I think I want this one.
A year later, scientists and physicians in New York City are still trying to figure out just what tens of thousands of people inhaled that fateful day.The American Prospect: Under the Plume.
Pilgrimage to a Holy Place (washingtonpost.com)
On the northern perimeter of the site, at Chambers and West streets, an elevated walkway over West offers the most panoramic view. From here, the huge wasteland looks like the handiwork of a stupendous meteor.CNN.com - Recovery: Toxic chemicals detected around WTC ruins - October 27, 2001
If only it had been. People could call it an act of God. There would be no one to blame.
Toxic chemicals have been detected at levels exceeding federal safety standards in the soil and air around the still-burning rubble of the World Trade Center, according to documents compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency.
In addition to the dioxins, PCBs, benzene, lead and chromium found at the site, the EPA data released Friday showing low levels of contaminants had been found in the water and sediment of the Hudson River.
Falwell: I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen'.Rev. Falwell's hate and cowardice.
originally posted by xowie
Everyone from Pat Robertson to assorted elected officials are blaming not only Islamic terrorists, but "Islam" as a shorthand for it--all with, as yet, no evidence of who might have been behind the attacks.Laura Flanders and Geov Parrish at Working for Change.
Tom Brokaw on NBC can't get enough of State Department officials. For hours this morning, NBC "reported" that the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine had "claimed responsibility" for the attack on the World Financial Center. Brokaw's source, it turns out, was an anonymous caller to Abu Dhabi television.
originally posted by xowie
Good reminder from an activist mailing list:
Be vigilant against the anti Muslim hysteria that could hit. We already ran into a guy who was spray painting ‘Fuck Islam’. After a few stern words, and a talk about the Muslims who surely were in the World Trade Center when the planes hit, he helped us spray paint over his racist tag. White people in particular have a real responsibility here to protect our middle eastern brothers and sisters from the mindless, racist, reasonless attacks and finger pointing that are sure to follow this attack.
Check in here if you’re alive in New York or any other affected city (DC).
dead @ 32 is hosting lots of photos and video of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.
Huge smoke cloud visible on NYC radar. (MeFi)
originally posted by xowie
What good is spilling blood?
It will not grow a thing
the sword sings Blues for ALLAH
They lie where they fall
There’s nothing more to say
look at water and fire
earth and wind
enemies and friends all at once
the wolf and the lamb
the lion and the deer
far away yet together
look at the unity of this
spring and winter
manifested in the equinox
you too must mingle my friends
since the earth and the sky
are mingled just for you and me
- Rumi
‘An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.'
originally posted by xowie
If you're in Manhattan, think about something seriously for me -- there was already a major blood shortage, and there will be an immense need for blood. Most hospitals have set up ways for you to walk in and donate blood today; please, if you're OK, and your family is OK, and you are just glued to your television, think about ungluing yourself, walking to your nearest hospital, and donating blood.Jason at Q Daily News is a doctor living and working in New York.
I cannot stress how important this is right now.
PFLP denying responsibility. DFLP too.
originally posted by xowie
CIA fact sheet and Muslim student database on Osama bin Laden.
originally posted by xowie