Mass graves discovered in May near the northern city of Shebergan could contain as many as 1,000 bodies of Taliban prisoners who suffocated in sealed trucks last November. The deaths allegedly occurred during the transport of prisoners by a militia under the command of Gen. Abdurrashid Dostum. The Newsweek report described Dostum's militiamen cramming Taliban fighters who had surrendered into sealed trucks for the trip to Shebergan. The report said many prisoners suffocated slowly in the intense heat and that drivers were beaten by Dostum's troops for trying to allow the captives to breathe.(From that Mass Afghan Graves article.) Now, as I understand it (and correct me if I'm wrong), if I'm not "with the terrorists," then this war crime is blood on my hands. Although beating and suffocating people sounds pretty terrible and terrifying to me, so what do I know?
war criminal
