To the engineers at Delany, the regulation ergonomic stance of the pisser is to look ahead, not look down and wonder what “Turn To Silence” means.
To the engineers at Delany, the regulation ergonomic stance of the pisser is to look ahead, not look down and wonder what “Turn To Silence” means.
Sunday Minecraft by Nick Ladd.
"The first-ever snapshot of a single atom’s shadow."
Wait, you guys practice tracking enemies by using civilian cars?
When I write about ‘Drones over Brooklyn,’ it’s not like I’m making something up. Drones are policing American cities. I’m not a ‘dystopian, futuristic master,’ I’m a schnook walking the street. It’s an insane reality we’re living in, and I’m just trying to translate it for myself.
A decade of growth and exciting ideas inspired by democratization of content has metastasized in websites that put out self-conscious, largely contrived, meta content—what writers think they are supposed to produce. This plateau is extended and populated by a wave of writers who, frankly, don’t have much to offer: not original voices, not fresh ideas, not diversity of experience.
I love this picture of an American family. The story is just a little heartbreaking: Akron restaurant owner dies hours after meeting Obama
Our idols have aged and proven human. They have turned into yuppies like us who smoke weed only occasionally and in comfortable living rooms with Persian rugs and who have kids who play soccer, and that’s okay.
You fulfill hip-hop’s early promise to not give a fuck about what others think of you.
The San Diego fireworks all went off at once this year. more
Today is a big day for hip-hop. It is a day that will define who we really are. How compassionate will we be? How loving can we be? How inclusive are we?
Millions of middle-class Americans are now receiving unemployment benefits, and many find themselves compelled by the meagerness of the assistance to shun opportunity and forgo productivity in favor of a ceaseless focus on daily survival. The system’s incoherence and contempt for its dependents fluoresce brilliantly in the wake of a historic event like the Great Recession. When floodwaters cover our homes, we expect that FEMA workers with emergency checks and blankets will find us. There is no moral or substantive difference between a hundred-year flood and the near-destruction of the global financial system by speculators immune from consequence. But if you and your spouse both lose your jobs and assets because of an unprecedented economic cataclysm having nothing to do with you, you quickly discover that your society expects you and your children to live malnourished on the streets indefinitely.
Like most writers, I feel like a reprobate who does not deserve to live on any day that I do not write, but I also feel that four or five hours is enough to earn my stay on the planet for one more day. On the best ordinary days of my life, I write in the morning, go for a long bike ride and run errands in the afternoon, and in the evening I see friends, read or watch a movie.
It doesn’t change who I am, I’m still the same person. I’m honest, I’ve always worked hard and I’ll work hard for you.
I once knew a woman who interned at a magazine where she wasn’t allowed to take lunch hours out, lest she be urgently needed for some reason. This was an entertainment magazine whose raison d’être was obviated when “menu” buttons appeared on remotes, so it’s hard to see this pretense of indispensability as anything other than a form of institutional self-delusion.
America’s biggest banks ripped off the entire country, virtually every day, for more than a decade!… Get busted for welfare fraud even once in America, and good luck getting so much as a food stamp ever again. Get caught rigging interest rates in 50 states, and the government goes right on handing you billions of dollars in public contracts.
Design & user experience are not the only vectors on which those decisions are made.
Lots of people talk about their standing desks with some degree of bravado. That is entirely unjustified; outside of office workers, a large portion of the workforce spends most of every day standing and working. It’s the traditional sitting office worker who is doing something unusual.
These shots are great. Your skin tones on Caucasians are perfect. Question: How’s the skin tone color on people of color ranging from Asian to African Americans, etc.?
Have your friends direct your movies and they’ll turn out better.
Lisa Herlihy, 45, said she was uncomfortable with the individual mandate upheld in the Supreme Court ruling. “I don’t think it’s right,” Ms. Herlihy said as she took a smoking break from her job in the Cobra department at a third-party insurance administrator here.
It may sound crazy and anti-capitalist to consider healthcare for all, but if we flipped a switch tomorrow and everyone had health coverage I swear a million small businesses would launch overnight.
A show that’s 100 percent reruns doesn’t fit with our mission as public broadcasters. I don’t think it’s justifiable.
This is the hidden truth: black people dominate Twitter. The trending topics, the amount of mobile penetration of devices…study after study continues to prove that Twitter is disproportionately black.
The daily repetition of chores once associated with survival has now been fully recast as a series of almost spiritual rituals intended to reconnect the camper with what has been largely lost; for by now most of the old necessities — hiking to and clearing the site, hunting for game, collecting water and firewood — have given way to such less arduous activities as parking the car, pitching cable-free pop tents, buying cold cuts at the campground store, hooking up electrical and sewerage conduits, setting up patio chairs, etc.