Little Mommy Real Loving Baby Gotta Go Doll
“Sniff sniff,” she chirps in a singsong voice. “I made a stinky!” Baby Dolls Raise a Stink In More Ways Than One -
“Sniff sniff,” she chirps in a singsong voice. “I made a stinky!” Baby Dolls Raise a Stink In More Ways Than One - (David Rees) is blogging.
After 2005, I thought, there’s just not a lot of good hip hop, but this mix is four years in the making and there’s a lot of great stuff in here. I searched for the least misogynistic tracks, but couldn’t resist putting in a few just for their innovative beats. Dharma Arts profiles my favorite digital DJ, CPI. You can download all 195 minutes of City Hearts Aimed Skyward at
I find film in its modern form to be quite bullying. It spoon-feeds us, which has the effect of watering down our collective cultural imagination. It is as if we are freshly hatched birds looking up with our mouths open waiting for Hollywood to feed us more regurgitated worms. Alan Moore Will Be ‘Spitting Venom All Over’ Watchmen | The Underwire from
A Proud India Launches Its First Mission To the Moon - The probe launched Wednesday will not land on the moon but will orbit it. The mission will create a three-dimensional map of the lunar surface, looking for traces of water, uranium and minerals. Government to Take Over Airline Passenger Vetting - The Department of Homeland Security will require travelers for the first time to provide their full name, birth date and gender as a condition for boarding commercial flights, U.S. officials said Wednesday. eMusic Q&A: Of Montreal’s Kevin Barnes - eMusic Spotlight I really felt this freedom to take chances and go somewhere that would have been more insecure in the past, and let it all out there. Part of that is the soul influence, the freedom that people Sly and Prince had. People that are basically — I don’t even know if this is a term, but “freak-funk." Bracing for a Storm - Several stalwarts of American business said their profits fell over the late summer months as the financial crisis heated up. Many are now bracing for the likelihood that the world is spinning into a prolonged recession.
The idea of interacting with the world before my eyes through the mediating forces of a machine which disaggregates reality into a sterile digital code and reconstitutes a small and inferior electronic simulacrum of it inches from my face is distasteful to me. Canon Powershot G9 Review
The best thing you can do to protect yourself and your interests is to make friends. The more we are willing to do for each other on our own terms and for compensation that doesn’t necessarily involve the until-recently-almighty dollar, the less vulnerable we are to the movements of markets that, quite frankly, have nothing to do with us. Douglas Rushkoff : Riding Out the Credit Crisis
That strange, ghostly drifting through the haziest phrases, as if she were cruelly condemned to search endlessly for her linguistic home. A Critic’s Notebook: Verbage: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
As I started to read it my heart began quaking! By the time I was three quarters down the page I was bawling, wailing, sobbing, even laughing. My feelings were heartshots ricocheting off inner walls, ricocheting off each other, ricocheting off the very boundaries of my own little world. The metaphysical whiplash lasted for days. The Online Photographer: The Amazing Gift of Woo Lai Wah – this story is utterly amazing.
So much of what I hear and see strikes me as unnecessary. We become wrapped up in national and world news while being almost entirely ignorant of, say, what goes on so much closer to home every day, in the soil, the water, among the people who cross our paths. gargoyle drumming
- Telling the true story of the world in interior monolog
- The jewel center of interest is the eye within the eye
- Write in recollection and amazement for yourself Kerouac was a blogger.
TJ is home to geniuses, the merely brilliant, and yes, a fair number of kids who are bright but not wildly so, or who somehow manage to find things other than academics about which to be passionate in their middle teen years. The Shame And Horror Of The B-Minus Student - Raw Fisher
I could tell they were marijuana plants. I’ve seen pictures of the leaves before. I’ve actually seen marijuana plants before, too. . . Slow and Steady Gets the Bust As Turtle’s Trail Leads to Drugs
WATCHMEN MOVIE ‘nuff said?
Watching the transformation is like discovering that one’s favorite teddy bear has fangs and a taste for human flesh. Before long, I’ll bet we’ll see squads of Segway cops in full riot gear running down fleeing demonstrators at some future anti-globalization demonstration. Street Use: Guns on Segways
This isn’t like getting tickets to a Fugazi reunion at the Black Cat; there will be plenty of iPhones to go around. Rob Pegoraro says Don’t Run Out To Buy An iPhone Today
I can’t bring myself to abandon plain text — there’s something noble about it, something efficient, something respectful of the recipient’s settings for displaying text; it’s the way our forefathers did email. Keyboard Shortcut to add hyperlinks in | Hawk Wings +1
…That might be the atomized fate of the West in general: desperately seeking visions, alone in the wild, surrounded by portable gadgetry. BLDGBLOG: The Digital Replacement of the Natives
Talking Points Memo | Obama’s Is an Appalachia Problem, Not a Whites Problem
What people don’t understand about Appalachia is that we’ve heard all this ‘hope’ and ‘change’ stuff since the English kicked the Scotch-Irish out in the 1700s.
I have a lot of things to teach you now, in case we ever meet, concerning the message that was transmitted to me under a pine tree in North Carolina on a cold winter moonlit night. A Letter From Jack | Edie Kerouac Parker
I show up in a town and call up my friends, and I’m like, “Guys, we gotta go out. Let’s hang out, I haven’t seen you in forever.” And their response is “Yeah, well, our baby needs to be going to sleep and I can’t be out all hours of the night anymore. It’s time to move on in our lives into another phase; we can’t live in this perpetual adolescence forever.” Paste Magazine :: The Meaning of Life by Ben Gibbard.
On The Media: Transcript of "Search is the New Black" (May 2, 2008)
And what we’ve seen with the Internet is that the digital divide was really, I think, more about a moment in time where there was a lag between early adopters and mass America. It’s become something that’s much more part of the fabric of everyday America, including black America.
Where we do see a divide on the Internet continues to be around sort of class and education, less so about race. Omar Wasow spoke with On the Media’s Bob Garfield about African-American media.
For the poor Christian Moslem Jewish saps duped by fundamentalist nihilism the Last Day is both horrorshow and Rapture, just as for secular Yuppies global warming is a symbol of terror and meaninglessness and simultaneously a rapturous vision of post-Catastrophe Hobbit-like local-sustainable solar-powered gemutlichkeit. Thus the technopathocracy comes equipped with its own built-in escape-valve fantasy: the Ragnarok of technology itself and the sudden catastrophic restoration of meaning. MAGPIE: ENDARKENMENT MANIFESTO by Peter Lamborn Wilson. (Gemütlichkeit?)
Opened. Milliways: Infocom’s Unreleased Sequel to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy -
bexns: what do you think of
its getting a lot of press
me: i wasn’t really impressed
bexns: why is it all over then?
i was telling d about blackpeopleloveus
which i thought was hilariuous
me: yeah that was totally awesome
me: it’s all over because it’s by white people for white people and it doesn’t challenge them on race
bexns: so white people trying to make fun of themselves?
me: it’s a celebration of whiteness pretending that it’s a critique of whiteness
bexns: interesting
so why so much press?
me: i have seen it linked but haven’t really read what people are saying about it, so i don’t know.
probably because it’s so safe
latoya peterson wrote about both sites
me: “white” has become a signifier of a post-racial consciousness, so white people are happy for a chance to use it without actually engaging anything substantive
bexns: totally on point d
like all those hipsters calling themselves white and embracing the fact they’re white, while not doing anything beyond that
me: right, as if to acknowledge one’s whiteness is sufficient
bexns: yes exactly
these are the same poeple who call themselves uber liberal too
me: yeah. dude do you mind if i blog this convo
bexns is typing…
People should think of a computer interface less as a tool and more as a extension of themselves or as extension of their mind. Coming Soon: Nothing Between You and Your Machine - New York Times. I’m delighted by this suggestion that the Wii and the iPhone represent a coming shift in human-computer interface design; apparently the generation driving design demands new paradigms. A welcome development – my patience wears thin!
His very name was a microcosm of the system he invented: the exotic “Gygax,” calling to mind the pantheon of Lovecraftian gods and remote regions of Hyborea; the mundane “Gary,” reminiscent of suburban kids all over the nation who were ignoring their algebra homework in favor of The Dungeon Master’s Guide. Deified and Demagogued by Matthew Baldwin - The Morning News
Which candidate will pledge to be the Gardening President? Who will be the one to take the lead in teaching food self-sufficiency and good nutrition to the American public? What a fine example it would set if the food miles traveled by presidential produce added up to zero. Roots Politics: Planting a Seed -
After only a few electrical jolts, the artificial neural circuit began to act just like a real neural circuit. Clusters of connected neurons began to fire in close synchrony: the cells were wiring themselves together. Different cell types obeyed their genetic instructions. The scientists could see the cellular looms flash and then fade as the cells wove themselves into meaningful patterns. After years of hard work, they were finally able to watch their make-believe brain develop, synapse by synapse. The microchips were turning themselves into a mind. Seed: Out of the Blue
Reading Steve Jobs - John Markoff
At Macworld, when I asked Mr. Jobs about the idea of an iTouch in a larger "Safari Pad" format, he snapped at me, "I can’t talk about unannounced products."
Last night I dreamed I met Steve Jobs. We happened to be sitting near each other at a restaurant or something. I wasn't going to talk to him (I was sure I'd have the worst case of celebrity dumbstruck) but, for some reason I can't remember, he was interested in me. We ended up having a nice chat, expressing a lot of mutual respect. After that we hugged for a long time.
My parents homeschooled me so that I could get more experience in the world, not so that I could shelter myself from it. Learning Curve, Bitch Magazine
It’s obvious we are not going to finish with pain in this lifetime. The Buddha said, “Everything dear to us causes pain.”…Those of us who have chosen relational life have made the choice that the pain is worth it. The Daily Dharma, tricycle: Pain is inevitable
As a country singer approached a microphone near home plate to sing the national anthem, our jaws slackened as [Albert] Ayler’s sax purred the plaintive opening notes of “Spirits Rejoice,” which quickly becomes a tight, triumphant military-style march before disintegrating into crushing trumpet bleats by Albert’s brother Don. On the silent screen gigantic flags were unfurled, pyrotechnics exploded, a military flyover happened and Americans rejoiced while Ayler’s band evoked twin towers of war–pageantry and battle–masterfully, if psychotically. An Ayler in My House
You want. You want. You want cookie. You say, ‘Cookie, now. Cookie now.’ Just in time for the baby boom, there’s a new Dr. Spock in town who will have parents 2.0 everywhere speaking Bamm-Bamm to their babies.
Finally, Bud may have topped the farting horse spot that ran during Super Bowl XXVIII… The Life Cycle of a Blog Post, From Servers to Spiders to Suits – to You
Language Log: The Etiology and Elaboration of a Flagrant Mistranslation
People who see signs employing the f-word all over China, even in large stores and fancy restaurants, are not only aghast, they wonder how the dickens such a gross mistranslation could have originated and proliferated. Theories abound, to say the least. Amazing, fascinating, hilarious, and educational – I cannot recommend this link highly enough.
I liken the situation about opportunity in this country to a Monopoly game—for the first 300 years, a certain subset of people were allowed to play. Now we’ve opened up the game and encouraged everyone to go around the board. But this newfound participation doesn’t take away from the fact that a lot of the real estate with its established green houses and red hotels is largely untouchable to the new players. White cartoonist Hilary Price (“Rhymes With Orange”) supports the Feb. 10 comics page action: White Cartoonists Discuss Black Cartoonists' Comics-Page Action. [via torchbearers] See also: Name that Peanuts character!
This collection of Stan Lee Tribute Artwork repeatedly takes my breath away.
The RIAA has conducted about 26,000 lawsuits, and there are more than 15 million music downloaders. Mark Mulligan of Jupiter Research said it best: “If you’re a file sharer, you know that the likelihood of you being caught is very similar to that of being hit by an asteroid.” Bruce Schneier: Steal This Wi-Fi
It’s like a weather forecast of mostly sunny with patches of racism. Black Cartoonists Plan Feb. 10 Comics-Page Action: “At least eight African-American cartoonists plan to take part in a Feb. 10 comics-page action to draw attention to the way their strips are perceived and purchased.” The artists will each draw a version of the same strip, to protest being treated as interchangeable by editors. The irony here is that it’s highly unlikely—if not impossible—that you’ll be able to simply open up to the comics page of your preferred daily to see the action take place. [via Torchbearers]
For a school art contest, I proudly submitted a drawing of Peppermint Patty on a baseball mound. I played little league, I was the only girl on the team and I wanted to prove that girls could and did play baseball. … I had always thought her skin tone was strange, so I “fixed” it with a thin, tan watercolor mix that I had watched my mom use repeatedly on birthday cards for my friends. As far as I knew, all birthday cards needed to be “fixed” when you bought them home from the store. My First Lesson In Being Black
The social networking services that really work are the ones that are built around objects. Flickr, for example, has turned photos into objects of sociality. On the objects are the URLs. EVDB,, and evnt focus on events as objects. Why some social network services work and others don’t Or: the case for object-centered sociality. I hadn’t thought about it this way before, but in my experience it’s certainly true.
Alyssa described her project as an upgrade to traditional journalism. “The upgrade is empathy,” she said, with the severe humility that comes when you suspect you are on to something but are still uncertain you aren’t being ridiculous in some way. “You Don’t Understand Our Audience”: What I learned about network television at Dateline NBC by John Hockenberry. “In the end, perhaps the work that I was most proud of at NBC marginalized me within the organization and was my undoing.” via Graham Leuschke’s bookmarks on