Why do you think there have been so few chronicles about the realities of working at Wal-Mart or Comfort Inn, which employ more people than the dot-coms did even at their height?James Fallows asks Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America in which she spent three months trying to survive in three cities on three minimum-wage jobs. The in-progress Fallows and Ehrenreich dialog in The Atlantic immediately brought to mind a recent piece in the Washington Post titled Dot-Com Vets Turn Job Loss Into Second Spring Break which inexplicably glamorizes the downturn in the job market by looking at how folks who, according to Fallows, find it "hard to understand people for whom a million dollars would be a fortune" are making do with movies, massages, and trips to Madrid in these lean times.
Why do you think there
