what type of shit is that?
The Memory Hole: White House Alters Webpages About Iraq Combat. [via BookNotes]
The Memory Hole: White House Alters Webpages About Iraq Combat. [via BookNotes]
Let's say you're in a crowded cafeteria, and you buy a cup of tea. And as you're about to sit down you see your friend way across the room. So you put the tea down and walk across the room and talk to your friend for a few minutes. Now, coming back to your tea, are you just going to pick it up and drink it? Remember, this is a crowded place and you've just left your tea unattended for several minutes. You've given anybody in that room access to your tea.The Doors of Perception: Why Americans will believe almost anything.
Why should your mind be any different?
I grabbed the latest issue of Adbusters without even looking at it because, well, Adbusters. Finding the live without dead time CD (features Allen Ginsberg, Negativland, Ani DiFranco, Saul Williams… and if you’re not listening yet I’ve got nothing left) mixed by DJ Spooky that subliminal kid,
did I mention Fugazi?