Click Click: The Signs of the Google Reader Protest
Click Click: The Signs of the Google Reader Protest
OMG (via DCist )
We need to de-normalize the fact that a clown is telling our children how to eat.
Hey all you guys here is a cheap way to build a computer.
“Why would someone spend their limited leisure time shoveling horse-shit into a compost pile?” wonders Jason Mark, co-manager at San Francisco’s Alemany Farm, which hosts community workdays twice a week.
More and more, people are clamoring to join in the urban farming movement and get their hands dirty. There’s no doubt that urban gardening has graduated from fledgling trend to part of our cultural landscape, with vegetable gardens taking root everywhere from tiny backyards, to college campuses, to the White House grounds, to fire-escape terraces.
You can download CSV files with all the data you’ve generated in the Shoe Tracker.
Footage of Scott Olsen being shot by Police at Occupy Oakland (by Raleigh Latham)
Click Click: The Signs of the Google Reader Protest
OMG (via DCist )
We Are The…Whatever Percent Who Use Google Reader
(via DCist )
If drinking domestic beer was ironic, then drinking it unironically was bad and funny, and I’d only ever drunk it unironically, only ever knew people who did, which meant we were bad and funny; if I drank the PBR it wouldn’t be a joke somehow, they would know.
I paid good money for this and it’s full of ads?
So I said, “Wow, that’s a really good-looking 12-gauge.” And he said, “Would you like to fire it?” And I said, “Yeah, sure, I’ll fire it.” And he said, “Shit, man, we must build a bomb!”
(via Scripting News )
Just to be clear: They aren’t holding up signs that say “I want Bill O’Reilly’s stuff.” They aren’t holding up signs that say “I am animated by toxic levels of envy and entitlement.” They are holding up signs that are perfectly and intrinsically clear: They want accountability for the banks that took their money, they want to end corporate control of government. They want their jobs back. They would like to feed their children.
How OWS confuses and ignores Fox News and the pundit class. - Slate Magazine
As is sometimes the case, this is not the best paragraph in the article. Please follow the link and read the whole thing!
Occupy Wall Street: Outing The Ringers
Portrait Photos ‘Printed’ Onto Abandoned Buildings by Scratching Off Paint
(via PetaPixel )
Think about it: there have always been rich and poor people in America, so if this is about jealousy, why the protests now? The idea that masses of people suddenly discovered a deep-seated animus/envy toward the rich – after keeping it strategically hidden for decades – is crazy. Where was all that class hatred in the Reagan years, when openly dumping on the poor became fashionable? Where was it in the last two decades, when unions disappeared and CEO pay relative to median incomes started to triple and quadruple? The answer is, it was never there. If anything, just the opposite has been true. Americans for the most part love the rich, even the obnoxious rich.
This is a never-forget moment. The show’s provocative name holds a mirror up to an ugliness that seems to have become yesterday’s news without having barely even made news.
Why “Just Store the App Data on Dropbox” won’t work for RSS readers
(via )
→ Google Reader and Mac/iOS RSS readers that sync
(via )
This is just one reason why occupiers seem incompatible with current ideas about policy demands or right vs. left. They are not interested in debate (or what Enlightenment philosophers called “dialectic”) but consensus. They are working to upgrade that binary, winner-takes-all, 13th century political operating system. And like any software developer, they are learning to “release early and release often.”
Petition to Google: don't kill Google Reader
(via )
(via Binary’s Forth Fugue - today and tomorrow)
The iPad calendar is something that you can show to people who have never seen an iPad before, and they don’t see a computer interface. They see a calendar.
And I realize, my God, I had forgotten, I had completely forgotten how unbelievably, inexplicably wonderful it is that any of us exist at all.
Current business plan:
Epic Portraits Done with Light Painting
(via PetaPixel )