousel) shut its doors on July 4, 1971.
originally posted by xowie
Next week the Olympics will probably go to Beijing. I have mixed feelings about this - the PLA freaks me out ‘cause of where I live. I wish they would get rid of the Olympics.
originally posted by xowie
Mike Godwin on the horror of DMCA.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
He inspired this pothead to go to law school.
originally posted by xowie
Funky comet A2 is visible in the early a.m.
originally posted by xowie
Later, they started handing out fake parking tickets to drivers they thought were dangerous. The concept was to actually create a people's database of dangerous drivers. The uses of such data was never clearly worked out. That and the many hostile encounters with drivers after handing them the "tickets" led to the project being scrapped.Carmageddon, from Collision of Interests, a NY-oriented anti-car archive.
originally posted by xowie
Drudge in Miami.
originally posted by xowie
I'm not a cultural translator. White folks can run along and catch up. If they get it, that's fine. This strip shows them how much they don't know about black people, but it doesn't teach them about black people.In The New York Times Magazine, a look at the remarkable success of Aaron McGruder's 'Boondocks' comic strip.
originally posted by xowie
Adam Engst on MacHack 2001.
originally posted by xowie
These men live privileged 21st-century gay lives, complete with live-in boyfriends and jaunts to Black Gay Pride weekend in Washington, D.C. They enjoy all the benefits of gay liberation while colluding in the popularization of primitive ideas about gay people. They don't set out to make this music, but neither do they object to it in any way.Hip-hop wouldn't be hip-hop without the "gay managers, publicists, songwriters, clothing designers, magazine editors, and lawyers [who] keep the rap juggernaut moving."
After the Smithsonian Folklife Festival packs up it’s taste of the five boroughs, DC Metro folk can find a bit of New York flavor at Fair Lakes shopping center in Fairfax which features a New York-style bagelry, a deli, and a pizza joint.
The public face of convert Buddhism in America is predominantly white and male and middle-class. Historically, the presence of blacks and women within this developing scene has been largely glossed over or ignored. Martin Baumann in the Journal of Buddhist Ethics estimated there were between 3 and 4 million American Buddhists as of 1997, and concluded that only 800,000 of them were "Euro-American."The Village Voice talks to bell hooks and Jan Williams about Black women and Buddhism.
Beyond Kaycee: more on-line Munchausen hoaxes.
originally posted by xowie
My brother found a fansite about the greatest show Nickelodeon ever aired, You Can’t Do That On Television.
Jon Langford’s NPR production Along for the Ride will probably interest you if you like punk music. I did not know I knew (and liked) a Mekons song.
The lucky slaves live on corn paste and bananas. The unlucky ones are whipped and beaten to harvest the almond-sized beans that are made into chocolate treats for more fortunate children in Europe and the United States.Mmm, chocolate.
For $99, this A/V transmitter looks like a great toy.
Before my brother heads off on his road trip (I love you, I hope you have a blast!) he ought to consider investing in this MP3-playing head unit.
There are so many places it's hard to choose one. There are so many regrets. I think Our Town is such a great spiritual and deeply existential play -- it became a meditation for me when I was in the production of it seven days a week. I only see through loss, death and my right eye (my left eye is very impaired). I only start to see the color of everything, the intensity of everything when I'm leaving it.Another Spalding Gray quote and another Spalding Gray link. Google's cache is the Net's Hamlet.
If I'm not present in the act of skiing, or if I think, "Hey, I'm skiing," that's when I go down.I am fairly sure that Spalding Gray is important, though I am not sure why. My friend who does not read randomWalks probably knows why.
In my life, when I'm not performing or working on something new, all I'm doing is walking and thinking. In skiing, I have no room for thought, I'm too busy doing. It terrified me because I love skiing so much, but I didn't know how to make a living at it and I'd always prided myself on making a living at what I loved.
New Pixar Film (Monsters, Inc.) in November. I’m there.
GW grows 50,000 cannabis plants a year, at unspecified sites in southern England under glass structures described by Dr Guy as a ‘cross between a spaceship and an operating theatre’.London stock market goes wild over GW, Britain's only legal cannabis grower.
originally posted by xowie
There's this ugly tendency just now for white heterosexual males to get all resentful and self-pitying, to whine about how they are supposedly being discriminated against, and consequently to vote Republican. It's high time we got rid of all that Michael Douglas-style backlash, and all that Woody Allen or Robert Bly 'sensitive man' horseshit as well. I'm not looking to define some new model of straight masculinity; I'm suggesting that we abolish such role models altogether. Make your life a work of art instead, as Oscar Wilde and Michel Foucault both recommend; try to be as singular and eccentric as free of models, as possible.From an interview with Steve Shaviro, professor of Film, Culture, and English at the University of Washington. His "theoretical fiction about postmodernism" Doom Patrols can be read online.
We really shouldn't allow people to vote on Md. Indians Seek Help To Change Team Names
Late-80s stoner fave Jam Session is now a free download. (It’s not unlike le piano graphique.)
Mac-nostalgists can also grab M.O.R.E., a still-great outliner of similar vintage.
originally posted by xowie
The image below is a finger labyrinth. You can "walk" it on screen with your finger or mouse. Print it for later use. Tracing the path in the labyrinth can be relaxing. It also can be balancing as you journey back and forth to the center. Repeat several times in succession to get the most benefit. Try it with your non-dominant hand for more of a challenge. It will help you to give up control and break out of your routine response pattern.An article in today's Post about a recently-built labyrinth at a Maryland hospice worker retreat reminded me that I'd like to walk a labyrinth sometime. I don't have any particular expectations of the experience, but I am deeply interested in the value of rituals, and this one apparently dates back thousands of years, spanning many cultures and religions. The Labyrinth Society maintains a directory of labyrinths which are open to the public.
Even San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown - who has been on the receiving end of some tough reporting by the Chronicle - got into the act. "I only wish the person who suggested Mr. Bronstein remove his shoes had advised him to go in naked,'' Brown is reported to have said.Catching up on dragon jokes.
originally posted by xowie
Big Tobacco buys Ashcroft.
originally posted by xowie
"He'll be given a good home," said Mike. "He will not be turned into a purse."Mike Bailey, professional wrestler.
originally posted by xowie
Looking into the Chesapeake Bay crater.
originally posted by xowie
Some of us work on the plantation.
Some of us own the plantation.
Facts are facts.
This hat is for those who own the plantation.
As James Baldwin wrote, the white man here is trapped by his own history, a history that he himself cannot comprehend and therefore what can I do but love him?Actor Carroll O'Connor on his groundbreaking character, Archie Bunker. O'Conner died of a heart attack yesterday. He was 76.thanks, reverend brian.
Deconstructing Harry, redux. thanks, george.
"I got real good at talking to promoters or hall owners. They’d ask, ‘What kind of music do you play?’ I’d say, ‘Oh, it’s a rock group and a little bit of jazz in there.’ That’s a trick — the ‘jazz’ word is always useful when you’re stopped by police or authorities."Many fine articles in the Weekly's annual music supplement, especially this one about the early days of L.A.'s definitive hardcore band.
originally posted by xowie
I hope you’ll consider participating in the “Roll Your Own” Blackout tonight. Just shut off all the lights and appliances that you (reasonably and safely) can between seven and ten p.m. your time. According to the Q and A, “your darkened house, and the utilities' lower demand figures, will signify your vote of ‘no confidence’ in the energy policies now coming from Washington.” Realistically, it’s unlikely that the power companies will even register the action, but I like the idea for two reasons. One, it will be a nice moment of political solidarity with like-minded folk across the country. And two, (two even works for those who aren’t turned on by the ideology) this is an opportunity to get a new perspective on my relationship with electricity – not to mention with our sun, Sol. This is his day, after all.
SECRET UNDERGROUND CITIES: something to do the next time you’re in Britain.
From Taiwan to Hong Kong to ChinaTown to the East Village to DC: boba, or bubble tea, the name for a variety of beverages served with little balls of tapioca or sweet potato flour.
From a list of 20 ostensible Eskimo snow-words: igluqsaq. This is a compound word meaning 'house-building material' (note the familiar 'iglu' at the beginning): it can mean plywood or brick just as well as snow. If we pulled the same trick with English, we would start counting words like "etiology" (a slip on snow can cause injury), "projectile" (you can throw snowballs), "food" (you can eat snow as long as it's white), and so on. Hmmm.Hmmm indeed. Steven J. Derose debunks the "Eskimo" snow words myth. Thanks, iceberg273.
Today I pass the time readingBilly Collins, poet laureate.
a favorite haiku,
saying the few words over and over.
It feels like eating
the same small, perfect grape
again and again.
originally posted by xowie
Killing the Buddha is a religion magazine for people made anxious by churches, people embarrassed to be caught in the "spirituality" section of a bookstore, people both hostile and drawn to talk of God. It is for people who somehow want to be religious, who want to know what it means to know the divine, but for good reasons are not and do not.I thought I had blogged this, but I had not. Rumored to have been founded by some kids from my alma mater, Killing the Buddha says, "the medium is the messiah."
Sarah Rothe, an eighth-grader at Lake Braddock Middle School in Burke, said such words "are as common as the word 'like' " at her school. Classmate Christina Jagodnick said "there's a big difference" between anti-gay slurs and other derogatory terms. "If we were to say other words which we all know are wrong," she said, "someone would stop us." A Lesson in Cruelty: Anti-Gay Slurs Common at School
Cops and ravers.
originally posted by xowie
Polish woman says she was denied entry to U.S. because she has ‘rough hands’.
Episodic Genovese wiretaps.
originally posted by xowie
Les agradecemos y les decimos que el pr ximo a o lo haremos otra vez.
originally posted by xowie
Mired is reporting that Butterfly of Digable Planets has died of a heroin overdose. I hope it’s not true.
"It's amazing how many calls I've gotten from ladies trying to arrange behind-the-scenes tours with the Komodo dragons for their husbands,'' joked zoo director Manuel Mollinedo.Clamor for zoo ball tickets.
originally posted by xowie
originally posted by xowie
I’m a trip to Radio Shack away from being able to surf the web and do email from my Palm.
The way in which authority operates in the Potter books frightens me. It's part of their escapism: escapist in a way which naturalizes authority and makes it invisible, partly through the figure of the benevolent dictator, partly through the non-realist representation of Harry's Muggle life. At Hogwarts, almost pornographic attention is given to minor changes in Harry's mood. When he's living with the Dursleys, the boy spends years living in a cupboard under the stairs, and not only does he have no apparent emotional reaction, but where the hell are Social Services?Harry Potter and Capitalism via hobbsblog. I'm sure a lot of people will find this article amusing, but I've been genuinely troubled by the lack of class consciousness in J. K. Rowling's work.
An astronaut will open several mid-deck lockers, pull out some parts, assemble the Power Mac G4 and a small satellite, float out of an airlock, and deliberately throw the satellite overboard.It says so right here.
For dmoz: guides: racism.
rebekah jude - come to my house for a so-over-it Rent BBQ slash trampoline party.
I don’t like the looks of this URL either. (c/o boingboing)
originally posted by xowie
The trials of Analog Pussy.
originally posted by xowie
Nikon Coolpix 990 online resource guide. I don’t like the looks of that URL at all – it looks like it could blow away, or get scrambled by static cling or something, but there you go.
Where the Buffalo Go: How Science Ignores the Living World: An Interview with Vine Deloria
You May Be An Anarchist And Not Even Know It: An Interview with John Zerzan
This week Bull Run Mountain Organic Farm delivered radishes, arugula, Red Sails lettuce, Salad Bowl lettuce, Black Seeded Simpson lettuce, tatsoi, Yukino Savoy, Salad mustard, garlic flowers, and Pac Choi. Yummy salad tonight!
The lawyers dwell on small details.
originally posted by xowie
In the desert on the U.S.-Mexico border, charity becomes political protest as humanitarian groups seek to put hundreds of gallons of water in the form of “watering stations” – a few gallons of water and a blue flag – on federal, military, private, and Indian lands.
This Guide to Free Online Photo Albums is very handy for comparing the features of the various services. I have been a fan of photopoint but they’ve recently gone subscription.
TheExperiment is a source for alternative/activist news.
Father’s day surprise for stupid rich people. Keep your shoes on around the Komodo!
originally posted by xowie
More comics links than you can click at GLITTERDAMMERUNG! Comics Weblog.
Sample some great indy comics by downloading a pdf of the out-of-print NON number 3. thanks, bugpowder.
It's really an uncomfortable situation, since I'm not an illustrator, though I do get calls from morally indefensible businesses offering me money to decorate their ambitions.The onion interviews Chris Ware, esteemed comic artist and author of Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid On Earth.
"I would like to see it more like the wine industry where there are certain strains and varieties grown under specific conditions," he said pulling on a large spliff of a highly sought-after strain called Bumbleberry.What are they smoking at the Vancouver Sun?
originally posted by xowie
Glib blog of angeleno news.
originally posted by xowie
Thanks dj for ruining Memento for me.
J. R. R. Tolkein would have made a great Dungeon Master. thanks, Jennifer.
Drug czar OK with MMJ.
originally posted by xowie
If you read Dr. Menlo like you should, you would have seen the link to this article about Berthold Steinhilber painting photographs with light.
When I finally came in, Debbie was home from work. I told her everything about my dinner with Andre.Annotations: the Findhorn Foundation, The Little Prince and the taming of the fox, and see also meet Martin Buber.
It was just a certain inclination to meet people. And as far as possible, to change something in the other, but also to let me be changed by him.Meet Martin Buber.
Grandpa Rex's Allen was the oldest living cat in the world when he died at age 34 (the equivalent of being over 150 years old in human years!). The hairless cat, belonging to Jake Perry of Austin, Texas, was fond of broccoli. He was also known to eat asparagus on occasion.Life Extension For Your Pet.
originally posted by xowie
Australia has Anzac Day (April 25) and Remembrance Day (November 11).
On Anzac Day, some people march.
originally posted by xowie
"A lot of us were standing outside watching the planes flying overhead. But you don't see Japanese-Americans or other Hawaiians in the film. Maybe it was just the base they were showing? It's hard to tell. But it doesn't show us." The movie spends 40 minutes on the Japanese attack without showing that the Japanese not only bombed battleships, killing more than 2,000 sailors, but also bombed and strafed all over Oahu, this island where Pearl Harbor is situated, causing fires and reducing buildings to rubble. And the movie does not give even a glancing reference to the scores of Hawaiian civilians — the youngest a 3-month-old girl — who were killed in the attack, most of them from friendly fire as antiaircraft rounds missed their targets and landed several miles away in Honolulu.The New York Times: Some Upset by Twist on Pearl Harbor. Count me in. Don't let Disney teach you history!
"There's no reason that we would expect any acute reactions. What we're more concerned about is if people consume this over their lifetime, will it eventually catch up with them?" said an F.D.A. food safety official.New York Times: Stressed Out? Bad Knee? Try a Sip of These Juices. Not concerned enough to require accurate labeling, apparently. Also in the New York Times: The Demise of the Stick Shift is Accelerating, As Others Abandon Plains, Indians and Bison Come Back.
originally posted by xowie
From suggested lesson plans for John Ashcroft’s Dept. of Justice Bible study group:
MATTHEW 5:38-39 - “Ye have heard that it hath been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Discuss the implications of this passage on the use of force by federal law enforcement officers.
Wiccan icon Fairuza Balk appeared in the Sopranos finale.
originally posted by xowie
It turns out that tying a tie is equivalent to a so-called persistent random walk on a triangular lattice. Using this model, the number of all possible knots is calculated. The optimal knot is determined by the aesthetic conditions of symmetry and balance. Of the 85 tie knots found, our model duly predicts the four knots in widespread use and further introduces nine new aesthetic ones.Tie Knots and Random Walks, Thomas M. Fink and Yong Mao. I don't know how to tie a tie.
Is it just me, or has this been the slowest-moving weather front you’ve ever seen come across North America? We’re having crazy storms over here. Are we drastically changing our climate? How many people will increase their chance of getting skin cancer this weekend? By how much? Will you please put on some sunscreen?
He has been totally dependent on his father ... a spoiled brat.Yoshihiro Tsurumi, City University of New York professor on former student President George W. Bush.
Taking note of: “3 color” q u i d d i t y. Very nice. Thanks ghost rocket.
Black Loyalists: Our History, Our People - “This new online exhibit from Canada’s Digital Collections Program documents an often overlooked group who fought for the British in the Revolutionary War: freed and escaped slaves. After the British government offered freedom to any slaves who fought on Britain’s behalf, as many as 30,000 people of African descent escaped to aid the British war effort. When the war ended in an American victory, these free blacks were evacuated to Nova Scotia with the other Loyalists who left the former colonies. Although they had been promised land and a new life in Canada, black emigrants found harsh living and working conditions, prompting many to leave for Sierra Leone. This site tells the story of the black Loyalists with numerous illustrated vignettes, short biographies, a timeline, and descriptions and maps of black Loyalist communities.” - The Scout Report via wood s lot.
Everything you know is wrong. (Another example.)
originally posted by xowie
No one could find an obituary. One person called the newspaper in Kaycee's small town and they said that they had not heard of any girl with leukemia.Unnnhhh... The Kaycee Nicole (Swenson) FAQ (and more).
originally posted by xowie
Amazon Listmania: Picture Books About Interracial Families.
A gallery of photos from Brooklyn Kings: New York City’s Black Bikers.
Obligatory post from the new Apple Store in Tyson’s Corner… I’m having too much fun to write more. (The new iBook is incredible.)
My computer literacy is zero. It's partly because it wasn't easy to learn, so I just gave up.His Holiness the Dalai Lama is spending this week in Silicon Valley.
The news organization has to elevate the significance of stories about communities of color. Those stories have to be seen as part of the path to success and not part of the path to obscurity.
The boxes are supposed to help you focus your attention on one post at a time. The prominent dates floating to the left ought to help you see what’s new since your last visit. The thin border around the list of links is similarly intended to help you isolate that part of the page mentally as you scan for information. The title is supposed to be murmured more often than shouted, and the strip is just for fun. What works and what doesn’t?
“Where the hell did they get these kids?"
“It doesn’t matter."
You’ll probably enjoy this.
The appeal of laissez-faire capitalism, as it spread around the world until it vanquished even the Soviets, was simple: You need neither a change in structures nor a change in human nature. Instead, the bad side of human nature -- the greed, competitiveness, and materialism -- could be counted on to magically produce enough wealth that many people could actually enjoy the easy life that the utopians and commissars could only promise. That is the revolutionary idea of our time, and it has cast into a sepia shadow both Gandhi and Lenin. We distrust moralizing as thoroughly as we distrust government; in a cynical age, our ultimate trust is in the notion that trust is unnecessary, that we should each simply advance our own cause.Bill McKibben writing for Mother Jones about the joys of renunciation.
If you saw my check, you'd understand.Pedro Gomez sets up portable toilets in New York City.
I love outdoor art. has a small photo gallery depicting murals from throughout the nation’s capital. The best murals are probably found in the West and SouthwestΒLos Angeles (the mural capital of the world), Austin, San Francisco, Tucson and San Diego have some great ones.
Phil Greenspun’s online photo-illustrated Travels with Samantha makes me long for the open road and the beautiful countryside my wife and I saw on our honeymoon. Her favorite spot was Yellowstone. I’ll never forget skinny-dipping in Lake Powell.
“frontwheeldrive humbly attempts to bring intelligent reporting to emerging sciences such as Artificial Intelligence, Memetics, Complexity, Chaos Theory and the like with a nod toward design and an open eye on new media. Forever forward in the pursuit of positive stimuli. Information in formation.” It does a good job, and boasts some big names.
“PliNkit! is a collection of useful links that work very well, or are designed for viewing on a palmtop computer. It is designed to be a no frills easy to navigate listing of these sites.” One day I will have my cell phone hooked up to my Palm III and that day I will come to randomWalks and search for “lynx” and find this post because it has the word lynx in it. Then I will bookmark PliNkit! on my Palm and never think about this post again.
Look here: say you have a disk that can spin, and so you put a pail of milk on it and you make it spin. You will see the milk go up the side of the pail, and fly over and out onto the disk. No big deal, eh? The spin will make a pull. But now what if you said that the pail of milk is your "at rest"? Then you have you and the sky and all that in a big huge spin, and the disk with its pail of milk is the only body that is "at rest", yes? How can you say then why the milk goes up? What can make the at-rest milk fly out of the pail like that?Brian Raiter explains the theory of relativity in very short words of no more than four letters.
I was hitchhiking around Europe in 1971, when I was 18, with this copy of A Hitchhiker's Guide to Europe. At one point I found myself lying in the middle of a field, a little bit drunk, when it occurred to me that somebody should write a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It didn't occur to me that it might actually be me years later.CNN is reporting that author Douglas Adams died of a heart attack on Friday. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
rft’s photography / Tips and Tricks contains “helpful information for working with digital photos [and especially those] taken with the Nikon Coolpix 950 or Nikon Coolpix 990.”
OH. Now I get it!(doing a V-8 head slap)...getting your system to run Myst III is the first puzzle of the game! Ubisoft is pure genius...(where's the cheat?)...Overheard on the Myst III: Exile tech support forum.
OC Weekly regular Alison M. Rosen is the funniest writer in the history of free papers. Her recent master-works cover phallic Christian vegetables, Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light (tm), and penis duplication kits.
originally posted by xowie
Read without the ads. You can thank me later. Also, Nic’s tricks filter Salon and Slate, stripping out the tables and graphics with a short perl script and serving up the articles like it’s 1994. Dig it. This page of lookups looks handy too. I wonder when I’ll get around to making one of my own.
Things in nature often move in complicated ways. You have probably watched the way a butterfly moves. The molecules of the air that you are breathing move in a similar way. This type of motion we call a random walk. You can also take a random walk.
Suppose the Earth is all one big single living organism, with all the elements of it connected like cells in a body. Suppose the goal of evolution is to link up individual human minds, bringing an explosion of intelligence and even global consciousness to this mammoth being.Now suppose the above quote leads into a Washington Post article on ... bird watching? Apparently this guy, and by "guy" I mean French Jesuit Scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, proposed this notion back in 1940 but it was hard to take seriously for a lot of people for a long time until the Internet appeared and here and there folks began to say "wait a minute" and now you get folks like John Perry Barlow, erstwhile Grateful Dead lyricist and founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, suggesting that worldwide changes in human development, agriculture and preservation in response to real-time bird observations resulting in a virtuous circle of renewed habitats and rejuvenated populations reflect the beginnings of a global consciousness evidenced by "large-scale interaction between the greater 'us' and the greater 'them'". Don't look at me. Is that a sparrow?
Who was Jeremy Bentham? What is utilitarianism? (Why am I asking?)
“There are a number of excellent sites out there for people wanting to shave their heads, or just connect to others who share the hairstyle,” and Head Shaver’s Information and FAQ is probably the best of them.
On Alt-log: Apparently Baltimore City Paper has a regular column called Funny Paper in which they humorously deconstruct the comics. It reminds me of a less straightforward version of the wonderful “Comics I Don’t Understand."
If you have seen the remarkable photos in The Empire That Was Russia: The Prokudin-Gorskii Photographic Record Recreated (A Library of Congress Exhibition), you will certainly not begrudge me the sharing of them with anyone else. (In the early 1900s, Russian photographer Prokudin-Gorskii created color images by shooting simultaneously with three black and white cameras fitted with red, green, and blue filters. The resulting images were projected back through colored filters onto a screen for display.) The photos are technically marvelous, but more striking is the dissonance between the “modern” medium and “historic” subject matter, if you take my meaning. Have a look!
Huntley Meadows lies in a wet lowland that was carved out by an ancient meander of the Potomac River. The resulting freshwater wetland is one of the rarest habitats left in Fairfax County. Acre for acre, a healthy wetland supports more life than almost any other habitat. Wetlands also purify polluted waters and control the destructive power of floods and storms.Huntley Meadows Park is a nice place to spend an afternoon. I'm reminded that it's a stone's throw from our home by this Washington Post article. Last summer I went with some family and took pictures. Friends of Huntley Meadows Park runs a good website with news, events, history and photos.
Eric of Kestrel’s Nest, how does your garden grow?
The partnership of Cannabis and man has existed now probably for ten thousand years β since the discovery of agriculture in the Old World. One of our oldest cultivars, Cannabis has been a five- purpose plant: as a source of hempen fibres; for its oil; for its akenes or βseeds,β consumed by man for food; for its narcotic properties; and therapeutically to treat a wide spectrum of ills in folk medicine and in modern pharmacopoeias.
Why do you think there have been so few chronicles about the realities of working at Wal-Mart or Comfort Inn, which employ more people than the dot-coms did even at their height?James Fallows asks Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America in which she spent three months trying to survive in three cities on three minimum-wage jobs. The in-progress Fallows and Ehrenreich dialog in The Atlantic immediately brought to mind a recent piece in the Washington Post titled Dot-Com Vets Turn Job Loss Into Second Spring Break which inexplicably glamorizes the downturn in the job market by looking at how folks who, according to Fallows, find it "hard to understand people for whom a million dollars would be a fortune" are making do with movies, massages, and trips to Madrid in these lean times.
The question that comes up over and over again, and I don't really have an answer still -- really, I don't know any other people who have answers to them -- is, "It's terrible, awful, getting worse. What do we do? Tell me the answer." The trouble is, there has not in history ever been any answer other than, "Get to work on it."Chomsky: For One Thing, There's No "It". There is injustice where you live, and tomorrow you can either oppose it or allow it to persist. Why don't you sleep on it?
listen missy has the longest list of DC area bloggers that I’ve seen. Inexplicably, randomWalks is not included.
What’s the word? New iBook.
45 minutes until Apple’s just-announced, invite-only “press event” (promising “exciting announcements,” of course). Everybody expects a new iBook, since the old ones have disappeared from retail channels & the Apple Store alike, but beyond that it’s anybody’s guess. ZDNet rounds up the rumors that seem grounded in reality, and if that’s not enough reading for you then keep an eye on MacSurfer for the latest headlines from the best of the Mac news sites.
I’d really love to know who gets invited to these things – I wonder how Apple treats sites like MacCentral and Macintouch which have all but replaced the mainstream media as the papers of record – so to speak – in terms of Apple news.
"I still wish we had been able to buy [Palm]," he says. Okay, then, how about making a run at Handspring, a maker of Palm-compatible handheld computers? Or co-branding with a maker of portable MP3 players or digital cameras or camcorders? After all, wouldn't Jobs like to have Apple profit more broadly and directly from this new digital lifestyle? And wouldn't that strategy work best if Apple's own stores were stocked with a wide array of Apple-branded digital gadgets? "I don't know what you're talking about," Jobs replies, looking at the ceiling. Then he smiles and changes the - Steve Jobs: The Graying Prince of a Shrinking Kindgom (What a lousy headline.)
"He's Dick Cheney's Dick Cheney."Vice presidential advisor Mary Matalin on vice presidential aide Irv "Scooter" Lewis Libby. Via the inestimable World New York.
FTAA Diary is a 48-page zine (available for download in pdf format) chronicling the experiences of folks who protested in Quebec. Illustrated with powerful black and white photos, the narratives personalize the events like no journalism could hope to.
The Guardian Weblog is carrying a special May Day edition offering “analysis from the corporate and alternative media around the web” on expected May 1 “anti-capitalist” protests and on the broader protest movement. Meanwhile, across town… Apple is expected to announce everything from world peace to OS X on X86 at the May 1 “Apple event”, so keep your eyes on randomWalks (or any of a dozen better Mac news sources) to see what the big deal was.
Dr. Menlo - best Quebec/FTAA coverage.
Romenesko, it should be considered, is a group blog disguised as a one-man blog. He is considered an important meta-media entity by journalists, so they send him tips; plus, he is paid to thoroughly read all the periodicals like the NYT that we all depend on blogs to cull through for us. Not to diminish what he does in any way; just be aware that it's what can be done with underwriting and sources.MetaTalk: dhartung on
I've spent most of my life in a town which owes its existence to an earlier incarnation of capitalism. The main square in Middlesbrough is a case in point: on the one side is a public library, endowed by Andrew Carnegie; alongside it are statues of Bolckow and Vaughan, the two ironmasters who brought industry and prosperity to the town in the late 1800s. They were entrepreneurs first, not philanthropists, but they invested in their workforce. I can't imagine there are many places in SE Asia graced by Nike subcontractors that will erect statues of Phil Knight.Pooh-pooh Metafilter though you may, I'll wager they've got the most illuminating discussion about globalization the English-speaking Internet has yet seen going on over there. It starts to get really good right around here but feel free to hit that 'home' key on your keyboard. Update: The saga continues.
Steve-o’s Grand Adventure includes an account of sneaking into Hobbiton USA complete with pictures.
George Will should rent a Nissan Pathfinder and remove the bulb from the rear tail light. The next step would be to install a hidden video camera in the rear seat. Then he and a black friend should take turns driving the vehicle around the D.C. area. Afterward, Will can veiw the results and write a column on whether or not he would mind trading places with his black friend.The Washington Post published this great letter (quoted above) in response to a George "Jackass" Will column.
Targeting China as the next Evil Empire has been an evolutionary process in the United States. The new Bush administration apparently plans to talk and act tough toward China. That isn't going to make life any easier for me and other Chinese Americans. Some Americans appear not to be able to distinguish between Chinese Americans and Chinese from China. We all look alike, I guess.San Francisco Chronicle: A Great Wall of Unease -- William Wong observes the recent rise of anti-Chinese sentiment in the US with alarm.
XML Resume Library or, How to Write a Resume for the 21st Century (featuring an XML DTD and 3 XSL transformations).
Of note: Andrew Friedman for Feed on the intersection of drug laws, the census, and the prison industry with an eye on race and class.
In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shinesI recently came across this interesting history of "In The Pines", a traditional folk song most famously recorded by Nirvana for MTV Unplugged. Memo to self: collect various versions of the song off of Napster et al.
And we shiver when the cold wind blows.
Public Textures is a collection of photographs of scenes, surfaces, and objects featuring rich textures. (What else?) The photos are in the public domain so have at it.
She's reading a book on gender theory right now. She thinks it's fascinating and kind of funny.Washington Post: Wonder Woman's Powers -- Phil Jiminez, writer and illustrator of Wonder Woman for DC Comics, has given the Amazon heroine an inner life. But whence came that golden lasso of truth? Believe it or not, the head (belonging to psychologist William Marston) from which sprang forth a fully-formed Wonder Woman also conceived of the first polygraph.
Ghost World the movie website (via linkmachineego, which covers comics and sites that cover comics lots better than we do).
Using PHP and MySQL as a Weblog [sic]
How to manage your site with Blogger, PHP, and XML
I do not believe I would very cheerfully help a white student who would ask a benevolence of a stranger, but I do not feel so about the other color. We have ground the manhood out of them, and the shame is ours, not theirs, and we should pay for Mark Twain's Reparations for Slavery
Inmate rape has such an established place in the mythology of prison that references to confinement often call forth jokes about sexual assault. But while rape is accepted as a fact of prison life, the subject has received little serious attention and legal remedies are rare. Few prison rapists are ever prosecuted, and most prisons provide little counseling or medical attention for rape victims, or help in preventing such attacks.New York Times: Little Sympathy -- I don't know what this does for recidivism, but it doesn't sound like rehabilitation to me. What's a prison activist to do?
If Italo Calvino had a website, it would be The Invisible Library, “a collection of books that only appear in other books.”
Cincinnati Riots:
For most of us, it would be an easy choice. Of course you would learn to communicate with your child. But not if it meant you couldn't have food on your table.IHT: For Asian Immigrants in U.S., a Wall of Words Separates Generations
Hey neat, we’re on top of the google results for “links open windows”! I wonder what other searches put randomWalks on top? (If you find any, pls [discuss] – posting works, though the comment count is gone.)
All of us who are not racists -- liberals and conservatives alike -- have an instinctive tic against explicit racial classifications, which is understandable given our nation's history of racial injustice. But if we really want a more just society, we must be prepared to re-examine this instinct with an important distinction in mind: we must distinguish between policies whose premises deny equal citizenship and those whose premises affirm it.New York Times: Race and the Uses of Law, By Ronald Dworkin
I love those books.
If you want to join this retrieval of democracy on the air, the Pacifica Campaign is at 51 MacDougal Street, Box No. 80, New York, NY 10012. The Web site is, and the phone number for information about actions being planned is 1-800-797-6229. It also takes messages.The Village Voice: Can WBAI Be Saved? by Nat Hentoff
The menorah has no place or role in the Christian religion, yet the cartoonist uses this core symbol of Judaism and makes it disappear into a cross with the words, "It is finished." It is as if Johnny Hart is telling his audience that Christianity now supersedes Judaism as the "true" faith.See the cartoon on a Jewish Defense League web page if you haven't seen the Sunday funnies yet. (The JDL is not to be confused with the Anti-Defamation League, who issued the press release quoted above.) is carrying a bit of background on B.C. creator Johnny Hart's proselytizing.
I almost forgot about the filepile.
The Bradford pear, found throughout the Washington area, blooms each year at the beginning of Spring for two weeks ending in a dramatic flurry of petals. It’s really a beautiful tree, but the bad news is that after about two decades the tree tends to fall apart. That gives me about five years to find a new parking space.
Project Censored has announced the top 25 censored media stories of 2000. As always, the list is a terrifying glimpse into the nature of power and “what really goes on”. My favorite is the exemplarily jaw-dropping “Gerber Uses the WTO to Suppress Laws that Promote Breastfeeding”.
The women were pretty and flirtatious, the men were lively and friendly, the Victoria Bitter was cold and delicious, the stars in the southern sky were simply amazing, and I was having a lot of fun - until I made the mistake of trying to climb Ayers Rock on acid.Tom Robbins answers reader email at the Guardian's Books Talk. See this and other fine links at wood s lot.
As for Finnegans Wake, it's on the nightstand by my bed. I've been reading it nightly for 14 years. I'm now on page 39.
We can certainly rest easier at night knowing the Democrats are out there fighting for us.
The “WAMU in your Ward” series on WAMU’s DC Politics Hour ought to be a fascinating look at the character of Washington D.C.’s neighborhoods. Along with the poop on Ward 1, listen this friday (scroll down) for an hour on the Peace Corps' 40th birthday. You might just want to listen to WAMU right now, especially if you like your NPR with a little bit of bluegrass. In any case, it’s a good time to look at the District’s Wards because the city government is about to redraw the boundaries.
"I don't know how long people can do this work. Nobody we know of is doing it to the extent we are, so it's hard to know how long we will last." Why does she keep doing it? "Because something sacred occurs when people in such pain begin to tell you how they feel.""Yes, it's him." Beverly Jones counsels survivors as they identify bodies at the DC morgue. The program is the only one of its kind in the nation.
The Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry deserves a better post than it’s getting here. It also deserves a better site than it’s got there, but it’s definitely worth your time. Be sure to “Browse collection by: ” – there’s some great stuff in there!
I’ve been meaning to collect links to various subway maps (they serve as great studies in design) but Jason Kottke beat me to it. Always the smartie, he’s got his readers working for him (and for me too, I guess).
If you think that the next big crackdown on political protest is going to take place when 5,000 police officers clash with activists outside the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City next month, you are mistaken. It turns out that the most effective form of crowd control isn't pepper spray, water cannons, tear gas or any of the other weapons being readied by Quebec police in anticipation of the arrival of 34 heads of state. The most cutting-edge form of crowd control is controlling the crowds before they converge. It happens every time we read another story about how Quebec will be surrounded by a three-metre-high fence. Or about how there's nowhere to sleep in the city except the prisons, which have been helpfully cleared out. Protesting, rather than being a healthy part of democracy, seems like an extreme and dangerous sport, suitable only for hard-core activists, with bizarre accessories and doctoral degrees in rock climbing.A-Infos: Quebec City Keeping Us Out Before We Get There
Native American people from across North and South America have said they fear that a free trade agreement covering both continents could have devastating effects on native peoples.BBC: Free trade concerns Native Americans
Historical and modern day images often contain hidden messages about us, about others and about our world. These subtle lessons lie just beneath the surface. In order to see them, we must replace passive consumption of images with critical analysis. We can no longer accept a sculpture or a logo at face value. We must dig deeper.Images in Action is a teaching activity at the new What images would you add to the project?
"I" am a boundary, a distinction delineated as much by notness as isness; as is everything. This being so, so this being (is). My line, and the lines we all draw, are largely a cultural affect. What does this mean exactly? It implies that linear thinking is too straight, man.Sometimes I think this is what God has done. In any case, you ought to be reading abuddhas memes.
I think that if I grokked it all, I would purposefully forget that I did - as a release from the grey obsession of control, and spontaneous rediscovery of beauty.
A while ago my younger brother mentioned that John and John were looking for Ballads For The Age Of Science, one of which They Might Be Giants covered on a recent album. I knew I had seen them in mp3 format somewhere on the web, and here they are (link above). At the time, I frustrated myself trying to find them. (This doesn’t happen to me. When I look for something on the net, I find it. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but we’re talking ninety-nine point forty-four.) Thanks to gmtPlus9, a consistenly rewarding weblog with a fresh perspective.
If you ever played Dark Castle on the original Macintosh, your heart will skip a beat when you learn that a sequel is in the works. But wait – it gets better. Download the Return to Dark Castle demo now, and thank me later.
“I wanna know if what I saw is still there” – heard this song on KEXP (was KCMU, is possibly the only radio station worth listening to) a few times in a few weeks and now I want you to hear it (it’s right here).
Thanks to Aaron Swartz of Blogspace, randomWalks (and any other weblog) can now offer an RSS feed.
You come to realise that the people who make these products are craftspeople who love what they do beyond any other product you have ever seen. And because so much love was put into this you end up loving the product, too.Steve Jobs on why you love Apple.
I don't know what America is coming to when thousands of people, many of them adults, are willing to be regimented into brushing paint on a jig-saw miscellany of dictated shapes and all by rote. Can't you rescue some of these souls -- or should I say 'morons'?
“This spring, Slate will ask Dr. Melfi’s real-life counterparts to examine developments on The Sopranos." Good reading.
The relaunch of the XPLANE site is a great excuse to go dig through the xBlog archives. Wow!
This guy must have been happy when dj was born. I was only 1 year old, but I bet I was too. A true soul.
From the referrers: - a weblog w/good comics and politics.
The past two nights were absolutely incredible; beyond words.Photographers talking about taking pictures of last week’s auroras.
These images are a poor example of what the experience is like in person.
This cloud of light suddenly became alive. It grew brighter and brighter and it started pulsing hypnotic waves and rays throughout the entire northern sky.
Some of you will surely enjoy The Leaky Cauldron weblog: “We Blog for Harry.”
In our biggest cities, population growth is being fed by the increasing number of Hispanic and Asian residents, yet the national debate around race and ethnicity remains disproportionately focused on white and black Americans. Too many political leaders are still staring at the rear-view mirror, looking back at what the country was, not at what it is becoming. As the magnitude of this demographic transformation begins to sink in, every institution of American society will have to rethink its policies and priorities, every political organization will have to refashion its platform and strategies.Juan Gonzales writes for In These Times about the results of the 2000 Census. I sure wish I'd learned some Spanish in high school; I think I'm going to look into an immersion course.
You heard about the guy who was fired for posting a map on a USGS website of caribou calving areas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge where the Republicans want to drill for oil right?
One Chinese translation of World Wide Web literally means Ten-Thousand-Dimensional Web in Heaven and Net on Earth. Isn’t that beautiful?
This MacOS X Issues page offers an honest thorough evaluation of OS X 1.0 which closely mirrors my opinions.
This command line interface tutorial is required reading for anyone who would play “root” with Mac OS X. Also of interest:
Think of me as Chomsky with dick jokes.More about the funny-as-hell Bill Hicks.
Got another one of those Pocket Calls the other day. You know what I'm talking about - you pick up the phone, and all you hear is muffled ambience. Someone's cell phone has called you from inside their pocket, and the call lasts forever because the person doesn't even know about it. Stupid pocket calls.My brother's cell phone called me from his car once. I was like Mulder 25 minutes into the X-Files: "I don't know how or why, but I think my brother just called us and he doesn't know it," I said feeling pretty clever. My wife, of course, was all Scully: "What? Are you sure? Let me see the phone... yeah, it sounds like he's in his car talking to his friends and his cell phone is on the seat and someone sat on it and it turned on and called us by itself." I'll never know how she did that. I read Cardhouse today.
The Utne reader ran this article about ways to have fun. Here's what is "fun": studying languages, crochet, work, work, being Ira Glass (now that would be fun), and work.Hobbsblog II -- Electric Boogaloo is a destination unto itself.
If it's a little like eating an omelet through a really big straw, well, that's part of the beauty of it.Remember Push-Pops? It's what's for dinner.
Missed us. Better luck next time.From a message posted to a Californian website by "Dave", a fisherman in the Mir target zone. The BBC is carrying some eyewitness accounts of the unique event. You'll also want to see some pictures, I suppose.
In its original literal sense, "moral relativism" is simply moral complexity. That is, anyone who agrees that stealing a loaf of bread to feed one's children is not the moral equivalent of, say, shoplifting a dress for the fun of it, is a relativist of sorts. But in recent years, conservatives bent on reinstating an essentially religious vocabulary of absolute good and evil as the only legitimate framework for discussing social values have redefined "relative" as "arbitrary." That conflation has been reinforced by social theorists and advocates of identity politics who argue that there is no universal morality, only the value systems of particular cultures and power structures.Arts and Letters Daily picks up on some interesting pop scholarship claiming that "The Sopranos" -- the greatest acheivement in American television to date -- has light to shed on the debate over moral relativism:
Stanley Fish blows apart the propagandist notion of "reverse racism".In this country whites once set themselves apart from blacks and claimed privileges for themselves while denying them to others. Now, on the basis of race, blacks are claiming special status and reserving for themselves privileges they deny to others. Isn't one as bad as the other?
The answer is no. One can see why by imagining that it is not 1993 but 1955, and that we are in a town in the South with two more or less distinct communities, one white and one black. No doubt each community would have a ready store of dismissive epithets, ridiculing stories, self-serving folk myths, and expressions of plain hatred, all directed at the other community, and all based in racial hostility. Yet to regard their respective racisms--if that is the word--as equivalent would be bizarre, for the hostility of one group stems not from any wrong done to it but from its wish to protect its ability to deprive citizens of their voting rights, to limit access to educational institutions, to prevent entry into the economy except at the lowest and most menial levels, and to force members of the stigmatized group to ride in the back of the bus. The hostility of the other group is the result of these actions, and whereas hostility and racial anger are unhappy facts wherever they are found, a distinction must surely be made between the ideological hostility of the oppressors and the experience-based hostility of those who have been oppressed.
“Maybe we can talk about Revelations 3:17.” – Jill Scott, “Long Walk”
Alternet is carrying an interesting follow-up to Tim Wise’s School Shootings and White Denial essay, and of course it will precipitate a storm of denial over on MetaFilter, though I hope we can take the discussion in a different direction this time. Unfortunately there are more than a few people over there devoted to promoting color-blindness as the solution to racism out of one side of their mouth, and reminding me that I’m white (and therefore have no right to take certain positions on racism) out of the other.
Sweet Jesus, I’m staring at boxes…
BBC Q&A: Why do interest rates matter? This is like remedial Economics for dummies in lay terms, and I’m still not sure what’s going on.
Now that you’re back, let’s keep talking. Do you think the boxes make randomWalks too discontinuous?
I was about to steal another link from Follow Me Here, but then I saw another, and another… just go, now!
You have to remember that this was right after Vanilla Ice hit it big and then crashed. They lost interest when they found out I was white. But the thing about that experience that was most reassuring was that some producers told me, by listening to my demo tapes, that they thought I was black.Henry Biggs plans to record a rap version of Homer's "Iliad."
We attacked the Chinese Embassy and deliberately bombed civilian journalists at a TV station and how did pop music respond? With Livin' La Vida Loca.Stuart Maconie sidelines this good point about the production of culture in an article about protest music that suggests the author has never heard of hip hop.
“If distributing code is illegal, and these numbers contain the code, does that make these numbers illegal?”
In the summer of 1949, as the story goes, inveterate gambler Nicholas "Nick the Greek" Dandolos approached Benny Binion with an unusual request-to challenge the best in a high-stakes poker marathon. Binion agreed to set up a match between Dandolos and the legendary Johnny Moss, with the stipulation that the game be played in public view.This nonsense inspired the World Series of Poker.
During the course of the marathon, which lasted five months with breaks only for sleep, the two men played every form of poker imaginable. Moss ultimately won "the biggest game in town" and an estimated $2 million. When the Greek lost his last pot, he arose from his chair, bowed slightly, and uttered the now-famous words, "Mr. Moss, I have to let you go." Dandolos then went upstairs to bed.
The bread I could eat three times a day, with or without different combinations of pulses, vegetables and spices, is n'jera, the flat bread made by Ethiopians from a grain called tef. The method is simplicity itself: you simply add a starter of batter that has stood since the last cooking and fermented naturally to more tef flour and water to make a new batter and let it stand until the bubbles begin to rise. It is then cooked on a flat surface no hotter than is necessary to dry it without colouring it.This column is making me hungry. Speaking of bread, if you haven't discovered the intense pleasure that Great Harvest bread can bring, get thee to a bakery!
Lingua Franca explores how the student-led anti-sweatshop movement is drawing economists on both sides of the issue into a public dialogue.
The Eden Project? This must be what they were talking about on All Things Considered the other day.
Most commentators characterize this mushroom ominously as "toxic" or "poisonous". Somewhat more lightheartedly, Aurora relates the apocryphal tale of the elderly woman who accidentally consumed G. spectabilis. She laughed and cried uncontrollably. When the authorities came to carry her away to the hospital, she remarked, "If this is the way you die from mushroom poisoning, I'm all for it!"Confessions of a Gymnopilus Spectabilis Eater
Tampa Tribune: Packing Pavement - “As the photographs on this page illustrate, what we call urban congestion is not too many people, but too many vehicles in too small an area.”
"Listen," she said, impatient with my questions. "There isn't really any training. Be aggressive. As long as they hear confidence in your voice, you're OK. Mostly they're calling because they're depressed and need a friend."Just the other day I thought to myself, "I'd like to read another one of those articles where the reporter gets a job as a telephone psychic." Because, of course, one day I'd like to write my own. thanks, alt-log.
Eric Meyer, author of O’Reilly’s Cascading Stylesheets, is also known as the CSS Anarchist. Turn your new browser into a precision weapon with user stylesheets.
CSS layout techniques in effect. Standing on the shoulders of giants, randomWalks has done the dirty deed, divorced style from content (really just a trial separation), and is eagerly awaiting your honest opinion of the result. Bug reports welcome, pls include details. (If you’re using IE5+, NS6, or Mozilla and the site doesn’t look pretty much like this screenshot, then something’s wrong.) This site is not flattered by Netscape 4.x; for information about upgrading to a better browser, visit the Web Standards Project.
'American Desi' is a fun-loving romantic comedy reminiscent of the great teen films of the eighties like "16 Candles" and "Pretty in Pink," mixed with the fresh hip-hop style of "House Party" with a uniquely Indian flavor.?? From Kris, an All-American boy from India, to Ajay, an Afro-Centric Hindu homeboy, to Farah, a devoutly religious but modern Muslim girl, 'American Desi' tells the story of a unique set of characters and their culture from a decidedly hip and youthful point of view. Like the masala films of India, 'American Desi' is so full of music and dancing that it might very well do to Bhangra and Garba what "Saturday Night Fever" did to Disco!American Desi opens in a limited nationwide (USA) release Friday (in theaters near you, you lucky bastards.) Why is this the first I'm hearing of it? Sounds like a must-see. I was browsing PBS listings and came across an interesting looking film called "American Sons" about racism towards Asian American men. I haven't watched it yet, but I did notice that Peace Development Fund supported the film.
We're in more danger from all the Chinese jumping in the air at the same time than we are from their supposedly huge increase in defense spending.Ethel the Blog
"What am I doing wrong?"Poverty in a pocket of affluence (
If you want to hear interesting, ambitious, challenging pop music these days, the place to turn is not mainstream radio but television -- and not MTV but commercials for establishment products like banks, phone companies and painkillers.For Rock Bands, Selling Out Isn't What It Used to Be
Is It a Sign? ( - Babies with normal hearing are being taught sign language by parents hoping to produce a learning boost or tantrum relief.
The LA Times is running two fascinating stories today:
When you’re white, you have the luxury of invisibility. Anything that peels back the veil that keeps you invisible and makes you opaque is jarring and frightening to white folks. You don’t ever have to think about being a dominant group member. Your world is natural and normal. It’s not white. It just is.In one the Times talks to Tim Wise (quoted) about his recent school shooting essay (rW post).
When people can't establish a racial category for this guy they can't see him; in a sociological sense he's invisible. But what makes him interesting is not just that he could be passing -- moving between races -- but that he's playing with itThe other is a look at a serial bank robber in California who, with the help of a little foundation here and a little concealer there, has become nearly impossible to catch. I don't even know what to say about the reliance of our law enforcement system on racial profiling and classification. What would they ever do if we all fucked enough so that a criminal had the same color skin as an innocent?
I was fascinated by seed packets as a kid. I remember tearing them open and pouring out a couple dozen little black specks into my hand, and then looking out over our garden like “nuh-uh”.
Interview with Norton Juster, author of “The Phantom Tollbooth”.
Would you live on Noah’s ark?
Hopefully people don't mind long songs.Trey Anastasio is on a solo tour. has more about how Phish fans are coping with the band's hiatus. Excerpt: "Dog Biscuits are better than Phish!"
The All-Star Newspaper links to articles by “the best newspaper writers in the business” every day at noon ET.
Here was a woman who no longer could recognize her own children; a woman who had no idea who her husband had been; no clue where she was, what her name was, what year it was -- and yet, knew what she had been taught at a very early age to call black people. Once she was no longer capable of resisting this demon, tucked away like a ticking time bomb in the far corners of her mind, it reasserted itself and exploded with a vengeance. She could not remember how to feed herself, for God's sake. She could not go to the bathroom by herself. She could not recognize a glass of water for what it was. But she could recognize a nigger.It looks like it's about his grandmother, but Exploring the Depths of Racist Socialization is really about you. God, I love Tim Wise.
It's like when you go to the bathroom. After you use the toilet, you must wipe yourself. That's how you finish the job!According to Zen Master Seung Sanh, the happy Hollywood ending in "Little Buddha" is not good teaching. "Little Buddha" airs Friday, March 9 at 6:05pm ET on the Encore True Stories channel, according to TVUltra. Also see: more about wiping yourself.
What went wrong is that we allowed ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of security by media representations of crime and violence that portray both as the province of those who are anything but white like us. We ignore the warning signs, because in our minds the warning signs don't live in our neighborhood, but across town, in that place where we lock our car doors on the rare occasion we have to drive there. That false sense of security -- the result of racist and classist stereotypes -- then gets people killed. And still we act amazed.Tim Wise on the recent school shootings.
Take a penny, leave a penny, says
Zoinks! Like, not even for ten Scooby Snacks!
Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration --If the media put a positive spin on LSD (from a Bill Hicks comedy routine called "war on drugs" which you can still find on napster without looking too hard.)
that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.
There is no such thing as death,
life is only a dream,
and we are the imagination of ourselves.
Here's Tom with the weather --
Ellison Music Labs features a hip hop stream, a drum and bass stream, and a jam band stream. That’s something for just about everyone – and three things for me!
It would be wrong to say that I would only be discriminated against because I am Korean or Asian American. I used to bus tables, and people used to think I was Mexican. The reality is that I might be discriminated against because someone thinks I am Native American or Latino or Asian American.The results of the first United States Census to eschew the one-drop rule are due out soon. Unfortunately, most government agencies don't have a clue how to handle the complexities of an officially multi-racial American people.
Holloway 7 is a brief exploration of how Jef Raskin’s ZUI (zoomable user interface) is intended to work. Interesting stuff, but I guess there’s no substitute for actually using something – I still can’t figure out if this thing makes any sense.
I ask them if Harris allows people to smoke in the loft. I ask if they know where he and Corrin keep the iron. In one particularly surreal moment, I realize I've lost my keys. I enter the chat room and ask if anybody happened to see where I left them.Will Leitch writes about housesitting for who incidentally also has the cooler domain Way-cooler than that is the top result when you google "panopticon" which is the cultural theory and medial literacy website k.i.s.s. of the panopticon. I was looking for this picture, of course, and finally this brief explanation of the original incarnation of the concept of global surveillance.
These PLBM arcade games for PalmOS look great – I can’t wait to install lunar lander.
More Cold Mountain poems by Han-Shan.
The Unimog, a converted German military vehicle manufactured by Daimler-Chrysler will be sold as a luxury vehicle in the US later this year. (This ten-foot-tall, six-ton beast dwarfs the Hummer.) According to Unimog marketing manager Bruce Barnes, “even in Scottsdale, Arizona, moms will want to take it to the grocery store. It’s a head-turning vehicle.” It seems to me this thing pretty much condemns itself, but here’s a tree-hugging press release to chew on.
It should be understood that caught in between is on fire, but I’ve been remiss in not mentioning the Black History Month blogging that BoyCaught’s been doing all month long. Take a minute today and an hour this weekend to peruse the great links he’s gathered. Maybe if we ask him nice he’ll collect them into a single page somewhere that’s easy to point to.
The next time you Napster, instead of rushing to download the latest flavor of Grammy-approved pop why not take a chance on something you’d never risk your hard-earned cash on? What have you discovered on Napster that surprised you, like full audio books (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings are out there), spoken word (Kerouac and Ginsberg), rare live & cover versions? Let’s [discuss]!
If you follow the mainstream media, you may be told by a trustworthy, concerned-looking talking head this evening or read in a stolid, respectable rag tomorrow morning that CD sales are down 39% since last year. If you pay close attention, you might discover that the number applies to CD singles, but in any case 39% is quite a lot, isn’t it? You may think to yourself, “Oh, my… what have we done?” Well, I’m happy to say you can relax, and here is slashdot’s jamie to look at the source of that statistic:
That's right, CD singles. Unit sales for the singles were down 39%, revenue down 36% (they raised prices, of course).
And CD singles account for how much of the RIAA's profits?
Not quite one percent.
Yes, that's right: they lost 36% of 1% of their profits.
And the news media is reporting it as a 39% loss.
The facts are that their "CD sales" are up this year, even over last year's stunning performance. The RIAA increased the average price of a full-length CD from $13.65 to $14.02, and still managed to sell 3,600,000 more of them.
Total profit increase on this, the core of their business, was 3.1%, or just shy of an extra $400,000,000. (read more ...)
Dr. Menlo’s Manifesto in Hypertext is a sort of State of the Revolution address. Good reading when you’re feeling kind of isolated and out-of-sync with the world around you and wondering for the umpteenth time who’s crazy and who’s sane after all.
Squidfactory found a site that has lots of pictures of the new VW Microbus concept.
Anxious to sanitize their product to the point where it passes muster with compassionate conservatives everywhere, especially those living on Pennsylvania Avenue, major producers in the industry are proposing to discard or ban a host of sexual acts and scenarios that have in some instances become staples of the genre. Welcome to the era of kinder, gentler smut.Mark Cromer writes for The Nation about the porn industry's reaction to the Bush presidency.
I really dig’s new hourly forecast.
Did my mother realize how strongly our trips to the fabric store would affect me? I doubt it. And I can only recall them in the most fleeting glimpses, when I'm exhausted or otherwise intoxicated.Music for Babies is Charlie Bertsch's look at the startling choices that confront new parents.
From the soc.culture.asian.american FAQ:
9. What’s the difference between “Oriental” and “Asian”?
“Oriental” is a term which has negative connotations for many Asian Americans because it reflects European and American colonialistic attitudes of the past and present. It is also a term that has always been used to exotify people and products. i.e. Exotic oriental teas/women/attitudes/customs/foods/etc. A general rule of thumb is “Oriental is for rugs, not people.” Besides, no one uses the term “Occidental” to describe white folks. Additionally, “oriental” is a term which describes location in respect to Europe (and to England specifically). “Asian” is in respect to nothing.
Once I read an interview with Madonna where she talked about her envy of black culture, where she stated that she wanted to be black as a child. It is a sign of white privilege to be able to "see" blackness and black culture from a standpoint where only the rich culture of opposition black people have created in resistance marks and defines us. Such a perspective enables one to ignore white supremacist domination and the hurt it inflicts via oppression, exploitation, and everyday wounds and pains. White folks who do not see black pain never really understand the complexity of black pleasure. And it is no wonder then that when they attempt to imitate the joy in living which they see as the "essence" of soul and blackness, their cultural productions may have an air of sham and falseness that may titillate and even move white audiences yet leave many black folks cold. Needless to say, if Madonna had to depend on masses of black women to maintain her status as cultural icon she would have been dethroned some time ago.bell hooks from Black Looks.
This article about the stereotyped Black man offered up by nearly every reality TV show broadcast in the US ends just as it’s getting to the essence: why is this the “reality” the networks – and damningly the audiences – are choosing?
Recent Heart Maker hearts are better than any I could come up with.
I want Mumia to live, I've signed the petitions, I've helped pay for the ads -- hell, I'll personally go and kick the butt of the governor of Pennsylvania! But, for chrissakes, the woman working at Sears just wants to be able to spend an hour with her kids before she heads off to Denny's. Can't we help her? Do you want to help her?Michael Moore in 1997 on the failure of the left. Via the underrated hobbsblog.
We are, thank God, beginning to convince people of the idea that pillows should be washed or thrown away. Some people were using six-year-old pillows continuously without being washed, in unventilated bedrooms where the windows were kept shut at night. At the end of the six years, a tenth of the weight of the pillow consisted of old human skin, mould growing on the skin, mites growing on the mould, dead mites and mite dung. If you ask children to put their heads down on bags of grot like that night after night for a third of their lives, you don't have to invent traffic fumes as a cause of asthma.I feel dirty.
You might ask: if any information can be represented as a finite sequence of symbols, can we represent other aspects of the world, such as a 1-centimeter cube of pure gold or an infinitely long non-repeating decimal like the square root of two, as information? We can. I just did.Jef Raskin, creator of Apple's Macintosh, insists that there is no such thing as Information Design. He's also got some refreshing ideas about the future of human-computer interfaces. is The New Yorker’s online database of cartoons. You can search (internet dog, racism), order prints and t-shirts, and launch a pop-up “cartoon channel” window that refreshes with a new cartoon twice a minute.
At last, a theory of race that’s not racist. Nina Jablonski and George Chaplin found that indigenous skin color correlated with ultraviolet light exposure and they think they know why.
Interview with Joe Sacco, author of the great journalistic comic Palestine.
This is a poetic journey among the weeds, starting in early autumn. The weeds are all from the immediate vicinity of my home: a different one picked, scanned and hypertexted each day. Persistent walking with eyes to the ground.
The water drops are for navigation.
The best thing in today’s Washington Post: Zippy the Pinhead. A distant second is a feature about MTV’s “Undressed”. The article takes an unfortunate moral tone and fails to convey the genuine appeal of the show.
Years from now, when my grandchildren ask me what happened to all of China's trees, I'll have to say, 'We made them into chopsticks.'Chinese chopstick activists advocate the elimination of disposable chopsticks in favor of reusable chopsticks or recyclable spoons.
Good versus Evil is the most hackneyed, overused excuse imaginable for having two sides in a fight. With the exception of a small number of homicidal maniacs, no human being regards him- or herself as evil. As a Dogma designer, you are required to create a real explanation for why two sides are opposed - or to do without one entirely, as in chess.Gamasutra presents Dogma 2001: A Challenge to Game Designers.
DeLillo fans, go wild.
License plate seen while riding on the on the Beltway: IDO WJWD. If I am lucky enough to see this car again, I will be sure to stick my thumbs in my ears, wag my tongue, and make google-eyes at the driver – because I really want to know WJWD in that situation.
Indians built the fire by having long sticks or logs coming to a center like spokes toward the hub. Then as these logs burn up they are shoved in. In this way fire is kept up all night. Indians can tell a white man?s fire - the ashes show the white men to use green wood, Indians the dry wood. White men make the sticks to lie in an oblong, Indians the sticks lie in a circle, when fire burns out so the ashes and portions of the sticks, the race is told.Alice Fletcher kept a diary while living with a Sioux tribe for 2 months in 1881.
It is recognized widely that it fails to achieve its stated end and the failed methods are then pursued more vigorously while effective ways to reach the stated goal are rejected. It is therefore natural to conclude that the drug war, cast in the harshly punitive form implemented since 1980, is achieving its goals, not failing.Noam Chomsky on what the war on drugs is all about.
What are these goals? A plausible answer is implicit in a comment by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, one of the few senators to pay close attention to social statistics. By adopting these measures, he observed, "we are choosing to have an intense crime problem concentrated among minorities." Criminologist Michael Tonry concludes that "the war's planners knew exactly what they were doing." What they were doing is, first, getting rid of the "superfluous population," the "disposable people" ("desechables"), as they are called in Colombia, where they are eliminated by "social cleansing"; and second, frightening everyone else, not an unimportant task in a period when a domestic form of "structural adjustment" is being imposed, with significant costs for the majority of the population."
The National Justice Commission repeatedly points out that crime in the United States, while sort of high, is not off the spectrum for industrialized societies. On the other hand, fear of crime is far beyond other societies, and mostly stimulated by various propaganda. The Drug War is an effort to stimulate fear of dangerous people from who we have to protect ourselves. It is also, a direct form of control of what are called "dangerous classes," those superfluous people who don't really have a function contributing to profit-making and wealth. They have to be somehow taken care of.More info on disposable people.
The Pixelpalooza icons are up for judging at the Iconfactory, and there are some unbelievable entries. Do your Mac a favor and download some today!
Sometimes knowing a word's origin can forever change your view of the word. You probably think of the word feisty the way I once did: an often pleasant adjective meaning 'spunky'. You might describe Ross Perot as feisty, meaning full of spirit. If you guessed feisty comes from the root feist meaning 'spirit', guess again.
Please, pardon my bluntness. I could do it several times longer than I normally could. Once, I believe I must have gone at it for 12 hours, using up all the lubricants, shampoos, cooking oils, and even toothpastes I could find in my home, even fruit preserves.The Erowid Experience Vaults are endlessly entertaining and informative.
If you watch TV, you can’t do better than TV Ultra.
...less like Big Brother than "a friendly uncle and aunt watching over you."
"The excessive precautions were a victory for those who wanted to disrupt Davos," said George Soros, the billionaire financier whose prowess at playing the capital markets has troubled governments from Britain to Malaysia. "I do think these people have something to protest about. The global capital system creates a very uneven playing field."It seems like more work went into establishing the divide than bridging it (or should those links be reversed?) at this year's World Economic Forum.
Good Works is a national directory of social change organizations and is the first directory to present alternatives to traditional corporate employment. This directory, now in its fifth edition, lists the aims and projects of over 1000 organizations and provides background information on contacts, starting salaries and benefits, types of staff openings, available internships, annual budget and funding sources, and the application process.
This is cool: download DC’s own Go-Go, Hip Hop, and more from!
The pseudoephedrine contained in many "non-drowsy" drugs like these is really an amphetamine in disguise, differing from methamphetamine by only one oxygen atom, a proton and a symmetry operation. These differences are sufficient, however, for the stimulant effects to be hindered by the passage of pseudoephedrine molecules across the blood-brain membrane, plus orders of magnitude difference in its activity where it counts - the dopamine neurons.So that's where the "pseudo" comes from.
“The White Man’s Burden” and Its Critics is a collection of resources edited by Jim Zwick.
Slavery slipped into an unholy marriage with state's rights doctrine in American memory, and despite decades of persuasive scholarship, the divorce has never been completed.In which David Blight reveals the origin of the myth of the moral Confederacy.
We get this one all the time. Our workshop uses simple white turkey feathers that are then dyed yellow.Big Bird!
I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots.Papa Bush in 1987. I wonder if Dopey Bush feels the same way. Bonus link: list of all known smurfs.
Robot Wisdom trifecta:
The Virginia Senate voted yesterday to let Fairfax County prohibit its residents from sleeping anywhere but their bedrooms, a measure that some activists and local officials say unfairly targets the living arrangements of the county's burgeoning immigrant communities.BlogVoices should be back soon, thanks to chrish and pyra, but this looks like a job for MetaFilter.
I understand the interest. I grew up in a small town in Kentucky where they shot a series called Centennial, and I followed Raymond Burr around everywhere he went.George Clooney was apparently generous with fans while shooting O Brother, Where Art Thou?
I don't think that what I'm doing is necessarily left versus right. What I'm addressing is top versus bottom. If I'm not spending a lot of time making fun of the more extreme elements of the Green Party, it's because what I do is to critique power.Dan Perkins, better known as Tom Tomorrow, talks to Mother Jones.
<img src=“uploads/2023/0f9e2217d0.jpg” height=“108” width=“128” alt=“sisyphus” / border=“1”>
“One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
I love a site that uses background images with abandon. How come you rarely see that anymore?
When you have some time, read through Dostoevsky’s The Grand Inquisitor from The Brothers Karamazov – but be warned that it will take something apart deep inside of you and leave you with no idea how to reassemble the pieces.
Is it me, or is subterranean notes: art on the web back in action?
I’m very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very excited to see that World New York is back, and equally sad to see arblog go.
Recipes, crafts, and other activities inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House.
The Online Journalism Review reviews the IHT website.
What if reality TV were based on, well, reality?
A laser projector will beam your message (up to 160 characters) onto the mountain side overlooking Davos, where it can be seen by the hundreds of journalists and thousands of politicians and business leaders attending the World Economic Forum’s annual conference.
At one point during the day, the set acquires a weird postmodern vibe. Garofalo and Bernhard are sprawled on the pavement near a van after a shootout, their clothes soaked with gaudy red stage blood, while Favreau "directs" their movie. Allen Coulter, director of this episode of "The Sopranos," films them filming. On the perimeter of the set, video crews and newspaper photographers take their own pictures of the scene.I wish I had a picture of that. New Jersey Online also has some decent coverage of the anti-defamation pressure that has booted shooting from Essex County.
A black person used to be described by the deaf by pressing the nose flat or pressing the nose with the letter "N" for negro. For an Asian person, the corner of the eye was pulled taut by the small finger hooked in a "J" for Japanese. One signed a Pole by thumbing a "big" nose. Greeks also had nose references and Italians were identified by making the sign of the cross on the forehead.This old article describes relatively recent changes in the American Sign Language lexicon.
It has a terrible effect on my personality; I get angry about everything. I hate the change. And finally when my body gets used to it, it's time to change again.There is a great political struggle in Mexico right now over daylight saving time.
The Guardian Weblog devotes a special issue to the year of the snake.
These bios are making me really sad.
Best interface ever: International Herald Tribune
It's like a soccer match. You can put up goals if you want to and you can put some white lines on the turf, but if there are no rules, you can kick your opponent, you can make a goal with your fist, one team can have 24 members and the other one only eight members. If there are no rules, there is no game.Hernando de Soto talks about why, as he puts it, capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else.
Watch what you eat… you never know if you are looking at an innocent bowl of soup or a deadly warrior in disguise!
As I drove home from the rave, this song by Nine Inch Nails, called "Broken," came on the radio. It's an amazing song. It's enlightening and at the same time it's terrible -- it assaults you with sounds, as though you'd put a conch shell up to your ear to listen to a jet engine warming up. As you listen to it, it undoes all the music you ever heard before. It erases it. Every once in a while it's good to listen to "Broken"; it's hypnotic. But if you listen to it over and over again, you'll fry your listening gene. Built into the enlightening quality of it is this power to remove the ability to hear it.Matthew Klam writes for the New York Times Magazine about experiencing Ecstasy.
I dig Jozef Hand-Boniakowski’s Fountain Pen and Ink Artwork.
If memory serves, there has never before been a set of icons celebrating the great cross-cultural phenomenon known as Iron Chef. Thanks to the great artists at the Iconfactory, on January 25th there will be. Allez icons!
Why I read MetaFilter >link<
What we know about Blogger Pro so far.
BOMB by Gregory Corso --------------------- Budger of history Brake of time You Bomb Toy of universe Grandest of all snatched sky I cannot hate you Do I hate the mischievous thunderbolt the jawbone of an ass The bumpy club of One Million B.C. the mace the flail the axe Catapult Da Vinci tomahawk Cochise flintlock Kidd dagger Rathbone Ah and the sad desparate gun of Verlaine Pushkin Dillinger Bogart And hath not St. Michael a burning sword St. George a lance David a sling Bomb you are as cruel as man makes you and you're no crueller than cancer All Man hates you they'd rather die by car-crash lightning drowning Falling off a roof electric-chair heart-attack old age old age O Bomb They'd rather die by anything but you Death's finger is free-lance Not up to man whether you boom or not Death has long since distributed its categorical blue I sing thee Bomb Death's extravagance Death's jubilee Gem of Death's supremest blue The flyer will crash his death will differ with the climbor who'll fall to die by cobra is not to die by bad pork Some die by swamp some by sea and some by the bushy-haired man in the night O there are deaths like witches of Arc Scarey deaths like Boris Karloff No-feeling deaths like birth-death sadless deaths like old pain Bowery Abandoned deaths like Capital Punishment stately deaths like senators And unthinkable deaths like Harpo Marx girls on Vogue covers my own I do not know just how horrible Bombdeath is I can only imagine Yet no other death I know has so laughable a preview I scope a city New York City streaming starkeyed subway shelter Scores and scores A fumble of humanity High heels bend Hats whelming away Youth forgetting their combs Ladies not knowing what to do with their shopping bags Unperturbed gum machines Yet dangerous 3rd rail Ritz Brothers from the Bronx caught in the A train The smiling Schenley poster will always smile Impish death Satyr Bomb Bombdeath Turtles exploding over Istanbul The jaguar's flying foot soon to sink in arctic snow Penguins plunged against the Sphinx The top of the Empire state arrowed in a broccoli field in Sicily Eiffel shaped like a C in Magnolia Gardens St. Sophia peeling over Sudan O athletic Death Sportive Bomb the temples of ancient times their grand ruin ceased Electrons Protons Neutrons gathering Hersperean hair walking the dolorous gulf of Arcady joining marble helmsmen entering the final ampitheater with a hymnody feeling of all Troys heralding cypressean torches racing plumes and banners and yet knowing Homer with a step of grace Lo the visiting team of Present the home team of Past Lyre and tube together joined Hark the hotdog soda olive grape gala galaxy robed and uniformed commissary O the happy stands Ethereal root and cheer and boo The billioned all-time attendance The Zeusian pandemonium Hermes racing Owens The Spitball of Buddha Christ striking out Luther stealing third Planeterium Death Hosannah Bomb Gush the final rose O Spring Bomb Come with thy gown of dynamite green unmenace Nature's inviolate eye Before you the wimpled Past behind you the hallooing Future O Bomb Bound in the grassy clarion air like the fox of the tally-ho thy field the universe thy hedge the geo Leap Bomb bound Bomb frolic zig and zag The stars a swarm of bees in thy binging bag Stick angels on your jubilee feet wheels of rainlight on your bunky seat You are due and behold you are due and the heavens are with you hosanna incalescent glorious liaison BOMB O havoc antiphony molten cleft BOOM Bomb mark infinity a sudden furnace spread thy multitudinous encompassed Sweep set forth awful agenda Carrion stars charnel planets carcass elements Corpse the universe tee-hee finger-in-the-mouth hop over its long long dead Nor From thy nimbled matted spastic eye exhaust deluges of celestial ghouls From thy appellational womb spew birth-gusts of of great worms Rip open your belly Bomb from your belly outflock vulturic salutations Battle forth your spangled hyena finger stumps along the brink of Paradise O Bomb O final Pied Piper both sun and firefly behind your shock waltz God abandoned mock-nude beneath His thin false-talc's apocalypse He cannot hear thy flute's happy-the-day profanations He is spilled deaf into the Silencer's warty ear His Kingdom an eternity of crude wax Clogged clarions untrumpet Him Sealed angels unsing Him A thunderless God A dead God O Bomb thy BOOM His tomb That I lean forward on a desk of science an astrologer dabbling in dragon prose half-smart about wars bombs especially bombs That I am unable to hate what is necessary to love That I can't exist in a world that consents a child in a park a man dying in an electric-chair That I am able to laugh at all things all that I know and do not know thus to conceal my pain That I say I am a poet and therefore love all man knowing my words to be the acquainted prophecy of all men and my unwords no less an acquaintanceship That I am manifold a man pursuing the big lies of gold or a poet roaming in bright ashes or that which I imagine myself to be a shark-toothed sleep a man-eater of dreams I need not then be all-smart about bombs Happily so for if I felt bombs were caterpillars I'd doubt not they'd become butterflies There is a hell for bombs They're there I see them there They sit in bits and sing songs mostly German songs And two very long American songs and they wish there were more songs especially Russian and Chinese songs and some more very long American songs Poor little Bomb that'll never be an Eskimo song I love thee I want to put a lollipop in thy furcal mouth A wig of Goldilocks on thy baldy bean and have you skip with me Hansel and Gretel along the Hollywoodian screen O Bomb in which all lovely things moral and physical anxiously participate O fairylike plucked from the grandest universe tree O piece of heaven which gives both mountain and anthill a sun I am standing before your fantastic lily door I bring you Midgardian roses Arcadian musk Reputed cosmetics from the girls of heaven Welcome me fear not thy opened door nor thy cold ghost's grey memory nor the pimps of indefinite weather their cruel terrestial thaw Oppenheimer is seated in the dark pocket of Light Fermi is dry in Death's Mozambique Einstein his mythmouth a barnacled wreath on the moon-squid's head Let me in Bomb rise from that pregnant-rat corner nor fear the raised-broom nations of the world O Bomb I love you I want to kiss your clank eat your boom You are a paean an acme of scream a lyric hat of Mister Thunder O resound thy tanky knees BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM ye skies and BOOM ye suns BOOM BOOM ye moons ye stars BOOM nights ye BOOM ye days ye BOOM BOOM BOOM ye winds ye clouds ye rains go BANG ye lakes ye oceans BING Barracuda BOOM and cougar BOOM Ubangi BOOM orangutang BING BANG BONG BOOM bee bear baboon ye BANG ye BONG ye BING the tail the fin the wing Yes Yes into our midst a bomb will fall Flowers will leap in joy their roots aching Fields will kneel proud beneath the halleluyahs of the wind Pinkbombs will blossom Elkbombs will perk their ears Ah many a bomb that day will awe the bird a gentle look Yet not enough to say a bomb will fall or even contend celestial fire goes out Know that the earth will madonna the Bomb that in the hearts of men to come more bombs will be born magisterial bombs wrapped in ermine all beautiful and they'll sit plunk on earth's grumpy empires fierce with moustaches of gold
In memory of angelheaded hipster Gregory Corso. Thanks to Levi Asher for the transcription.
There were 28 searches for the week ending 1/13/2001 for randomWalks at Here are the top phrases searched:
Our new government's cornerstone rests upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first in the history of the world based upon this great physical, philosophical and moral truth. -- Alexander Stephens, vice president of the ConfederacyAnd so the next time a Confederate apologist tries to tell you that the Civil War wasn't "about" slavery, you just shout yee-haw!
What the drugs taught me:
thanks, alt-log.I'm not entirely clear on the point of slipping out the back, as opposed to the front. Am I supposed to be afraid of the neighbors seeing me breaking up? Is the front door guarded by relationship-preserving rottweilers? Am I supposed to soften the blow by taking out the garbage?The Brunching Shuttlecocks rates various ways to leave your lover.
Sam’s Web Cam Cookbook – exemplary use of hypertext.
Today’s puzzle completed 3 minutes 10 seconds!
The traditional pomp and circumstance will be shaken and stirred with camp and remonstrance.Looking forward to the inauguration with the WP.
Steve Jobs has a potty mouth.
Liberals have attacked John Ashcroft recently with charges of racism. True? In a sense, sure. I’m not convinced that he’s a bigot; I am convinced that anyone who would praise the malignant Southern Partisan is someone who doesn’t have my family’s best interest at heart.
Washington Post columnist Donna Britt says that calling anyone a racist who hasn’t clearly demonstrated such bigotry is wrong, but I think it’s a question of tactics. I don’t think it’s unfair to ask if this man who would be Attorney General of the United States is driven by an ideology that might run counter to the ideal of a nation united by equal protection (rather than defeated by it).
Indeed, Kendall Clark argues convincingly that to incorrectly identify racism is of far less consequence than to deny racism where it exists. I’ll agree that anyone who makes such an accusation should be prepared to support their claim, but more importantly, anyone who expects to be granted a very powerful and visible position in the federal government should be prepared to answer a few simple questions.
Instead of “randomWalks” this site is now going to be “the best of plasticboy”. Today on the best of plasticboy, we have: 2 reviews of Ken Burns' Jazz (review of Jazz, other review of Jazz) (mini bonus review of Jazz: fuck yeah!) and vegetarian recipes.
Boing Boing has posted all the links I would have recently, had I been posting, except for this incredible Beagle Bros tribute site which I’ve been willing to exist for the longest time. Here’s where I’ve been spending time instead of posting:
thanks to rogers cadenhead for the Beagle Bros link.piercing, an online comic.
The Asian American Movement Ezine is produced by a radical Boston-based collective working to document the history of Asian American activism. Like, it looks to be a great resource for Asian Americans and for anyone who wishes to broaden their understanding of racial issues in the United States.
A liberal will tell you the system isn't working properly. I will tell you that the system is working exactly the way it's supposed to. After reflection on my two decades plus of service, I am convinced that I only served the richest one percent of my country. In every country where I worked, poor people's poverty built and maintained the wealth of the rich.Stan Goff served in the U.S. military for two decades, much of the time with Special Forces training Third World armies.
New One Hundred Demons by Lynda Barry, last one for a while.
Americans reluctant to address the realities of continuing racism and white privilege have consistently portrayed Asian Americans as a "model minority" who have uniformly succeeded by merit.
While superficially complimentary to Asian Americans, the real purpose and effect of this portrayal is to celebrate the status quo in race relations. First, by over-emphasizing Asian American success, it de-emphasizes the problems Asian Americans continue to face from racial discrimination in all areas of public and private life. Second, by misrepresenting Asian American success as proof that America provides equal opportunities for those who conform and work hard, it excuses American society from careful scrutiny on issues of race in general, and on the persistence of racism against Asian Americans in particular.
The mission of is to provide this scrutiny in every possible way, so as to educate, inform, provoke, and inspire movements by individuals and groups toward Asian American empowerment.
What I'm trying to do is to target market my product towards a younger crowd, which no one is really addressing right now. Or at least to make it more contemporary. I mean what's up with the big hair? It's so over. So eighties.Annabel Chong, from actress to producer.
After a year of preparation, that war is about to begin in earnest. Against whom is it to be waged? Not against the coca cartels in Colombia or the consumers in Manhattan but against the peasants who plant the coca and against the guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) who protect them. This will solve neither the civil war nor the drug problem.If you've had an uneasy feeling about Plan Columbia but weren't sure why, read this. Z Magazine has put together a great set of links if you want to learn more. For a quick fix read Chomsky on Columbia.
I somehow made my way to Hobbsblog and was struck by the fascinating depth of information in the Orange Bowl Special Edition – last Wednesday, the Oklahoma Sooners played football with the Florida State Seminoles, right? Well, it turns out that the historical Sooners actually got their name by jumping the gun on a land rush and settling/stealing Seminole (among other tribes) land before anyone else had the chance.
Check out the new Blogger server! Congratulations, you guys rock.
Time (?!) presents the best comics of 2000. via c-log, a comics news weblog I’d like to see take off.
The Poppy Garden’s got it going on. Check out 4 January for a slew of J20 activism links.
Macworld San Francisco is right around the corner, and here at randomWalks, we’re keeping the faith. thanks, morning news.
Young white men see white men at the top of nearly every organization, court, government office, military position, university, and other powerful structures visible in our society. They are fed an unrelenting stream of history books, literature, TV shows, movies, video games, and advertisements which tell them that the place for white men is on top, in control, in power, in charge and that women, all people of color, people with disabilities, lesbians, gays and bi-sexuals, and recent immigrants are inferior, less worthy, and not entitled to the same power as white men. Many of their parents reinforce this by telling them that they are special, they are leaders, they can be anything they want, and that it is up to them to achieve and be successful. They often end up feeling entitled to special attention, to time devoted to their interests, to resources put into their activities, and to money invested in their future. The messages of entitlement leads them to expect sex and care taking from women, service and deference from people of color, and gratitude, sacrifice, and self-abasement from recent immigrants, from homosexuals, and from people with disabilities. They become angry and confused when their sense of entitlement is not responded to, when others are demanding access to what they do not want to share, and when their ability to get to the top is threatened.I used this great Kivel quote (full article) in response to a post in this MetaFilter thread accusing this Slashdot comment of "racism" against whites (a fallacy, of course). All of this surrounds the Microsoft discrimination suit.
Microsoft’s Xbox – I saw it here first.
Hey, look at this: Pyra’s asking for donations to help make Blogger go faster. I was gonna buy a Stalkers CD this week, but I think I’ll Napster it instead, and use the $15 to … um, buy food for my family. Then I’ll find another $15 somewhere and donate it to my favorite company.
There’s still time to nominate Dr. Blogs From Space! and Apathy for the most underrated weblogs of the second millennium.
The text in the Flash intro to the Rage Against The Machine site is something I’ve seen before (actually, quite recently) but I can’t quite place it. Do you know where it’s from?
“No one knows who installed the sculpture.”
The book is called User Interface Design for Programmers, but the principles of UI design that Jeol Spolsky brilliantly illuminates apply to lots more than just software.