It's bizarre to see the death of a once-close family friend announced on MetaFilter, and in relation to Steve Jobs no less. I've always considered myself blessed to have been exposed to so much wisdom as a little one, and Kobun was no small part of that. Any conscious memory I have of him is almost certainly confabulated, but I've always cherished the conviction that if I were to look him up someday, we would greet each other as old friends -- no matter I was no older than five the last time I saw him.Kobun Otokawa Roshi, 64, drowned Friday, July 26, in a pond near Lucerne, Switzerland, while attempting to rescue his daughter Maya, 5, who had fallen into the water. Maya also drowned. Roshi leaves his wife Katrine, their daughter Tatsuko, 7, and son Alyosha, 3. He also leaves two grown children: Yoshiko, 29, of Albuquerque, N.M., and Taido, 31, of Washington state. The loss of a great heart always leaves a void. His was a life worthy of celebration.
Kobun Chino Roshi
