This is the burrito page with the burrito personality-style test that New Yorker article mentions. It’s a great page in that it covers one of the greatest possible topics for a web page, but otherwise it’s pretty piss-poor – which can be only partially attributed to the paucity of burrito information on this world wide web. A google search reveals a few data points, vegetarian burrito recipes (umm, fresh onion-tomato-cilantro salsa, rice maybe cooked with a little peanut oil, and your choice of beans cooked as you like them rolled up in the largest tortilla you can find is a good starting point), and of course the site that turns you into a burrito, but not much else besides way too many links to the world’s largest burrito which couldn’t possibly be as interesting as the world’s smallest burrito, which I’m going to make this week by wrapping a single grain of rice and one bean in a tortilla the size of my fingertip.
This is the burrito page
