I've spent most of my life in a town which owes its existence to an earlier incarnation of capitalism. The main square in Middlesbrough is a case in point: on the one side is a public library, endowed by Andrew Carnegie; alongside it are statues of Bolckow and Vaughan, the two ironmasters who brought industry and prosperity to the town in the late 1800s. They were entrepreneurs first, not philanthropists, but they invested in their workforce. I can't imagine there are many places in SE Asia graced by Nike subcontractors that will erect statues of Phil Knight.Pooh-pooh Metafilter though you may, I'll wager they've got the most illuminating discussion about globalization the English-speaking Internet has yet seen going on over there. It starts to get really good right around here but feel free to hit that 'home' key on your keyboard. Update: The saga continues.
I've spent most of my
