The most fundamental thing about the experience of sound, that it is a vibration of air or other medium, that animals developed to sense goings-on in their environment, is now optional.
The most fundamental thing about the experience of sound, that it is a vibration of air or other medium, that animals developed to sense goings-on in their environment, is now optional.
Our version of a perfect customer experience is one in which our customer doesnât want to talk to us.
Hiking (Taken with instagram)
Collective action is huge; people agreeing across time and space to do things that matter to them is a phenomenon that weâve only glimpsed and imagined up to now. Peer-to-peer initiative is the next step past conversation and agreement. It’s true change, and itâs successful the first moment it occurs. Whether or not the banks care about it in this particular example is irrelevant. If people can unite to do one thing, they can and will organize to do something else. Again and again.
Protest is transformative precisely because people emerge, encounter one another face-to-face, and, in re-learning the habits of freedom, build new institutions, relationships and organisations.
When the rain has wet the kite and twine, so that it can conduct the electric fire freely, you will find it stream out plentifully from the key on the approach of your knuckle.
The great accomplishment of Jobsâs life is how effectively he put his idiosyncrasiesâhis petulance, his narcissism, and his rudenessâin the service of perfection.
If only weâd had the courage to respond to terÂrorÂism with a steadÂfast unwillÂingÂness to be terÂrorÂized. If only weâd recÂogÂnized the trap we were being led into. But we didnât. Now AmerÂica is a parÂody of what it was that day 10 years ago.
â@danfrakes: Siri Reminders syntax:â So simple & powerful!
My weblog is an old school blog, a public diary of things that personally interest me.
Your behavior is affecting the normal operations of the IKEA cafeteria. Frequent fights and arguments do serious harm to the image both of Shanghai residents and IKEA.
RT @a_butler: Is there a Twitter personality with more followers than @buzzbissinger who still uses an egg avatar?
Actual human beings are not going to use this new Google Reader any more than they used the old version.
Imagine how great it would have been if they had a real cameraman. But instead you get all the bonehead mistakes of the amateur. There are no establishing shots, the camera is always jiggling, and none of them had a particularly good eye.
Plots from the unaired 8th season of Star Trek: The Next Generation
It’s as if whoever made the update did so without ever actually using the product to, you know, read something.
RT @melissamcewen: Does your Fage Total greek yogurt have missing fat?
Leary and Alpert fancy themselves prophets of a psychic revolution designed to free Western man from the limitations of consciousness as we know it. They are contemptuous of all organized systems of action—of what they call the “roles” and “games” of society. They prefer mystical ecstasy to the fulfillment available through work, politics, religion, and creative art. Yet like true revolutionaries they will play these games to further their own ends.
Erowid Stolaroff Collection : Andrew Weil’s 1963 Report on Harvard’s Firing of Richard Alpert
"Why hadn’t I read this article before? I tried to recall the last time that I’d searched through the microfiche collection at a library. I tried to remember the last time that I’d actually been to a library. Since my mind was not immediately serving up any answers to these questions, I typed the article’s title into a search engine: ‘Corporation Fires Richard Alpert For Giving Undergraduates Drugs’. Zero hits."
Fantastic work by Erowid surfacing & explicating this primary material! I’m as guilty as the next unread blogger of Internet boosterism, but perhaps we’ll learn to take a long view and identify some of these discontinuities before it’s too late.
RT @TypeTruck: Hey Philly: come on out to the Soapbox tonight, 6-9pm!
How Caitlin Curran lost her job over Occupy Wall Street
(via Links )
A better way to put it is that we’re trying to eat foods that are whole and unprocessed, and avoid those that are inflammatory or metabolically damaging.
I’m going to call the paleo diet portrayed in the media the PaleoStrawman diet. It contains only lean meat and non-starchy vegetables. The meat comes from factory farms. The latest place it has showed up on is NPR, where anthropologist Barbara King contends that it is not the way to a healthy future for the world. She says she has interacted with paleo dieters online and has read Paleo magazine, but it doesn’t show at all.