letter from the youth of america

>>help save us. we're completely fucked.

Brother Jim,

I believe in you and your fellow citizens. I have met them and spoken with them and they are, like yourself, good people. Sure, you feel completely fucked right now but ask yourself this: how will they sell the invasion of North Korea or Syria or Iran to the American people after this? The Bush Administration has shot its bolt. My guess is that in two or three weeks time, Rumsfeld will be gone and a new set of priorities will emerge from a chastened White House.

I can understand how you would feel powerless in the face of the war party. The tide is flowing in their direction right now. Soon though, this will change. Reach over their heads to the people of the world - find a way to manifest that barn-raising tradition. Creative carterism is what we need now from the American people, to counter the belligerence of Bush and Blair. Don't give up your country to those people.

Brother Bill
A recent e-mail from Billy Bragg to pop music critic Jim Walsh. (Thanks, judlew!)

originally posted by xowie

randomWalks @randomWalks