The latest broken treaty: 147 people were arrested Saturday protesting Denver’s first Columbus Day parade since 1991. “The Italian-American community, which organized the event, has broken an agreement with Hispanic and Native American groups to call it an ‘Italian Pride’ day, using not references to Columbus. Italian-American leaders back their decision to break the agreement saying it violates their rights to free speech.” – from NPR’s summary of this All Things Considered (realaudio) story. The guy who signed the agreement comes out and says he never intended to honor it. My jaw just fell on the floor when I heard this. bonus links why AIM opposes columbus day and columbus day parades the original american hero – the real history of columbus columbus and the imperial ethic – the facts american indian movement (AIM) the state of native america – recommended by beXn creativity and resistance: maroon cultures in the americas indigenous sovereignty nativeweb news digest open directory: indigenous people
The latest broken treaty: 147
