A couple good technical-but-approachable articles that are worth your time. First:

The incentives, economics, and privacy considerations around in-app web browsers is a fascinating and important story

… but this article has almost nothing to do with that. Instead, it’s about how passkeys may still be the future of authentication. Ricky Mondello » Magic Links Have Rough Edges, but Passkeys Can Smooth Them Over

And next, if you haven’t heard about how Apple was supposedly “caught listening”, you will soon:

One of my weirder hobbies is trying to convince people that the idea that companies are listening to you through your phone’s microphone and serving you targeted ads is a conspiracy theory that isn’t true

Like you and everyone you know, I’ve had experiences with perfectly-timed-and-placed ads that, combined with my profound untempered categorical distrust of Meta, have nearly convinced me that they’ve got constant access to my phone’s microphone. But not Apple, and, after a lot of reflection I’m solidly with Simon Willison on this whole thing: “they spy on you, but not like that."

randomWalks @randomWalks