changing the world one pop at a time

I am Looking for the code numbers in the yellow cap game that were to be postmarked by Dec. 31,2003. Where do I obtain a list of numbers? Can you E-mail me a list of winning codes. Thank you Jay Heath

Here is the full article, keen and insightful, for your convenience:

One afternoon in March 1983, Steve Jobs, the brash 28-year-old founder of Apple Computer, stood on a Manhattan rooftop terrace overlooking the Hudson River. He faced John Sculley, the 44-year-old president of Pepsi, whom he very much wanted to recruit and uttered a line that's become a Silicon Valley legend:

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?" Sculley later recalled in his autobiography.

Twenty years later, it turns out changing the world occasionally includes selling sugar water.

The very same Steve Jobs, now somewhat older and grayer, proudly announced a huge marketing deal with Pepsi on Thursday to promote Apple's newly expanded iTunes Music Store.

The irony is hard to miss.

Jobs is famously vegetarian, reportedly subsisting on a diet largely confined to fruits and nuts. He's never seen drinking anything other than bottled water during his press events -- including Thursday's rock-star-studded show at the Moscone Center West in San Francisco.

I can't say for sure, but I'd bet Jobs' personal consumption of Pepsi, Diet Pepsi and Sierra Mist -- the three soft drinks covered in the agreement with Pepsi-Cola North America -- is zero.

Well, as Apple said in its ads, sometimes you have to think different.

Pepsi will sell 300 million special bottles in February and March with distinctive yellow caps. Underneath one in three caps will be a code number winners can use to download a free song from iTunes that would otherwise cost 99 cents.

The offer doesn't include the modest 12-ounce cans of Pepsi or Sierra Mist, with a mere 150 calories and 41 grams of sugar. You have to buy either a 20-ounce bottle with 250 calories and 68 grams of sugar, or a one-liter bottle with 425 calories and 115 grams of sugar.

Soft drinks are heavily advertised to children and teenagers, also a target market for the music industry, and are a significant factor in a nationwide obesity epidemic. Diet Pepsi, of course, doesn't have sugar, but does contain caffeine and steers children away from healthier drinks such as milk and fruit juice.

The iTunes Music Store, launched in April for users of Apple's own Macintosh, is already very successful and could reshape the future of the recording industry now that it's available on Windows. It's just too bad the values of Steve Jobs in 2003 have moved so far from those of Steve Jobs in 1983.

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