Epic Portraits Done with Light Painting
Epic Portraits Done with Light Painting
(via PetaPixel )
Epic Portraits Done with Light Painting
(via PetaPixel )
The real story in this TPM piece on Pat Buchanan isn’t his batshit crazy, white people are doomed, Jesus-mongery. Anyone who pays attention has been hearing the same exact things from Pat Buchanan for as long as he has been in the spotlight. In fact, he never even really used code-words to talk about race, he was always pretty straight up about his racism.
No, the story is that Pat Buchanan now wears hipster frames. He looks like Ira Glass’s crazy old uncle.
I’ve been trying to figure out why I hold a bit of disdain for the Occupy movement that is sweeping the nation and world.
When is drinking beer and eating fried chicken a chemistry-building exercise, and when is it a sign of flagging morale and defiance of managerial authority?
I can’t make it through the whole thing, but I bet it’s really good.
Let’s Ask iPhone’s Siri Some Questions About Baseball and the Boston Red Sox - The Triangle Blog
The total body of evidence suggests that attention should be shifted from the harmful effects of dietary saturated fats per se, to the prevention of the accumulation of saturated fats in body lipids. This shift would emphasise the importance of reducing dietary carbohydrates rather than reducing dietary saturated fats.
(via The Amazing Light Painting Photography of Brian Hart)
Jack Kerouac at Staten Island Ferry wharf, we used to wander night time docksides under Manhattan’s bridges & through truck parkinglots along East River singing rawbone blues, Leadbelly’s “Black Girl”, “Eli, Eli”, chanting Poe’s “Annabelle Lee” & shouting Hart Crane’s “O harp and altar of the fury fused”… and “Atlantis” to Brooklyn Bridge’s traffic spanned above. Time of his Doctor Sax and The Subterraneans—New York Fall 1953.
Caption and photo by Ginsberg.
Conventional Wisdom and the Lunatic Fringe
(via Evolutionary Psychiatry )
(via quid.pro )
Treating Health Care Like a Hackerspace
(via Holy Scrap )
(via Runblogger )
(via Design Milk )
What’s going on with Google Reader?
(via Scripting News )
Delen Memory Table by David Franklin
(via Design Milk )
(via Mike Went West )
(via Modcult )
I don’t care if Google wants Plus to get bigger, I care about me and my friends who seek to read and discuss the entire internet every day. Is there really no space for different kinds of people to form different kinds of social spaces in Google products?
A crew of four Hispanics can earn about $150 each by picking 250-300 boxes of tomatoes in a day, said Jerry Spencer, of Grow Alabama, which purchases and sells locally owned produce. A crew of 25 Americans recently picked 200 boxes — giving them each $24 for the day.
When I decided to take up hunting, my secret fear was that I would become callous toward animals. Surprise, surprise - the opposite happened. My respect for animals has grown exponentially, as has my love for them.
Everything you put in your body has behind it a ‘chain of trust’. This chain consists of everyone who touches it before it goes down your throat. Being a bit on the paranoid side myself, I believe the best way to be sure I am getting what I think I’m getting is to make that chain of trust as short as possible.
(via Undernews )
Upcoming changes to Reader: a new look, new Google+ features, and some clean-up
(via Official Google Reader Blog )
Google redesigning Reader, removing existing social features next week
(via Waxy.org Links )
“I have the feeling now that Jack has imaginged us…
(via Fuck Yeah, Allen Ginsberg. )