Michal Migurski: generating repeating patterns
Michal Migurski: generating repeating patterns
Keep in mind people use social tools very differently. What has worked for the very early innovators through early adopters is extremely different from the different personality types that will follow. This gap in understanding that the world is not like us has not become real to many building social tools.
The city is a behavioral device. Its shapes and systems alter how we feel, how we see each other, and how we act. This would be a terrible thought if it were not for a second truth, which is that the city is malleable. We can change it whenever we wish.
I wanted to be able to have it as a very collaborative play space, and still the web hasn’t fully provided what I wanted then in terms of being a really powerful collaborative medium.
This is a great meme.
Oh this is glorious.
This is straight-up blogging, amateur prose written quickly and with neither guiding stricture nor sober editing. I am going to tell it like it is, right from the heart, and I am going to tell it about telephone dials, because a man has to live by a code, and my code is unary loop disconnect dialing.
Peel your potatoes. All the antinutrients (defenses plants evolved to keep critters from destroying the tubers) are contained in the skin. This is exactly the opposite of what our parents told us! Like it or not, all the good stuff is NOT in the skin.
(Originally published in the May 1992 issue of Cometbus.  I’m a sucker for this shit, thanks Aly.)
Punk Rock Love is fucking behind the dumpster down the street from the show. Fucking in the shower at the hotel Carlton. Making out in the recycling bin. Looking at her tattoos while she’s asleep. Taking showers together. Playing checkers with cigarette butts. Watching her band play. Dumpstering veggies together and then going back to her place and cooking up a feast. Knowing the same parts of the same songs. Both of you having the same ex-girlfriend. Punk Rock Love is having to tie her shoes for her cause she’s too drunk. Kissing under the overpass. Her sending you her whole diary to read. Her giving you ten rolls of duct tape for your birthday. Her beating up skinheads. Going to the prom on her motorcycle and checking in the helmets at coatcheck. Getting astonished stares from all the jocks who thought you were gay, now they feel dumb because you’re with an older punk rock bombshell and they’re with their friend’s little sister. Punk Rock Love is meeting her outside the club and her saying come home with me or I’m gonna kick your fucking ass. Going home with her and she almost kicks your ass anyway. Sharing hairdye. Riding double on a bike. Being loud and not caring. Sneaky eyes and sleeveless t-shirts. The sun coming up and you realizing there’s other people on the beach. A good sleazy one week stand. Still being friends afterwards, most of the time. Punk Rock Love is her sneaking out in the middle of the night to meet you in the park. Running your fingers over her spiky hair. Her chewing on a flower and you having to call poison control when her tongue swells up. Bringing her to a laundromat for a date. Sharing a sleeping bag and waking up freezing in the middle of the night and her, bleary eyed, trying to heat it up with a blowdryer. Social Unrest playing “Ever Fallen In Love?” at the gig you’re both at the night after she dumps you, hard. Starting smoking again after that night. Punk Rock Love is her drawing on you. Her sleeping on your back. Her being mad at you for being such a jerk. Her thinking it’s cool that you stink and your hair stands up by itself. Her having weird roommates that worship eggs. You waiting in the doorway for hours hoping she might pass by. Even in the snow. Her singing along with Descendants records over the air on her late night radio show. Her picture on the front page of the morning paper, getting arrested. Her borrowing your favorite black hat and never giving it back. Punk Rock Love is finding a girl who drinks as much coffee as you do. Going into the cafe where she works and she looks up and smiles and doesn’t notice as she tips over a pile of 50 dishes. They hit the floor one by one and when it’s all done everyone in the cafe applauds and you both turn beet red. Punk Rock Love is both of you doing fanzines. Years later her teaching freshman English, you still doing fanzines. Her wearing glasses though her eyes are fine, using crutches though her legs are fine, and talking with a fake speech impediment. You just thinking it’s rad girl style, until later when someone brings up the concept of self-imposed handicaps. Punk Rock Love is getting your first kiss and nearly losing your virginity at the same time, meanwhile you’re trying not to wake up the other person sleeping in the same bed. Groping in the bushes by the freeway and later you realize that all the passing cars could see you. Exploring the wasteland together, holding hands out of the fire escape. Lying out on the grass in her backyard. Lying on the astroturf in her bedroom. Drinking tequila on her porch, on your birthday. Riding her motorcycle early in the cold morning and you’re holding on tight and the steam is rising off the river and you’re thinking how she is maybe even better than the Ramones. Punk Rock Love is both being broke, Love letters. Finding out she sang “Stay Free” at her high school talent show. Finding out she’s a little crazier than you thought when you finally get her in bed. Her boyfriend getting mad. Walking around with her and her nephew and everyone giving you dirty looks cuz they think he’s your kid. Walking around with her and being happy and proud. Being sad together. Being sad by yourself. Missing her.
On the Cometbus ‘til I die.
So um this is easily the most incredible tarot deck I’ve ever seen (via HEXEN 2.0) More on artist Suzanne Treister in this Metafilter thread.
I think the next 10 years are going to be a really interesting time where Twitter and a couple other services connect people all over the world in new ways and surprising things happen that we can’t even imagine right now. I am long on Twitter.
Paul Benedict (via Actor, South Philly native Sherman Hemsley dies — NewsWorks)
RIP Sherman Hemsley (and dig the psychedelic life he led) but it is blowing my mind that this wacky white next-door neighbor from The Jeffersons was also The Number Painter from Sesame Street.
Homo sapiens have walked the Earth for at least 130,000 years and, in this time, they learned to be human from their elders, not from their peers. Mandatory education in the U.S. is less than 150 years old. Learning to be a productive adult human by spending a third of every day with other kids might be a good idea, but it’s too soon to tell. I’m still unsure that the people best equipped to teach a 14-year-old boy how to be a man are other 14-year-old boys.
the pre-credit card internet was what facebook’s wildest peyote-sweat fever dreams can only ever hint at and it’s always just waiting for us
— sega juice (@dry_hugs) August 9, 2012
Interviewer: Okay. Which designers do you prefer?Â
Hillary Clinton: What designers of clothes?Â
Interviewer: Yes.Â
Hillary Clinton: Would you ever ask a man that question?Â
Interviewer: Probably not. Probably not.
[Via UniteWomen.org; State.gov]
Souls of Mischief - Cab Fare (by Perthx)
I can’t believe I’ve never heard this song before, I guess it isn’t on any SoM regular releases, but it is sooooooo good and that Bob James sample is gold, I can’t believe no one has ever sampled this before?
Also! This isn’t even a Domino joint, it’s produced by Adam/A-Plus which makes it even better.
EDIT: Apparently this was never released because Paramount (which owns the rights, from Taxi) won’t ever clear it, so duh. Hear the original Bob James “Angela” here.
One of my top ten hip hop songs.
You try and treat it as a journey or a pilgrimage of self-discovery where you try to improve yourself as a person and overcome your doubts and negativity.
Aussie runner set to win world’s longest race, ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Grahak Cunningham on running around the block 5,649 times in 51 days.
Microsoft Olympic Decathlon for Apple II
"I think it’s about a car. A car that goes to Mexico, Indonesia and other places. It’s about a car that goes on all sorts of adventures. The guy on the cover is a teen, he likes to drive people places a lot. And he’s French." (via My 6-year-old Judges Books by the Covers, from No Exit to 50 Shades of Grey - Strollerderby)
I liked everything about this except “paranoid fantasies about a federal takeover of personal liberties”. I’m not sure they’re paranoid, and I’m not sure they’re fantasies. We need post-1984, post-9/11 arguments for gun control.
While eating, defecating, or resting in our beds, we are rubbing on our glowing rectangles, seemingly lost within the infostream.
I think it’s better for journalists to be much more transparent about where we stand. … Here’s my question to journalists everywhere—in a country that’s going to get gayer, browner, more Asian, more women in power, how are we going to accurately reflect the different realities that are out there?
Suppose a major party candidate for president believed we were in a “post-truth” era and actually campaigned that way: Would political reporters in the mainstream press figure it out and tell us?
Is that Malik B. just to the left of Black Thought’s mic hand?
Twenty years ago today, one of Philly’s greatest musical acts, The Roots did their first performance at South Street and Passyunk Avenue.
Many albums later, The Roots continue to represent the Philadelphia music scene with class and dignity. We’re big fans of The Roots here, and we’re much looking forward to the upcoming Roots mural on 6th and South!