I carry my iPod, cell phone, wallet, cash, keys, a pen, a Leatherman Micra, and some Rolaids. I stopped carrying my Palm m505 a few months ago when I realized that over a week I couldn’t remember pulling it out of my pocket once. I miss having Bejeweled handy sometimes but reading The Lord of the Rings has kept me busy on the subway.
My backpack is often with me, and that usually contains: a stack of assorted papers I really don’t need, a magazine, a book or two, a ton of change (handy, though I often forget I have it), some more pens, bus schedules, a Leatherman Juice, a firewire cable (forgotten today – drat!), and more Rolaids. I have been assembling a list of anti-terror devices I would like to toss in there soon, including: a flashlight, some Clif bars, a mini radio, … that’s all I can think of right now. Maybe I should write this list down somewhere.
Mark asks Boing Boing readers: What do you carry and why?.
what has it got in its pocketses, eh?
