Gardner: At the time, I honestly thought all these people were guilty. I did take offense at the way the dug raid was handled, because of the prejudicial statements made by the law officers, and by people being dragged in front of the camera in their underwear -- and some of the women were in their see-through nightgowns and pajamas. It was really disgraceful. There wouldn't be a white person in this community who was arrested and drug in front of the cameras like that. In fact, there was two white people that were arrested during the drug raid, but they were allowed to come in and bond out -- they weren't arrested that morning and dragged in front of the cameras. They seemed to have been treated different than the people of black skin, and the only reason I can ascertain is cause of their white skin -- because they were involved with the black community.Gary Gardner, a farmer who lives near Tulia, Texas and one of the few local whites to publicly criticize the drug sting operation which resulted in the arrest of over 10% of the town's Black population, talks to Democracy Now's Amy Goodman. I've been meaning to blog the Tulia case but failed on two occasions to gather any links besides my original source for the info (Democracy Now!)... so stop reading rW and check out grim amusements and caught in between for the rest of the story.
Goodman: I think it's important to note, Gary Gardner, that you're not exactly known as one who is sympathetic to the Black community.
Gardner: Well, that statement's not exactly right... I'm a person that sometimes uses language that went out 50 years ago. I don't know exactly how to put that.
Goodman: Let's just say you were warned about using certain "N" words on the program. (chuckles)
Gardner: (laughing) Heh, yes ma'am.
Gardner: At the time,
