A British woman has taken it upon herself to cure her chronic fatigue by drilling a hole into her head, a procedure known as trepanation which is purported to increase brain blood volume and have all sorts of other beneficial results. At the risk of freaking the hell out of my family and friends, I have to admit that I’ve always been quite fascinated by the reports of incredible peace, clarity, and even bliss told by those who have taken the plunge, so to speak. If anyone who knows me doesn’t think it’s a really bad idea (the gift, not the hole in the head,) I’d love to get this documentary for my birthday. The Skeptic’s Dictionary has an informative entry under trepanation, including a few more interesting links. They don’t have a link to the Trepanation Trust, a site which I should probably stay away from lest temptation get the best of me. thanks, davenetics.
A British woman has taken
