The thing to understand is why we’re fighting - understand, the purpose of segregation is to preserve the second-class status of blacks. And the main thing for you to understand is we must continue to fight.
I am mostly a pretty worried person. In conversations, I am always worried about what to say. The first time I took ecstasy, all of that lifted away. All the anxiety, which is the baseline of my life in some way, and I had this moment of like, wait a second! Are there people who feel this way all the time? This is like a whole way to be, where you don’t feel anxious? Oh my god! It was so amazing. In the months after that, it was a really helpful thing to have experienced. It remains to this day a feeling that is helpful to know about.
Short documentary on Greenbelt Knoll, Philadelphia’s first integrated development. We were driving by and the beautiful homes stopped us in our tracks. It’s delightful to learn that the neighborhood has such a remarkable history.
Just as clean tech is being thwarted by the trillions of dollars previously sunk into fossil-fuel infrastructure, our collective investment in capitalism itself is forestalling superior post-capitalist alternatives.
This Firefox addon iterates through all of the html text in your browser and whenever it finds a person or corporation from the data, it illuminates that relationship a little bit.
The main problem I was trying to solve was how to increase the spread of information about political…
I was told by another officer while in the car that recording a police officer was illegal because people are using iPhones as guns and shooting cops through the camera lens…I told him that I have the right to be recording a cop and he said that there were incidents, specifically in uptown Manhattan where a kid shot a cop with his iPhone. Straight face. Very serious.
Ionic Street (by fotophotow)
I’m minorly obsessed with this alley off of 7th street in downtown Philly. If you come across any photos of it, let me know?
Mother of Hydrogen: a novel about war, magick, and America
Gonna read this soon, HMU if you wanna make a book club.
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I was reminded today that former Pirate Dock Ellis has always been one of my favorite athletes.
1. He pitched a no-hitter while he was tripping on LSD
2. He used to wear these curlers in his hair onto the field until the league banned him from doing so.
3. He once tried to hit every player on the Reds with a fastball to start a game. He hit three batters, and attempted to hit two more before getting thrown out.
4. He once chased a racist heckler into the stands with a baseball bat.
5. He was in general outspoken and intolerant of racism in baseball during an era when not many players would be.
(The “hate better” quote came after he sued the Cincinatti Reds for macing him before a game because a security guard didn’t know he was a player trying to get into the stadium. He won his lawsuit.)
I’ve had countless requests to buy text links, do link exchanges, and create hidden links on mefi to lame spammy companies. I’ve also had content companies ask if I wanted to institute a NYTimes type of system where archive pages cost a buck to view after 30 days, and I’ve gotten offers from ad firms to do keyword smart tag type advertising on all old archive pages. I’ve refused them all, and developed a mix of self-service ads and donation/payments for new users that supports the site and my time well.
Does Open Source = Full Disclosure? | MetaFilter
Never forget.
May 20, 2014: A Day for Marriage Equality in Pennsylvania
Today was a landmark day in the city of Philadelphia and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a federal judge within the state ruled the state’s ban on gay marriage to be unconstitutional. If the ruling is not successfully challenged, it will mean that Pennsylvania will become the 19th state to…
It is generally understood that women get paid less than men; that white women get paid more than black men and women and hispanic men and women. However, recognizing this macrocosm functioning intimately, in the immediate, personal, local context — in our friend groups, in our teams, in our companies, and in our communities — remains massively taboo.
David Suzuki in this interview about facing the reality of climate change and other environmental issues from Moyers & Company.
I realized that if you swapped out the word housework for Facebook that 80 percent of this text was still totally crystal clear, and it really freaked me out.
As of this writing, I have blocked more than 500 Twitter users, including accounts belonging to at least 20 of the 30 companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average as well as dozens of startups. I have blocked government agencies and industry lobbies, print publications and new-media ventures, burger chains and probiotic yogurts, top-shelf spirits and sports drinks, financial institutions, automakers, cell-phone providers, over-the-counter medicines, Hollywood movies, Broadway musicals, and public television shows.
David Suzuki in this interview about facing the reality of climate change and other environmental issues from Moyers & Company.
I realized that if you swapped out the word housework for Facebook that 80 percent of this text was still totally crystal clear, and it really freaked me out.
As of this writing, I have blocked more than 500 Twitter users, including accounts belonging to at least 20 of the 30 companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average as well as dozens of startups. I have blocked government agencies and industry lobbies, print publications and new-media ventures, burger chains and probiotic yogurts, top-shelf spirits and sports drinks, financial institutions, automakers, cell-phone providers, over-the-counter medicines, Hollywood movies, Broadway musicals, and public television shows.
But the notion, even expressed jokingly, of punching people in the face for wearing Google Glass — as if the device somehow signals a traitor to the cause of humanity — pushes things over the top. Yes, we can all imagine how people wearing an augmented reality device might be annoying: They can surf the Web while pretending to converse with us or, worse, record us when we don’t know it. No sooner had the very first prototypes been spotted last year than TechCrunch reported a new, purely apprehensive moniker for its wearers: Glassholes. But it’s as if the public is now being primed to go after early adopters — almost to a point where one might be reluctant to put on the device.
I asked myself, on a daily basis: What do I have that I didn’t earn? It was like a prayer.
Joshua Rothman interviews Peggy McIntosh: The Origins of Privilege
[gallery] Source: http://yourmotherseyes.tumblr.com/post/84415774797/the-vagenda-magazine-asked-their-twitter-followers
Somewhere, some junior ad exec with the Fleischmann’s Yeast account has just gotten their first google news ping in a decade.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran, 1977
(Kamran Diba)