How could a Ralph Nader story be interesting? He has been turned into the national scold, just as I am referred to as the national gadfly (I assume that's because 'intellectual' is too difficult a word to spell). He has been made the bore of all time.... But he's not boring, he's presented as a bore, as a nag. [The corporate media] have made him the bore of all time. [They] could just as easily have made him interesting, but it did not serve the purposes of General Motors -- the first big corporation to go to war against him -- so he's really marginalized.I've been upset about Gore Vidal's remark that Kerouac's On The Road is "not writing but typing", but this interview (realaudio) has brought me to respect him a great deal -- his insight into the state of politics in America is rather piercing. Not only that, but the man speaks (for the most part) in complete sentences! Do you know anyone who can do that? Try it for a little while, it's harder than you think. U: After I wrote this post I realized I'd confused Vidal with Truman Capote (Vidal's got the interview, Capote the remark). The story is that Kerouac gave Vidal head one time, or maybe the other way around. Either way, Vidal rocks.
Now when you get somebody really exciting who talks about change, like Jesse Jackson, they start playing hardball. Imagine smearing him as an anti-Semite? I can imagine as anti-white you might make a case -- but an anti-Semite is about as wild as you could get from Jesse Jackson. But the point is, "Eliminate him!", "Eliminate him!". You get rid of anybody who wants to make change.
How could a Ralph Nader
