Mr. Yuk: “Children are naturally curious. They touch, smell, and taste things as a natural part of learning. Sometimes they learn too late that something is dangerous…poisonous…even fatal. Your home is filled with many products that make life easier and more pleasant as long as they are not eaten or inhaled by children…things like cosmetics, cleaning supplies, and medicines. You can identify these dangerous products with Mr. Yuk stickers and teach your children that his green, scowling face means danger. Mr. Yuk can say no-no for you when your not immediatly available to protect your child. In addition, the Mr. Yuk stickers carries the telephone number of your Poison Center where an expert medical staff is ready to deal promptly with emergencies 24 hours a day. Mr. Yuk is ready to help you. He could save your child’s life.” To request a sheet of twelve Mr. Yuk stickers, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope and a $1.00 donation to: Mr. Yuk Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Marketing Department 3705 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2583 or contact the poison control center nearest you.
Mr. Yuk
