70s Children’s TV: “When I was a little kid I used to sit and watch TV with my tape recorder running. Sometimes I would even narrate, to fill in the details that wouldn’t be preserved on audio tape (like the names of all the songs that whiz by in those record offers!). Here are some of my earliest and most precious audio treasures, plus a lot of contributions from other 70s kids.” This reminds me of a friend of mine who used to record himself reading the comics in the newspaper aloud. There are lots of sites like this on the Net (TV Party looks incredible), but this one has some great stuff I haven’t seen anywhere else, such as a PSA warning kids not to take pills (even if they look like candy) which brought my appreciation of Busta Rhymes to a whole new level. Now if only someone could help me remember more about Alphabet Soup…
70s Children's TV
