Still logging the web
So, I’ve actually been blogging quite a bit in the last few months. I’m using Tumblr and I’ve moved things over to and it’s just me these days, but the dream is alive, and as random as ever. Won’t you join me?
What’s the right way to protest TODAY?
- Don’t delete your Facebook account. Deleting your account just makes you look like a weirdo in today’s world. Dave Winer has that luxury, but most of us don’t.
- Make ALL data on your Facebook account PUBLIC. Most technologists have done the opposite. To the point where if you aren’t friends with most geeks you can’t even see ANYTHING on their account. That isn’t helping the commons.
- Work to figure out how to get our data OUT of Facebook, Google , and Amazon and back into the commons.
It’s too late for Dave Winer and John Battelle to save the common web — Scobleizer
In other words, “Mr. Zuckerberg, tear down this wall.” Now I’m listening with interest to both Dave Winer and Robert Scoble. What have we come to?
People who argue that it’s a realistic movie are incorrect: the men of Jackson, Miss., would have killed several of these maids. The happy ending we get — Viola Davis’ Aibileen walking home unharmed as the screen fades to black — is fraudulent and so surreally absurd as to be DalĂ-esque.
'The Help': Loathsome Movie Renews 'Magical Negro' Role
I’ll admit to knowing as little as culturally possible about this book & movie, but I do want to promote the occasional positive impact it has, such as this outstanding essay.
I’ve submitted one of my Occupy Wall Street posters to Threadless. Would you give it a vote?
If it’s selected for printing, I will donate the proceeds to the National Lawyers Guild for OWS defense.
I think that all social apps really strive to put people (and their work) at the center of the product, but very few succeed.
Now we were supposed to come up with a groundbreaking literary anthology representing a cornucopia of online talent, a new scene bursting with originality and genius. Genius? The literary web was two years old. Who exactly were the hot online writers of 1996?
When everything flows through a few company’s servers, Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Amazon, and a few others — it’s much easier to shut things down. And it’s also possible to shut things down without anyone knowing. And it’s possible to shut things down with no possible recourse. This is an unacceptably dangerous situation.
(via "Cake Decorations" Wrapping paper | Marian Bantjes)
Clicking the like button 1 billion times will never give you an orgasm or a hug or a high five.
Grab a coffee, sit back and really enjoy one of the most fascinating patent applications to have surfaced in some time.
So, I’ve actually been blogging quite a bit in the last few months. I’m using Tumblr and I’ve moved things over to and it’s just me these days, but the dream is alive, and as random as ever. Won’t you join me?
Under this new deal, pirated movies remain free of charge, free of non-skippable ads, free of five-minute load times, and are now nearly three months ahead of the competition.
At this point I can no longer postpone the actual copy. So I go home and sit down at my desk. I find myself entirely without ideas.
Several studies have shown that optimal muscle-tendon efficiency occurs when the muscle stays approximately the same length while the tendon lengthens. When the tendon lengthens, it stores elastic energy and later returns it when the foot pushes off the ground. Tendons are more effective springs than muscles.
Therein lies the problem of being a professional black storyteller– writer, musician, filmmaker. Being black is like serving as Hoke, the driver in “Driving Miss Daisy,” except it’s a kind of TV series lasts the rest of your life: You get to drive the well-meaning boss to and fro, you love that boss, your lives are stitched together, but only when the boss decides your story intersects with his or her life is your story valid.
“‘It’s hard to stand all day,’ said Zhao Sheng, a plant worker.”
(This is the best YouTube video ID I’ve ever seen)
Study finds no biological cause for #Morgellons syndrome. (Joni Mitchell claims to have this.)
— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) January 26, 2012
Shocking acts of cultural preservation and repair
Mr. Chase blogs about math
Good luck holding out for that Organic Sustainable Craft Underwear for Puppies Shop.
Critics often describe Legend of Zelda games as classic Hero Journeys in the tradition of Gilgamesh and The Odyssey. While it’s easy to find connections here — the call to adventure, supernatural aid, descent to underworld, etc. — I see more resonance in Zelda’s connections to Japanese folklore and, especially, the series’ deep roots in Shintoism.
Long-term there’s no future in printed books. They’ll be like vinyl: pricey and for collectors only. 95% of people will read digitally. Everybody in publishing knows this but most are in denial about it because moving to becoming a digital company means laying off like 40% of our staffs. And the barriers to entry fall, too. We simply don’t want to think about it.
The constant celebration of excess — must we all aspire to twelve kinds of twine? — is more than I can stand.